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Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 06


To all my staff: All of you are awesome in multiple ways. If it wasn’t for how amazing you are, we would have never released this much in under 24 hours.

XviD tomorrow. TLR has higher preference than this XviD.

h.264: Torrent

XviD: Torrent

41 comments to Ikkitousen: Great Guardians – 06

  • mda

    i wonder did you guys have some sleep??
    thanks alltheway..

  • Scr1be

    WOW You Guys are on fire ^_^ Thanks for all of today’s Releases ^o^

  • Lobotomist

    Sweet…. “there are no words to describe the awesomeness”
    quote that from Kong Fu Panda

  • boneknocker

    Have any karaoke on OP/ED ?

  • Lionel

    the epi 6 ddl doesnt seem to work… anywayz u guys did great power-subbing 3 epis in such a short time

  • bluesfear

    The requested URL /ddl/[Chihiro]Ikkitousen_-_Great_Guardians_06[h264][95003C39].mkv was not found on this server.

  • erdvilla

    Well, now I’ll say thx to Yessy FS and from now on I’ll take your Ikkitousen. Thanks a lot.

    And, (I hope that I don’t bother any body, if you want to answer this it’s ok, if not, it’s also ok, just that I have this doubt): You dropped Macross frontier? I got lost during the post and I did’nt find a “dropping notice” If u dropped just say it, and all clear, thx.

  • RyokoandAyekaLover1

    @erdvilla yes Chihiro dropped that the same time they dropped Code Geass R2 and Chihiro hope to see some Penguin Musume again soon i have rather missed it the past few weeks is all ^^

  • Anonymouse

    Um, all for “catching up” and all, but the Xvid of 5 has -no styling- and about 10 more errors than it should. Like… stupid crap. Typoes on names, blatant incorrect grammar, regular typoes, the works.

    I had respect for Chihiro on ep1-3, but the utter crap you’ve been turning out doesn’t make up for yesy’s crap too.

    Try a “QC” stage. Or failing that, an encoder that actually LOOKS at their work before they just randomly throw it to distro.

  • Lobotomist

    wohh… the guy above me sounds pissed….
    give them some support man… they been working hard to bring us subs and have to take crap like that… just tell them their mistakes and let Kristen take care of the rest…
    but people please go over your work after you’re done man….
    Thanks for everything and keep up the good work

  • Kupi

    That was fast!! Thanks a lot, Chihiro Team!

  • jb23

    I don’t understand complaining about speedsubs. Wait, let me rephrase that. I don’t understand complaining about subs.

    First off, if you’re going to bitch, do something about it. Join a sub group so you can make these perfect releases you so badly want (does it really effect the storyline if something is spelled wrong anyway?).

    Second, if you had some level of intelligence just demux the script, fix it, and remux. Oh my WORD! That might take you a whole 2 minutes. Seeing as you’re downloading the .avi releases I guess that’s impossible, but it furthers my theory that you’re computer incompetent and most likely don’t understand how to get the .mkv videos to work.

    Third, the point that is most reiterated but people can’t seem to understand, they’re free. People are working hard, lacking sleep, FOR FREE. Oh, and I’m not completely sure how Chihiro feels, but most sub groups do it for fun and mostly for themselves. They don’t really care how much you bitch because they didn’t meet your expectations.

  • Brian

    the only thing I care about, is to be able to watch them without them messing up. I don’t care about the songs at the begining or end. I am greatful to you guys and gals for getting them done so fast. I have some other series I have been watching from other groups and there like 3+ eps behind japan’s release dates. but here I know that it will be out within 3 days of it being released

  • Anonymouse

    It effects my enjoyment to watch something that I want to be a fan of and I can’t understand the lines because they’re gibberish, yes.

    1) I AM IN A SUB GROUP. Thx.

    2) I’m very well aware of how to use an mkv. I’m not incompetent. I perfer AVI, and XviD. Take your h264 and shove it up your ass and marry it, if you like it that much, but don’t presume to be condescending to me because of it.

    3) I’m well aware they’re free, and I refer to point one.

    I go back to my original point: they have my respect. They’ve lost quite a bit of it with the past several releases. They have the chance to re-earn it, should they bother. And by bother, I mean someone spending more than 30 seconds to look at the file to make sure it at least has subtitles before releasing it. That is the ONLY reason I made my previous post – to notify them that it might do them well to try that.

    In the meantime, quit sitting on the high-horse that you obviously have no capability of controlling. It’s obviously of a different color than you thought it was, and it doesn’t swing your way, asshole.

  • jb23

    I’m so glad you included that last paragraph because it just goes to show only you understand what you’re talking about. Considering they were 3 weeks behind I’m pretty impressed that they only had 10 errors (stated by you).

    What group are you in? Also, you STILL fail to realize that most speedsub groups don’t care too much about Q.C. If they have one it’s not meant to be too in-depth. Just deal with it and quit bitching.

  • Epoc

    i think they are insane ๐Ÿ˜€ in a good way though!

    PS. you are one of the best fansub-groups ute there ๐Ÿ˜€ (2:nd best in my opinion, Eclipse is on first if you want to know~)

  • maru

    the ddl link for ikkitousenGG ep6 does not work XD, file not found haha

  • Kylaran

    Okay. Going to take a look at the DDL issue. <3 I think some of our guys are copying the DDL file name from the server rather than copying the link location.

    Anonymouse - You have a right to feel what you feel about our releases. You are NOT alone in feeling that there is MAJOR ISSUES with this episode (and others). We're working on it, but, as you know, we prioritize releases over getting the version 2 out to you guys (Sorry!). At the moment, we're just EXTREMELY glad to have these episodes out, and that members of the anime community continue to support what we do here at Chihiro.

