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Zero no Tsukaima – 02 Status


Episode 2, episode 2, episode 2! This time, we’ll try and get it out days earlier than we did last week. XD


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16 comments to Zero no Tsukaima – 02 Status

  • Arbane

    I hope it’ll get faster ๐Ÿ˜› i can’t w8 more xD i want it now ^^

  • Bruno

    Awesome! Can’t wait =p

  • DonKalleone

    I got the Raw too but althought the quality is great at my E6800 and Nvidia 9800 it crudles at some points.
    Its the raw or its a codec thing?
    BTW BOOBIES!!!!! Man that ***** and ***** would work together is a never thought^^

  • Xocide

    Gah this anime can be so annoying at times…. Saito has already told Louise that he loves her, and shes just like ” i love u too but im to uptight, and im a NOBLE, so i cant say it back” GAH! so annoying. I’m just hoping they finally get to understand each other before this is over, and that they might have a “Love” sceen in the final ep ๐Ÿ˜›

  • anonymus1

    @Don: Yeah I had problems with the raw as well

    @Xocide : Love scene? Doubt it considering they censored the “tit grabbing” and closeup panty shots in this episode in which I do not see any problems with. Hell, they just want us to buy the “uncensored” DVD.

    Lol I just love Siesta in this episode

  • anonymous

    Can’t wait ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Xocide

    ive been wondering about that… most of the time when an anime is brought to the US its Censored even more…. I would love to buy all 3 seasons on DVD, but what would be the point if it was 2x censored…

    Let me know if this is true. My only reasoning is Naruto. The fan subs there are swears and a nice amount of blood. But once it hit US shelves the blood seamed to dissapear.

  • Greatful Fan

    bottom of my heart thanks for ya work ^^

  • DonKalleone

    LOL USA is shit over hell. they dont allow sex and titts in their games till 21+ but gta is 16 rated .
    This shows that usa is the stupiest land worldwide(thx to bush,too^^)

  • KingProgdor

    Wow, they censored it alright. No idea why.

  • iguessastupidamerican

    @DonKalleone Quote “This shows that usa is the stupiest land worldwide”

    Well at least we know in the U.S.A.(notice its in caps retard) how to spell stupid. That has got to be one of the most ignorant comments I have ever heard. Anyway, I digress.
    Love the show keep up the good work Chihiro. I am eagerly awaiting the release.

  • KingProgdor

    I downloaded the mp4 from minori and watched it, the censoring was a bit bothersome. Isn’t there a way to remove it?

  • ZaXXy

    king: either get the persons doing the drawing to make or at least show ya the uncensored versions lol and xocide, they’re starting to change their minds on the censor thing btw… i remember watchin stuff 10 years ago where it’d be all blur whereas today if it’s pixelated they censored it too much even to japanese tastes rofl and blood well.. there’s nothing too gory(?) for em if it’s for adults…

  • KingProgdor

    @ ZaXXy:

    That would be nice, I’ll admit.

    I’m just so used to seeing it that it being censored is annoying. Minori seems to think might be a problem with the raw. Are there different sources this site uses for raws, or is it just one? And if there are more than one, have you looked through them all and found them all to be the same?

    Just curious, I’m unsure as to how the setup works. Great series, nonetheless.

  • ZaXXy

    king: that takes time of wich i’m sure you’d rather they sub lol not like they got 100 ppl looking up and down the net for raws ya know… find some and tell em where to get the raw and they might consider subbing that one tho

  • ZaXXy

    either that or move to japan, get the uncensored version, encode and upload to the net lol tho you’d have to know a fair bit of jap so by then you might as well become a translator rofl.. i’d ask the ‘yuki kid but if he gets online once every 3 months i’m lucky… why’d he have to move back to japan? >_< (tho i really appreciate his work on translating the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 ^^;)

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