By downloading this episode, you enter into a contract with Chihiro. You are obligated at this point to hug Mauneydy-kun, be it in action, thought, or IRC speak. ๐
ANYWAYS, looks like we’re going backwards, so expect episode 1 out tomorrow, 0 out on Sunday, and -1 out on Monday. XP
Also, if you drive that stupid coke truck that I was stuck behind who was doing 15 mph in the acceleration lane on Route 80 E this morning, please come on here. I have a couple of words for you…
To Love Ru will be out as soon as a timer comes on and times it. AKA, it could be anything from an hour from now to 10 hours from now, but I’m guessing 2 is a better guess.
Sugoi!! Episode -1 soon! ยฌยฌ NM
I drive a PEPSI truck so don’t blame me.
Thanks for the “back to the future” elease of episode 2 XD
I’ll be waiting for ToLOVERu.
woooo! thanks for episode 2
mornin? *yawnz* shtupid internal clock that lady just had to come over in the middle of my night.. take your time.. you do your best work when it’s not rushed tho i’ll admit it’s nice to see something once every couple of millenia ๐ j/k tought for sure ep -infinity was comin up next =P and whoever this mauneydy person is i’ll hug… just for the fact that i’m not awake so even if it’s a lil green alien i prolly won’t notice ^^;
just tought of somethin… in my case that wouldn’t be considered child abuse now would it? i’m getting old ya know lol
Why don’t you take a look at Macross Fufonfia (ONA)?
You’re a really good subers for Pencuin so, if you consider that hillarious Macross parody I’ll be hugging anybody you ask XD
(Just a tought, don’t mind if you don’t want to consider that ONA, its not a ply, or treat)
is it me or some of the subs just plain don’t fit onscreen? i can guess from what’s being said but still after 13-14 years i haven’t learned much jap… tabemono being the one word in recent years i remember sayuri teaching me (then again it’s the only word she’s taught me lol)
Thanks for episode 2 and 3 and I already have 1; which you releaced a couple of days ago. I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. You are releasing some of my favorite anime and doing a great job of it.. Thanks again
might just be my machine but methinks you kids should release a v2 of this ep… no offense to mauneydy but there’s a few things wrong with the file i downloaded… oh wells.. if i had half the brains i used to i’d QC the ep for the group but i dun so somewhat constructive complainin is about as much as i can do ๐
Thank you, despite you’re a new fansubing group, I think you work is as good and sometimes better also as any other ancient or famous group.
Since I first saw some of your work, I decided to stay by you for my anime downloads even if there’s another (famous) group doing it.
^Been around for a season. We’re not new anymore. :p
Thank you for the releases and hardwork i just have a question will there be batch torrents for
vampire knight,and toloveru?
VK=No. We did not do that series in full, so we will not be batching a partial series.
TLR=I cannot divulge that information right now.
You have all my gratitude for that.
You are one of the only team who wrote Sekirei on XVID… O/
I can’t read H264.
So… Thank you.
so this is totally done by chihiro now?
ayako too busy ? 0.o
can you change the phrase “prayer” to “norito” please?
sorry but i’m use to that in the manga
People kind, very much I ask RESEED this series still time – very much it would be desirable to look this series in a format .avi…
Download this series I cannot by virtue of that anybody already download or does not give this series for gallop! (((( And consequently I ask RESEED this series.
Thankful in advance!)
Thank you for this great episode and I am faithful to you because you have the best subbing skills when it comes to Sekirei and To Love-ru