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Macross Frontier – 10


Koda, no… no… no… please… no… ;;

h264 : Here


P.S. The Legend of (Macross) Zero.

Btw, edited and shit, unlike last week

18 comments to Macross Frontier – 10

  • teutates

    Thank you !! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Karas

    Thank you! You guys rock! Small request, can you make the .ass file available? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • bala

    Thank you so much you guys are the best .the anime you guys sub makes my day.

  • anon

    they need to make an anime about you and how you took down gg subs brick by brick

  • Do you have the ass file sub??

  • StoryTime

    I’ve come for a report on the e-drama. Do tell.

  • Pinecone

    I love to speak bullshit

  • Lordaethis

    Does any1 know the name and singer of the song Ranka Sings

  • lapsuscalami

    @anon: Took down gg subs? WTF. Chihiro couldn’t do a more half-assed job. They don’t even sub the opening/ending. gg subs everything.

  • Jaka

    @lapsuscalami we dislike karaoke here (we can, but we don’t), if you don’t like our subs, just fuck off.

  • HerX

    good going ppl, I’m looking for decent subtitles for 720p macross, and you guys seem to be doing a great job here ๐Ÿ˜‰ hope you keep it up, and screw the posers who just shit over your work, let them do a better job then, since they know it all and shit ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • lapsuscalami

    Did I ever say your subs were shit? No, I didn’t, I just said they were half-assed. There’s a difference. Your subs in terms of translation and such are fine and I recognize that you are a speed group, I was just trying pointing out to anonymous that a comparison between you and gg is unfair because they do an extra step.

  • Jaka

    @lapsuscalami, KARAOKE IN MACROSS IS A BIG NONO.

    it’s not hard, it doesn’t take time, if you’re going to bitch at “extra steps”

    why not go bitch at qc, encoding, tlcing, since we do none of those :\

  • maki0129

    ^ Are you freaking kidding me? Macross is all about the singers and the planes, it’s always been all about the music and the planes. It’s always been about music, and songs and their effects on the world and all that crap, while pilots kick each others asses in huge interstellar wars. Of course, Macross 7 took it a big step further by being gayer, but still… why would Karaoke be a big NONO for Macross?

  • maki0129

    Oh, and just as an extra comment, I always download the Chihiro subs first to watch the episode translated. Then I delete when Gattai or gg publish their stuff, and download theirs…

  • Jaka

    1)It blocks up the battle screens, because most of the time when the song plays, it’s during a battle. (note: episode 7 I think) and yeah, if you want a song about anime -> Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch.

    2)If you want to know what’s the song about, just wait until the *official* lyrics comes out. There, you have it official, not something that’s made-up/wrong while “trying.”

    3)Speedsubs, sup.

  • Matthew

    Re: First Comment.

    What the Hell is an Ass File? Where can I get one?

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