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Zero no Tsukaima – 02



We’re done with ZnT 02, and the series. This morning, SS-Eclipse released episode 01 of Zero no Tsukaima. Now, if we were speeding it, this wouldn’t be an issue. But as a quality sub, the goal is to be the best quality out there, so you can be remembered for the series. Now, the thing about SS-Eclipse is, regardless of the other groups’ quality, they’ll be the ones remembered for it. Heck, look at Kanon. I personally feel that AFK was by far the best group, but SS-Eclipse is remembered.

Simply, we’d be oversubbing it if we continued.

So, we’re going to simply focus more on our other series, all which will now be speed. We MAY pick something else up, but the summer is looking pretty boring from the shows out there. We’re going to look more at the fall season.

Also, to whoever released that Clannad 24 torrent on Mininova with our name: Chihiro will NEVER touch Clannad. Ever. It was one of the things we swore on at the group’s creation. I support Sprocket. I don’t try to sub it myself. :p

Also also, if you were kbed out of Chihiro 2 nights ago, I apologize. That was a staff member (ex-staff member now) who was ragequitting due to my invite of someone else to be staff. I thought he’d be a little more mature about it, but I guess not. Regardless, the situation is remedied.

h.264: Here

XviD: Here

37 comments to Zero no Tsukaima – 02

  • KingProgdor

    Sad to think you guys are dropping it already, especially considering it was through this site that I discovered the series, one that I’ve grown particularly fond of.

    Well, thanks for those two episodes. Keep up the good work!

  • Some Random Guy

    Sorry to see it go but your logic is sound. As I am the first to post may I make the suggestion to continue with Ikkitousen as really no other groups seem to really be doing anything right now with it. Episode 5 is just someone’s script for goodness sakes!

  • KingProgdor

    I think that, when it comes to ZnT, Minori subs wins out, because they’ve got subs with the highest screen resolution but the file sizes aren’t insanely huge like Eclipse, or even Chihiro. For filesize, Eclipse comes dead last, Chihiro comes next, and Minori is first, because they have an MKV format available with a resolution of 1024×576 for the second episode, with a filesize that of a typical .avi, which is about 171mb.

    But with all the Chihiro subs I’ve seen, I’ve been most satisfied with those, big files or small.

  • KingProgdor

    I watched the sub for ZnT episode 1 released by SS-Eclipse.

    Wasn’t that impressed. There were a few lines that I thought were keepers, but for the most part, Chihiro has the best sub, methinks.

  • Ciscam

    Well.. i do not get ur logic but i must agree with the others..
    Chihiro’s subs were the best ones so far imho.
    Minori.. well i havent ever heard of em before and they’re shitsubs.
    And tbh i don’t dislike big filesizes.. bigger files look like better quality, don’t they? 😉
    Why should SS-Eclipse get more credits than you? Chihiro’s subs are by far my favorites..

    Well I’m sad you dropped and I know you won’t pick it up again.. but I don’t want it to be like this :'(

    My favourite Anime subbed by my favourite fansubbing-crew.. my world fell apart as I read this post..

  • DarthSoldier

    I’m looking foward to your other projects. Maybe you will continue IkkiTousen GG. That would be really great. As Some Random Guy already said, their seems to be now other Group, which is subbing it.

  • perimiter

    actually eclipse gets more credit just coz they exist longer then chihiro and frankly i have no idia witch team is better they all seam the same to me so i just take the one that exist longer then 2 day’s.
    how can i know witch team is better or how do i know whats the difference between all the teams out there? basically there is just too many of them!

  • KingProgdor

    @ perimeter:

    Watch each group’s sub release and compare/contrast, that’s how you determine whose is better.

    As far as overall quality, Chihiro had the best one. The only problems I found were in episode 2, where the term of referring to Tiffania as an ‘elf’ was switched to ‘fairy,’ whereas Minori had it right.

    Other than that, I didn’t have any issues.

  • Yo

    I think that Chihiro should stick with To LoveRu and throw ZnT out ^.^ (since ZnT is no longer in the way, TLR will be released faster huh, muahahahhhaahahaha)

  • Ciscam

    shadap Yo

    in Futatsuki no Kishi it was called a fairy, too…
    [SS-Ayu] subs.. which are pretty much the best available imo for second season

  • KingProgdor

    Yes, I remember that much, the term used was fairy.

    They also used the term ‘Noble,’ not ‘Aristocrat,’ like they used in episode 1 of Princess no Rondo. Add one more reason I’m not going to like the SS-Eclipse subs, but I’m a nitpicker, so meh.

