So, this was another episode because we felt like it. Also, helpless moe! <3
DCIISS09 should be hopefully completely TLed right now. Problem is that we don’t have raws. We may have a more reliable raw system very shortly for DCIISS, hopefully. I’ll show you the niconico version we could have released tomorrow, once we have scripts and an actual release.
Anyways, this episode was done differently than a usual Chihiro release. AKA, different filters to encode with, and a different TL. So, any and all feedback is appreciated on those two aspects.
h.264: Here
XviD: Here
I don’t quite understand what the whole drama deal is about, specifically because I don’t understand the problem with people doing as they wish. Oh well, keep having your fun!
Clearly this group doesnt care what they do. This place seriously needs to leave these shows to the pros.
What a waste of server space
why dont you sub D.Gray-Man then & Soul Eater since you like to sub Quality Anime!!!!
its fansubs.
dont like, dont watch.
i didnt.
wait for shs.
see, ya beat em to it. again.
i dunno if yer tryin to piss of loyalist fanatics or whatever, i say keep up the good work.
and, by good i mean fast.
yer subs are correct, mind you, just not flashy, and no OP+ED usually.
I dont understand the hatin, the chihiro subs I have seen so far are rather good. They are understandable and I dont really mind some translation errors (which I know nothing about since I dont understand japanese and I dont need to because of these nice subs)
I am also happy to see some ppl trying to speed up the process of subbing xxxholic, SHS:sses subs are decent but you gotta wait a year for them, and they seem to drop series from their list rather often.
So, complainers stop f*king around and stick with your “quality” subs, instead of bashing ppl that devote their time to even translate these.
I have recently watched all my code geass episodes from Chihiro since I cant see the difference and to tell the truth I dont care to see. If chihiro subs this well at this speed then heck please continue to do so.
Thanks for the translation and upload of this episode. You did a great job with the translation and timing, and the file played really smooth. It was great having one of my favourite series a little early ๐
Sorry about those who give you grief for offering such a kind service for free.