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This morning I woke up, and it seemed like almost every single episode we’ve done was taken off anirena. I contacted Power2All about the situation and asked him what the heck was going on. He checked the logs, and as it turned out, it was Jaka’s fault. Jaka created the anirena account, so he has had root access to all of our torrents. And yesterday, I’m assuming because he was angry about us releasing the tosho flood, he decided it would be a good idea to delete every single torrent that we had ever submitted to anirena.

*Update*: The following files are finished:

To Love Ru 1-17 WS h.264
To Love Ru 1-17 WS XviD
Da Capo II Second Season XviD
To Love Ru 13-20 h.264
Sekirei 01-08 XviD
Sekirei 01-08 h.264
Ikkitousen 01-11 XviD
Ikkitousen 01-11 h.264
World Destruction 01-06 XviD
Penguin Musume h.264
To Love Ru 13-20 XviD – On bots
World Destruction 01-07 h.264 – On bots
Da Capo II Second Season h.264 – On bots
School Rumble San Gakki 1 h.264 and XviD – On bots

We are missing:

Zettai Karen Children 12, 14, 15, 1 h.264 and XviD

Since each episode takes at least 6 hours of work, that means that Jaka deleted off 29*6, AKA, 174 hours of work that our staff has painstakingly taken over the past 2 months. All of this is probably for a 20 second “LOL”.

So, right now, here’s what’s happening. First, I am looking for the episodes listed above. If you have them, or know a place where I can direct download them, please direct me to it. We will probably try to get the DDL page up as soon as possible so as to make this again.
Second, we’re going to have to consider switching trackers. I like anirena for their reliability of the tracker staying up, and because they seem to have the most up to date tracker, and because they also have group capabilities. However, this hole is the system and their inability to restore torrents has caused some issues for me, so we are looking at other options.

338 comments to Anirena!

  • perimiter

    whats so bad about they never fall down and other then the lame page they have they have a good tracker or you can try isohunt every one use it

  • MacrossFanatic

    Ive got Sekirei 1 – 7 , Toloveru 7 – 20 , and World Destruction 1 – 6, all in Xvid avi. How would i go about getting them to you, that is if you still need them. And don’t pay attention to the whiny losers. they don’t seem to understand that you all are NOT getting paid for this service, you do it as a service for those of us who can’t do it ourselves.

    Jaka Sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • subber

    what surprises me is that koda, the stupid cunt of fansubbing, is even commenting here to begin with, and the same goes for Jaka.

    Why are you two wasting your time commenting here when you have no reason to?
    Is it your goal to make yourselves look even stupider than you already do?
    Try finding a life that doesn’t involve trolling and making #gg look even worse than it already does.

  • subber

    Hi guys im stupid and dont realize that people can easily put any name they want into the name field.

  • koda


    Same goes for you, you’re wasting your time commenting here too. All I can say is FUCK YOU! Dude! Stupid! ,,l,,

  • subber


    you are the one making your group look like shit, not me. maybe when you reach puberty you will understand that.

  • sho

    Jaka, your translations can’t even compare to the stuff coming out my ass… just shut the fuck up… you in m33w only gives you a decent release under your name because they end up having to tlc the shit out of it.

    Anon, stay anonymous, you can hide behind some random nick because you’re a stretched vag. It’s called a typo. gg. You’re called a dumbass. (“Hi, I’m here to brag about how good my graMmAR is–tyOps don’t matDer tho”)

    subber = win. <3

  • Hi, my name is Jaka, and I like secreting liquids from my vag.

    My group, #kei, sucks balls so bad that I have to come here to make it look like I am better than everyone else, but I am really just a male dressed up as a female who can’t do anything without others doing it for me and taking credit for it.

