h.264 Torrent: Here.
XviD Torrent: Here
Update: Argh, grammatical errors. Fuck… >.> Should have looked it over more thoroughly…
So, more surprise buttsex. We did it again. And right now, I’m about ready to collapse into a nice warm and cuddly bed. Stupid 3 fps single core computer… From Kristen.’
Oh, and this is a present from me… I was lurking and found this, yeah…
Back on topic, still no commitment on To Love Ru. We don’t sub this series to gain fandom, it’s just to show my love to Lala, Haruna, Golden Darkness and oh yes, Ren. If possible, we’d have started earlier… but since of school and shit, it’s impossible. But well, today… I just got tired of studying psychology… Kristen was tired of masturbating… So yeah…
<Kristen> For now, though, I’m going to masturbate.
The XDCC bots won’t be ready until tomorrow morning, since ALL OUR DISTRO, yes ALL OF THEM are sleeping or off. (That’s like 5 100mbit seeders, and bot owners… lolwut) Lol, btw… I’m seeding the torrents, that’s like 70kb/s… So if you DDL’d it, PLEASE HELP ME AND SEED FOR THE FUCKING LOVE OF GOD.
IMPORTANT: We are looking for DISTRO PPLZ(ones that won’t die on us) and a JAPANESE -> ENGLISH TRANSLATOR for Code Geass R2. We will provide closed captions(subtitle), so you must be fairly fluent with reading kanji, and most important of all… YOU HAVE TO BE ONLINE AT PST 2am~5am… Which is like EST 5am~8am, which is like GMT 9am~12pm… Drop by in our irc channel and leave a message with [Jaka]/Kristen.
I just think Haruna-chan just takes too much abuse in this series >.< Thanks anyway for the speed subs!
“So,more surprise but sex”
With you jaka its never a surprise \o/
Whats with the H264, wheres the avi.?
Ayako fails, I’ll take the faster speedsub, thanks.
I’m working on XVid right now. XD. It’ll take a while, though.
You have CC subs and you still TL so terribly? lol.
We just it got it last week, from a hater. =)
O2 – Orange Range (Geass R2 OP, full version… Not CD quality though)
That’s no full version, it’s the same song repeating three times. >_>
KNake – Who knows…
It might be, it might be not… at least it’s 3 mins, no repeats
Once again, good job and thanks. It amazes me how much better this can be than Ayako’s given it takes an incredibly small fraction of the time.
No, we have like some grammatical errors D:
I lol’d and cried
We suck.
hey thx for the find of O2 😀 that was a nice thing u did 😀