    I’d stick with Minori, but they release in mp4 and mkv, and even though I like the big screen resolution, I started the series in .avi so I want every episode to be .avi.

    Problem is, I know nothing about conversion. ;_;

  • ZaXXy

    still only human ya know… but that’s one of the things i like about ya guys… no flamming/screaming like kiddies ^^; (well the staff anywho) since yer still not getting paid so it’s your call lol and King, AVI nowadays is just a container… you should check to see what it’s encoded with.. heck you can just rename the sub to *.avi and on most machines it’d still work fine

  • KingProgdor

    I just realised why most of the second season was as bad as it was. I had downloaded the your-mom subs rather than the SS-Ayu subs.

    Jeez, I had no idea.

  • KingProgdor

    @ ZaXXy: How do you check the encoding?

  • Shadow

    Oh man I thought this may happen….I wish I can’t say I tell you guys so….. but I tell you soo U guys shouldn’t have done it with AS-Fansubs……Here another reason I never like that place.

  • ZaXXy

    King: check the group ya getting it from… (hence why i prefer o get it from the group’s site than scarywater) typically they’ll tell ya the encode method… (that and scary’s filenames usually tell ya how it’s encoded) if not the open up a hex editor or rename the file temporarily to txt and try to open and check the start of the file.. the filetype is usually stored at the beginning then again i might be wrong… haven’t played with files that way in ages

  • KingProgdor

    That might have been my problem, I didn’t look for the Zero no Tsukaima episodes using the official site, but rather through sites like animetake or Anime A.

  • Man0warr

    “yosei” literally means fairy, the world elf is the word for fairy in alot of European lore, either seems correct.

    Aristocrat and noble…also pretty much the same thing. Don’t nitpick over shit like that.

  • Dago2682

    Quote: “Now, the thing about SS-Eclipse is, regardless of the other groups’ quality, they’ll be the ones remembered for it. Heck, look at Kanon. I personally feel that AFK was by far the best group, but SS-Eclipse is remembered.”

    Are you serious?
    Personally i don`t think anybody expects your group to be a quality one,but that`s partly your fault.
    c`mon who the hell releases something and at the end of the post finishes with Quote: “We`ll probably relese a V2.

    Secondly you can`t expect me to take your word about the Afk`s Kanon version beink better than SS-Eclipse`s bone because you have your own fansub and you seem to hold a grudge against them.

    Also you can`t be a Speed sub and a Quality sub group at the same time and fansubs aren`t supposed to be looking fo rapplauses from the fans,they are suppossed to be doing thia as an unselfish hobby,nothing more than that.

    I am really dissapointe in you ,i never e xpected to read a post from your fansub talking bad about other groupd.

  • Phillangees

    Kristen says…
    Quote:”I personally feel that AFK was by far the best group, but SS-Eclipse is remembered.”

    Dago2682 says…
    Quote:”I am really dissapointe in you ,i never e xpected to read a post from your fansub talking bad about other groupd.”

    How is Kristen’s post “Talking bad” about another group. As another poster already stated more often than not SS-Eclipse is remembered because
    1. They’re consistent.
    2. They’ve been around a long damn time.

    Kristen simply states that she feels that another group did a better job. That’s all, I sincerely doubt anyone from SS-Eclipse is going to get their panties in a bunch over it, why the hell would you?

  • Dago2682

    @ Phillangees: It seems you missed the point of my post i`m not angry just because she mentioned that SS-Ecliose version of Kanon was inferior to another one ,i`m angry because she posted it and used that as an excuse to why the group dropped the series.

    To me a fansub leader should never comment on a relaease post that kind of stuff that has nothung to do with the release in the first place,it just looks like a really bad excuse.

    And i as i said before fansubs aren`t supposed to be looking fo rapplauses from the fans,they are suppossed to be doing this as an unselfish hobby,nothing more than that..

  • Kristen

    ^Well, if you want more reason, you could consider the fact that our TL said he couldn’t do it any day other than weekends, our other TL has too many projects now to take it up, that we really don’t want to sub something that most people will skip to wait for SS-Eclipse, and that we hate oversubbing more than anything else.
    Also, who are you to judge why we should fansub? I sub for the fans/leeches, not for myself. It seems to be the thought going around that people should “Sub for themselves” and “Screw the leeches!” Honestly, that type of thinking is what’s driven this fansubbing business into a war of “Hey, let’s outquality the other people! Let’s show that we’re better than them and boast about our e-penis!” Seriously, what you need is more people looking for one thing: Getting fansubs to the fans as fast as possible. I mean, heck, it’s not fair to them to have to wait because every group releasing is more concerned about themselves than the people they are serving.

