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Zero no Tsukaima – 01 Status


Well, I’m not going to hide it anymore. We are working on Zero no Tsukaima. This is kind of an experiment for us in that it’s our first real quality release, when it’s ready. Our goal is to never fall a week behind. But, you can expect high quality releases. After all, we’re jointing with Anime-Share fansubs. They will not allow for bad quality to be released.

And, as you will probably see, we’re almost done with episode 1, which is the hardest in a quality release.

ALL STEPS DONE. ALL CONDITIONS CLEARED. ETA is 10 PM for upload to finish.

45 comments to Zero no Tsukaima – 01 Status

  • erdvilla

    Mahou Shoujo

    Dunno…. mayba I pass this anime. But I’ll think about it, just for a little.

    But over that, congrats for the new project.

    You should take Birdy the mighty Decode, just a suggestion. Or a new ecchi based one, in substitution for Kanokon.

  • anonymus1

    Thanks!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE You Guys

  • Zomb1e13

    Woot awesome.

  • Raging Zen

    Sorry but are you guys doing the 3rd season of ZnT or the first season?
    Sorry again for ask cuz the third season just aired and thank you for your efforts to sub it.


  • Raging Zen

    oops nvm i found out from anime-share that it’s the third season! I love you guys Thanks for the hard work, that includes the ppl at anime-share too!

  • pinoyknight

    sweeet!! ive been hoping for xvid releases. πŸ™‚
    you guys are the effing best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thezzbiszz

    Don’t miss this anime! This one got ecchi also :D:D
    Thanks for subbing this series in high quality

  • agnosticangel

    You guys were awesome for your fast releases before but picking up this series raises it a whole new level! Thanks so much for picking this up! πŸ™‚

  • erdvilla

    After seeing the post after the mine, I think I would give this anime a try. I think I won’t die by watching episode 1…… maybe if my PC shock and gives me an electric discharge….. wathever. Then Downloading…..

  • Ohrly

    Oh, what a surprise by picking this up. Nonetheless, this just allows me to get my ZnT even faster. =p
    Btw, I’m still hoping that you guys don’t drop Geass!

  • Shadow

    U know I love your work but you really want to do with anime-share?
    They not know for there time work they only did 3 anime and they only done with one…..I think they drop the others I think Ur asking for it…..Why don’t U do it with KuroNeko Fansubs or Static-Subs & Ayu

  • Oh Shadow, you sure doesn’t see our Projects page didn’t you? Or didn’t check anidb? We’ve actually completed 3 series if you didn’t know. We’re gonna complete our fourth. And we don’t drop our projects unnecessarily. Even our Prism Ark will be continued after we finish our DCIISS. The only one we dropped are School Days and that’s because of my ex-staff who did that crappy release without my consent. Also Wangan Midnight, the joint didn’t work out well because I was appointed as translator and that stressed me out. Anyway, we’re 90% done with episode 01 so expect a release soon.

  • toopri

    Please don’t drop your exclusive works like Penguin Musume! We’re fine if it takes long/forever, but don’t drop em’….

  • Kristen

    ^ Penguin and To Love Ru aren’t dropped at all. I don’t know where you got that idea. XD

  • Ciscam

    I will fucking love you for doing this!!! <3
    I don’t mind waiting a bit longer for my Animes as long as you stay as reliable as you are now.

  • FSLSlayer

    lol ciscam want ur nuts kristen! πŸ˜›

  • Bruno

    The episode has been out a while ago(even subbed), will the next release be the faster/the first to be released?
    I love ZnT and I also love Chihiro’s subs but if it’s gonna continue THIS slow for ZnT, might as well watch the minori-osu fansubbed version… Anyway I hope you release it faster because the Chihiro fansubbers are usually pretty fast and good so yeah, hopefully it’ll be like that for ZnT as well πŸ˜€

  • Best

    Super !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are the best fan-sub ever
    DO ur best
    I Love Zero no Tsukaima

  • Kristen

    Bruno, first release is always slow. XD. I’d like to get it out like 1-2 day after raw, but we have up until a week after air time to do it if necessary. It’s what a quality release is. But, I’m liking how this is looking.