    Kei is a speed sub and the quality is greatly influenced by that. For quality I mean the translation essentialy: the video quality is quite good, even because they release SD and HD version of their subs. But the translation is totally messed up at times: in episode 15, for example, they mistook “protocol” for “Proto agreement”. This changes totally the meaning of the sentence and has an heavy impact on the general plot. As good video quality isn’t rare in the subs nowadays I don’t consider it important: I give much importance to the translation. Their translation failed miserably in that example, but there are other parts too most likely. So I give them a perfect 1: download them if you can’t resist waiting for some more days for more precise subs like gg or Lunar

  • […] Because fansubban is SRS BSNSS. Very SRS BSNSS. […]



    Have a Sandvich instead. It’s good for you.

  • Sarreq Teryx

    jakass is with kei, that explains why their Macross Frontier subs were so craptastic………

  • anon

    Well, having read through a lot of the comments (I avoided this for a few days to wait until it quietened down a bit) I find it quite unexpectedly sad what has happened.

    Jaka, you have seriously made yourself into someone that no one should ever trust.
    It was not difficult or smart what you did, just, quite simply, unnecessary and childish.
    If any fansub group were to take you on in the future they should be extremely wary of you because you may do the same thing to them also – if you were to have another disagreement and part company with that group – and that is the reason why anyone anywhere else on the net would be a fool to ever trust you again or even to have you on their fansub team.
    You are not the only person on the internet that can do what you do, and there are many who can do it better and without throwing all these childish tantrums and trying to destroy the work of others.

    Coda, by aligning yourself with Jaka and trolling with him, all you have succeeded in doing is trashing the name of #gg.
    I have no doubt that everyone who has read any of these comments and agrees that this willful “damage” was unnecessary and childish will remember your group for what you have said here.
    It does seem rather odd that you would want to completely trash the name of your own sub group so badly.
    That is all you have succeeded in doing here.

    Interesting … if I go visit any fansub teams list on scarywater, they all have single episode releases of all their shows until they complete the whole series.
    Yes this may have been a mistake to re-release a large batch as each one singly, but I do wonder what exactly are the horrific problems this has caused to make some “normal everyday guy” turn into this?
    No doubt he was like this before anyway – and thus why I say no one should ever let him near their team again.

    Oh, and I do find it amusing, in the revenge discussion, to compare “deleting a whole bunch of work” and “releasing something”.
    The first is destroying a whole bunch of work.
    The second is creating a release.
    Damn – aren’t they just so similar?
    Hmm – they seem quite the opposite to me ….

  • Anon

    sho Says:
    August 23rd, 2008 at 10:25 pm
    Anon, stay anonymous, you can hide behind some random nick because you’re a stretched vag. It’s called a typo. gg. You’re called a dumbass. (”Hi, I’m here to brag about how good my graMmAR is–tyOps don’t matDer tho”)

    ‘Streched vag’. Hehe that’s a good one.

    PS: Its you spelt ‘matter’ and ‘though’.

  • Keiran Kasaru

    Good times to be had huh? i have enjoyed these lovely comments as well as these lovely retorts. Did you know that you don’t have to have words exactly right in order to read them…(ex. Tihs is an examlpe of waht you can raed wioutht haivng letetrs in the rghit palce.) However having good grammar and literary skill increases your potential for learning as well as how seriously you are taken. While being overly grammatical can also lead to the image of a stuck up snot. Good balance is the key to victory in this quest, ne.

    On topic, it seems the recovery is going smoothly and subbing is starting back up with good timing. Chihiro we love you and hope to see many more anime episodes released. Ganbare! Ganbare! Ganbare!

  • IntoDEV

    Can’t you just kill him?

  • Anon

    Am tired of this crap, why do fansubbers tend to anoy/flamebait others with their internal crap?

    In after BAW no batchtorrent.
    In after BAW we didn’t back our stuff up.

  • Jaka

    sorry guise, i guessalated for chihiro too :v

    that’s why their subs are so craptastic

  • jama

    I don’t hold a grudge against you since I didn’t/don’t watch Chihiro releases. You can guesslate as much as you want! Really!

