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D.Gray-man – 88


First, do not ask if we are picking this up, because we’re not, we just provided TL/Edit/Timing to Chihiro-Fansubs. Tuesdays are just boring, so we decided to laugh a little and have the Your Mom legend continue.

I personally hate D Gray Man, and always have, so it wasn’t the most “fun” thing to time. Ah well.

I wonder how many consecutive days we’ll end up releasing now…

h.264: Here

XviD: Here

8 comments to D.Gray-man – 88

  • Reki

    I’m shocked that there’s still nobody bitching.

  • paziek

    why ppl bitch about Your-Mom style of fansubbing?
    Don’t like it => beat it / ignore it / leave it / who cares / wait for others / whatever

    For example, you watch SHS translations for this series, then you see Chihiri release it out of nowhere.
    This makes you go like “WTF thos MOFO! How DARE they?!”.
    I guess its USA exclusive thinking ^_- … thats what I would like to say, bot I know that its just that they have majority of those, but you can still find ppl like that here and there outside of USA. I guess its spreading ~(0_0)~

  • if you truly want to become the next your-mom fansubs, you have to sub the opening them in english, cause your-mom subs subbed the opening themes of animes in english such as d gray man obviously and others.

  • paziek

    And here I thought that ppl who chose Your-Mom style fansubs are actually casual viewers who don’t really sing along those karaoke subs.
    I guess I was wrong 😡

  • Anonymous !!XX

    Then they will SUB Soul Eater!!!! o____________0 then Wagaya,THen Special A,ThEN Itazura Kiss~~~~~~~~~~.

  • erdvilla

    Tx for the (hard work….. well you said a month ago, that theres no hard work involved in your fast-subing, but anyway, thanks for it) episode.

  • Jaka

    # dmcasucks Says:
    June 18th, 2008 at 3:53 pm edit

    if you truly want to become the next your-mom fansubs, you have to sub the opening them in english, cause your-mom subs subbed the opening themes of animes in english such as d gray man obviously and others.

    Was asking for their karaoke, but seems like they were busy… so yeah, maybe next week, idk

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