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Concerning the upcoming week

I’ve been dreading this week since we formed, and I still am. This week is going to be hell for all of us, and I am expecting that there may be some issues with releases this week. After all, when you have 3 of your 4 TLers on vacation, and two of your three timers (dedicated) are on vacation, there are going to be problems with releases. Plus, our DCIISS capper didn’t release the raw on time, so now we’re having issues with that.

These are the present trouble areas we may see:
1. DCIISS will most likely not be released until tomorrow at the earliest, depending on when the raw is released.
2. ONE of our Wednesday shows may be delayed due to the translator being on vacation for a week.
3. To Love Ru may be put on hold until Sunday night or Monday due to its timer being on vacation for a weekend. We cannot ask our last dedicated timer to do it because he works on it with another group.

We’re presently are trying to fix all these issues at the moment. The one we’re mostly trying to fix is the To Love Ru issue by finding a replacement timer. So, if you are a timer who can rough and fine time, please contact me. So long as you do it in 4 hours or less, it’s fine, since late is better than never.

6 comments to Concerning the upcoming week

  • erdvilla

    Thanks for the advice.

    But I think most of the downloaders (me included) will also go out on vacation. So it’s a shared off week.

  • Jay

    i agree… im sure most of us wont mind too much if you guys take a day off. its not our choice anyway. but people need time for vacation anyway

  • Tehcheese

    well i know i did a poor job on Ikkitousen *hides* but im allways lurkin around if you need desperate help. just msg me

  • well have fun on your vacation ๐Ÿ™‚ , where you going? please at least do ikkitousen great guardians the fastest, since you started it on the first episode of it, i’m counting on you to finishing it first before yesy fansubs and others ๐Ÿ˜›

  • lol never mind the first sentence before the ?

  • EcchiMan

    chance! for anime-share haha XD
    unfortunately i got no more hard disk space left….
    and wow u guys alrdy have $ 100 collected
    very suspicious that vacation ๐Ÿ˜›

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