  • Bruno

    So it will PROBABLY be quicker next time, right?

  • Ohrly

    ^ Most likely, yes. Btw, anyone wanna tell me if Chihiro officially dropped Geass yet?

  • Kristen

    No, we haven’t officially dropped Geass yet, nor do I think we will, until the season ends. Geass was never a commitment, just a weekly sub we did.

  • Shadow

    So your telling me your ex-staff did all the crappy job all this time in the past huh….Oh like no update for mouths at a time don’t know if you guys are dead or not? so on and so on…..
    And this new thing what up with the .mkv huh don’t like .avi anymore? I’ll even go for .mp4 if you can do it that way. Look I’m not going to say anymore about this if you say you going to do better job then the past good luck…..I wish you the best I mean it.

  • Shadow

    And your projects that when you guys was going nuts in the start (love you guys back then).
    But time past like few mouths you guys gone up hill…..U guys really got people upset with you guys. Not saying a words for mouths hmmmm. Well what ever good luck….

  • Shadow

    PS that comment was for ShinkuRyu

  • Zomb1e13

    I like Louise. I think I’ll go kidnap her.

  • Bruno

    I like Siesta.

  • Ender

    Wow another great project. Thank you for all your hard and good works ^^
    Love u guys

  • @Shadow
    I guess I’ve seen your comment before back then in our site. About that ex-staff, he’s only one guy and he crapped our ratings.

    Well w/e, if you hate us, then hate us. If you love us, then love us. We know we’re slow and that’s why we’ve been trying to fix our speed by releasing 2 episodes per 7-10 days. This is not the proper discussion place btw.

  • tornado261

    @ShinkuRyu & Shadow
    wow, blog drama. Gotta love it

  • ShinkuRyu

    Yeah, gotta love those dramas xD

    Anyway, I pity Kristen if this place becomes blog drama. πŸ˜€
    If any of you got something to say to ASF, visit our irc channel and talk there.

  • Xocide

    Um a recommendation to the Chihiro fansubbers. The title of this post should be
    Zero no Tsukaima III – 01. Cause i see some ppl asking if this is the 1st or 3rd season. And ty for subbing this!!!

  • assbone

    LOL, this time its not all i got to say. Well i must Thank “Xocide”. I was so excited about this only cause its a Chihiro release even not knowing anything about this anime. According to Anime News Network Researches this is probably the third Season. So there is no point for me watching this so soon cause i didn’t even complete s1 and 2. Somehow disapointing, but that how it is. I was really looking forward watching the first quality release of chihiro. I’ m thinking about watching the first 2 seasons although… my summer vacation just started and i really have too much free time. Google here I come. Well just letting out my thoughts πŸ˜› Have a nice Sub^^

  • um

    you do realize, ASF isn’t really a “quality” group, unless you consider quality to be Tsuki-Kage and TweakAnime. They aren’t really quality groups.

  • lulu

    sooooooooo many nibz talking about “quality”
    wait for static subs if you want to watch a proper sub (proper translation/editing)

  • Ciscam


    i highly recommend you watching the first two seasons, this anime is my absolute fav so far..

  • Lime

    recap of first 2 seasons on visual novel translation project on

  • Xocide

    Agree with Ciscam, The first 2 seasons are short [12 eps. each] but extremely good. I cant dub this as my Favorite Anime, cause i have so many, but it is Def one of my top!

    TY again Chihiro!!!!

  • Xocide

    sorry for double post…. but i cant find the DL not even on [link] [/link]

  • lulu

    sooooooooo many nibz talking about β€œwarpsharp”
    wait for v2 if you want to watch a proper sub (proper warpsharp)

  • Joker

    Anyone noticed that they made the same translation error as Minori? “Jishin wo motte” doesn’t mean “Finish them off!” Either, these people are copying other group’s English tl, or they’re hiding the fact that they are. So, which is it?

    And eyecancer, no thank you.

  • Joker, that was what i’ve been wondering as well. When i got the script, it’s identical to minori’s. Well, my best guess is the translator is translating for both.

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