  • KingProgdor

    @ Dago: I think her commentary was more of a rant, not so much an excuse. She HAS mentioned before that, when there are multiple groups subbing the same series, it constitutes oversubbing. She must have felt that this might be one of those cases, and decided to drop the series.

    Also, taken from AS-Fansubs’ official site:

    “There’s also another reason for dropping this. Our translator is going to be away until late November so he can’t translate anymore Zero no Tsukaima and the time he told me and Kristen is right. SS-E released their ZnT today and our translator told us he can’t translate for months. What else can we ask for? DROP lulz.”

  • KingProgdor

    Say, since this seems to be such a hot topic, I have a question.

    Which of the roles of each sub group involve reviewing the subtitle information to make sure everything is checked for grammar and accuracy, based on both translations and character names?

    Also, is there even a specific role for such a person? If not, there needs to be, some subs can be an awful mess.

  • Kylaran

    Progdor, the people you are referring to are editors.

    Editors check the translations and word them into a grammatically natural and smooth way so that the readers won’t go: “Wait, what the fuck does that mean?”

    They also check spelling, correct word choice, etc.

  • Phillangees

    @ Dago, I’m not sure where you get the idea that fans can tell anyone subbing a show what they can or can’t say on a release post.

    I cannot speak Japanese, nor can I read it. Yet I find myself enjoying anime. Anime that was aired only a short time ago in Japan. I can do this *only* because of groups like Chihiro, ANF, SS-Eclipse etc. Words fail to describe how grateful I am to them for taking the time to do this.

    You may be able to enjoy anime without being reliant on fansub groups. Although the fact that you’re here indicates otherwise.

    This is the part where we all form a circle and sing kumbaiya (or however the heck you spell that) hold hands and give thanks that we’re able to watch ZnT and mourn the fact that for better or worse, Chihiro won’t be subbing it anymore, and we thank them again for making the attempt.

  • Dago2682

    @ Kirsten thats the thing you shouldnt have said anithing else just at our TL said he couldn’t do it any day other than weekends” but insted you decidet to post a commentary that had NOTHING to do with the release comparing fasnsuba oif a diferen t series to validate your decisionof dropping it.

    I think you missunderstood me,let me see if i can explain my point of view,i am not talking about e-penis or someting like that when i say what i think should be the philosophy of a fansub, what i mean is; You should do it because you want to do it not because that series has poor subs or the group subbing it is slow and you want to pwn it

    Personally i don`t see the fansub world as a bussines because you guys don`t get a dime for your work but i think you have to think more carefully before deciding what to sub and decide if you want to be a fast sub or not.

    And if you don`t want me judging you you shouldn`t judge other people`s work either.

    Hope you guys keep subbing,but pick your projects more carefully.

  • xess

    well, AFK can hardly be called a group since it’s only really just 1 person + distro. Too bad he disappeared. I loved his work.

    And uhh, @ the fairy thing. I don’t know why people get this wrong, but the correct spelling for the creature is faerie. Fairytale and faerie are different.

  • ZaXXy

    xess: the more things change the more they stay the same… i remember having idiotic conversations 15 years ago similar to theses and i can see that the masses in general haven’t improved lol

  • Shinkay

    i think ss eclipse is a pretty good fansub tough.

  • Sabisu

    Btw, Eclipse is only remembered because their XDCC bots that have episodes from years ago are still up. Well, IMO, that’s what it is, anyway.

  • ZaXXy

    err… no that i mind but weren’t you supposed to release an xvid version of this a whiles ago? sad but true some ppl are still in the stone age as far as computer tech goes ^^;

  • Qenozis

    As quite young group, I already recognise Your releases when looking for subbed episodes of anime 🙂 I’m often not so patient when there is a day of new episode, and Your group makes great job here – it’s fast and can’t complain about quality of the subs 🙂 Keep that good job and I am sure soon I will have full series of Your releases ^^

  • Mike

    I’m guessing you’re not considering taking back up ZnT considering the fact that of the five sub groups out there that were working on it only 2 are left subbing it…and considering what you said about being not being remembered for it, I think your group would definately be remembered for taking up this one ^^
    Oh well…I hate eclipse fansubs so xD

  • rarr… well you should take it up again and do your quality subs ^_^ ive preferred yours since i first saw your subs and then started dropping some titles was a bit saddening, but i understood it. I mean this for the Zero No Tsukaime: princess no rondo, cause well, all the groups seem to have either dropped it or decided not to detail any info on it, just my two cents there. rarr…


  • danh

    with only Oyu subbing this series i think chihiro needs to subs ZNT

    ss-eclipse is way behind right now. They’re down 2 episodes

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