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Sekirei – 06


So… I’ll confess. Once the TL was finished for this ep of Seki, I went out to practice drumming for an hour, then went to dinner and watched the entire Men’s soccer match between China and New Zealand (being in China, drinking beer, and cheering for my home country’s team is a pretty awesome experience, even though my home is in the U.S.). So, we happened to be just a *tad* bit late on this. For that, I apologize.

This ep is definitely my favorite so far. Tsukiumi is so tsun tsun dere dere she makes my loins quiver in need for her. She also has a pretty sexy way of talking. <3 Archaic language.

I hope Kristen won’t eat me alive for my graphic language. But you guys know her. She’s a beast in bed. >.>;

h.264 – Tsukiumi~

XviD – Be my wife!

54 comments to Sekirei – 06

  • andy107

    well i guess we have to go to mIRC to watch this series if it gets really bad. That would suck if baytsp is after mIRC also.

  • ZaXXy

    still funny how every PC user i know refers IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to mIRC… guess you kids never heard of other IRC clients rofl

  • Sheik

    I also got the letter from Aniplex :/

  • T

    This is a very serious problem since the d0uch3ba9 that runs BayTSP thinks that the DMCA is a “flawed piece of legislation” and is diong this for his “clients” and just for kicks. Hell, Ainplex is barely protected by the DMCA by Sony having footing in the US by proxy! If there was a way to block this guy from his own self-gratification and wallet, we wouldn’t be hearing from this idjit again.

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