    Your opinions are noted. We'll continue to better ourselves as a group. ๐Ÿ™‚ Since you're in a fansubbing group, I'm sure you know how difficult it is to gather the perfect staff and perfect support to release an episode.

    jb23 - Thank you VERY VERY much for your support! We're extremely happy to give to anime fans that want to get their hands on the most important thing - the episode and the story!

    @Everyone else: Ikki 07 is our target. That way, you guys can stay up to date with the story. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kristen

    Also, I’ve heard “At least apply some QC!” I am never going to add in this step. I may call it “Fine Tuning”, but NEVER QC. Why? Chihiro is a speedsub. Speedsub=Low Quality. Don’t need to check for quality that isn’t supposed to be there in the first place. XD

  • ZaXXy

    methinks no matter what some oddball personbs will bitch… it’s just the way they are (i should know i got a dad that’s like that.. everything he does he says is perfect even when it isn’t) i know it sometimes get to yas but personnally i still feel thoses ppl should start learning japanese or whatever language the show they wanna see is in lol my motto is that if ya got time to bitch then you got time to learn ^^; and for all ya other kiddies kristen’s not the only person in this group from what i can tell so lay off

  • ZaXXy

    typos.. haven’t got rid of that particular oni after ~20 years rofl

  • Yo

    so does that mean we can expect TLR released today :O ^.^

  • ZaXXy

    if i was kristen or any of the other members of the group i’d say “maybe” lol… life can throw curve balls at ya pretty fast so don’t expect too much and you’re sure to not be disappointed and frustrated ๐Ÿ˜› nothing like a machine suddenly dying on ya to make any predictions worthless rofl (not that i’d wish that on anyone)

  • Kristen

    Heh. I can guarentee TLR today. Just, what time is questionable. Hopefully soon.

  • mX

    thx kristen,
    can i ask you something?
    ill still keep downloading from chihiro but you know where i can get High Quality of ikkitousen?
    I liek chihiro for it fast releases, but hate it for the quality ๐Ÿ˜€

  • mX

    also high quality for To love-ru pls ๐Ÿ˜€ but dont be scared, im still downloading from chihiro for its speed ^^

  • anon

    download Nightshade-yesy for quality on Ikkitousen, and Aniyoshi on To Love-Ru

  • mX

    wat the site pls?

  • mX

    i found anime yoshi but is it really only MKV? not AVI? i like avi more…

  • mX

    cant find nightshade-yesy give site pls i owe you so much. and for to lvoe-ru can we get AVI high quality?

  • Sword

    You guys put a lot of effort into fansubbing these shows and getting them out quickly. But wouldn’t it be more meaningful to get it right the first time, instead of sending out a flawed version then working all over again on a second version? Kristen you say “Speedsub=Low Quality”, but given the amount of work you all put into it, don’t you want your work to be of a higher quality? It’s ok to sacrifice speed to add in that extra quality, and it’ll be appreciated a lot more. In any case, thank you for your releases.

  • mX

    what sword says is true i give him 300% right!

  • Kristen

    mX, for TLR, go with AniYoshi for quality. For Ikkitousen, the options are presently Ayako, Chihiro, and Niteshade-Yesy. I’ve heard bad things about all 3, so just go with whatever group you want there.

    Sword: We try to get it done in one go as fast as possible. If we make a mistake, we do a v2. No harm in it. And as for work, most of the work we put into Chihiro is by the sheer number of projects we pick up. Each individual release isn’t much. It’s just the combination of multiple releases and side projects going on during the week that causes the problem.

    Also, as you can tell from mX, most people DL us to watch us, not to archive. :p

  • jb23

    But then these releases wouldn’t be coming out as fast. Normally we spot an error or two with their release, but given the fact that they’re releasing so many so fast, of course there’s going to be more errors. 3 episodes of Ikkitousen? Amazing. From my perspective I think it’s easier to release as fast as possible and then during some downtime they could making some edits and release a v2 if they wanted. Editing once it’s all done takes mere minutes and people usually tell them what’s wrong with it. If they post-pone the release to check for quality, well, we all know what’s wrong with that.

  • Jeff

    The arguement of quality vs speed is great and finding a balance between the two defines the nature of the group. Many perfer one side or the other it seems. In my opinion, if you want to see more speed, or more quality, make a donation and comment if you want speed or quality. Remember, you get what you pay for.

  • Muz

    Stop complaining about grammar mistakes on —>[SPEED]<— subs. It’s a GRAMMAR mistake, you know what they mean! Spelling errors, stop crying! It’s not like it’s misspelled so badly you don’t know who they are talking about. If you want quality so much go find another group. Plus they don’t need a person like you to respect them.

  • mX

    hi kirsten you said that i can get ikkitousen there right?
    well can yuo give me a site where I can get it in AVI and high quality? hard to find those sites, i also found chihiro by accident.
    also for TLR aniyoshi gives them in MKV and i want it in AVI you know where?
    and is animeyoshi and aniyoshi the same?

    Well i archive all my anime thats why i want high quality…
    every single one of them even if they are boring and suck, because i downloaded them.

  • Anonymouse

    Stop complaining about grammar mistakes on โ€”>[SPEED]<โ€” subs.

    To those who support this… concept… I give you Eclipse.

    You can’t handle it, then you can’t handle it. Meanwhile, it doesn’t harm any to hold a release for less than an hour while someone with half a brain can check it for “fine tuning” or “QC” or whatever bullshit term you want to give it.

  • Moh Ex

    Thank You Guys

  • Qc

    good comments in here i had some laughs. I will agree with Kristen here just for the watch not like i would archive ikkitousen thats a lol situation. Nice job on speed if u want to bitch then dont watch them.:P

  • Meatrose

    mX: care to explain why on earth you prefer AVI to MKV? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Note that I’m not trying to bash an inferior container, I’m just genuinely interested.

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