  • Tired O. Drama

    This thread is a serious case of tl;dr

    Chihiro please keep up your good work. And to the flamers: go f… yourself. You’ll find that it is more satisfying than trolling.

  • Macdanif

    I have the world destruction and sekirei episodes. I think world destruction ep 1 and 2 are by Osu! but everything else is chihiro. I added my email to the response. I have a ton of upload bandwidth so just tell me where you want em. FYI, I don’t do IRC. Too many bad experiences.

  • hld

    Thankyou for all the effort Chihiro

    I posted a torrent of ToLoveRu episodes 13-20 x264
    i will try to keep it up as long as i can but would be nice if some pple could help seed if they have these eps

    i have eps 5-12 x264 as well if u need them
    also [Chihiro]Ikkitousen_-_Great_Guardians eps 3-11 x264

  • Anonymous fansub leader

    Get your own torrent tracker. That’ll be best^_^
    Drama… fighting is meaningless.
    There’s always going to be complaints from users and such, it can’t be helped.
    Best way is to ignore.

    Fansubbing has changed. To some fansubbers it’s like a
    game and they just want to be known. I wouldn’t say Chihiro is like that…
    Though I heard from “can’t say who” that you guys care about competiton.
    Every fansubber works hard, and there is always space
    for improvement.

    Well good luck, Chihiro.

  • Takarada

    so many fucking scumbags:

    Thanks chihiro for all your work, I don’t know why there are so many fucking dirtbags like the above amongst anime fans.

  • Sarreq Teryx

    does anyone have GOOD links for the World Destruction 2 through 6 x264/MKVs? I’ve only been able to find eps1, 1v2, 7 and 7v2, but the rest of them are only the XviD/AVIs

  • nooby2

    Go Chihiro! Been supporting this fansub group for quite some time and i find that they are quite reliable. Sure , their quality isn’t very good but the effort that they put in speaks for itself when they release an episode right?

    Not everyone will be so willing as to give up their free time to do fansubbing and many people sometimes take fansub groups for granted. All you flamers out there should just go and mind your own fucking business because if you don’t like Chihiro’s subs, then get it from someone else fool, no one asked you to download from here.

    Keep on going strong Chihiro, I will be supporting you all the way, through thick and thin,because a fansub group such as Chihiro deserves the utmost respect for delivering subs to anime fans around the world who have no one else to turn to. Those that flame these people have the lowest stupidity level if they can’t even tell goodwill when it smacks them in the face.

    GOGO CHIHIRO!! I love your subs.

  • sarabjeet

    Takarada Says:
    so many fucking scumbags:

    YAWN!!!!! As if it matters now chihiro is back on track and these idiots are still trying to continue the troll, (Yawn) i am tired of this lil damage taken repaired asap, i got my sekirei i lil late thanks to these morons, i am done i hope some teach these noob a good lesson and i hope they will rem for there rest of life..(Yaaaawwwnnn)…

    Good luck everybody…………………..ya except these morons

  • First of all, I’d like to thank you, Kristen.

    You made the right choice in coming back to NyaaTorrents. Aside from the previous DDoS and hardware failure, it’s your best choice with a record uptime of 194 days. It is also the most up-to-date tracker, filled with features like user-specific RSS feeds, access control management and torrent backup/restore options. NyaaTorrents evolves daily and is run by a dedicated team that will keep the unwanted content off the site while maintaining a free, easy and intuitive user experience, no strings attached.

    Oh, did I mention that none of your peer-to-peer activities are logged? None at all.

    I look forward to working with you. Do let me know if there is anything you require of me and I will be happy to be of service.

  • Tatsuhiro

    So everything was part of a conspiracy to make Chihiro return to Nyaatorrents O_O

    ps. Just kidding, love you Nyaa <3

  • Dude

    Does anyone have the chihiro ikkitousen great guardians 5v2 h264 please make a MU or torrent

  • Bob'Omega

    Welcome to the NHK!
    Chihiro was targeted by the NHK, a conspiracy against them! Yup, carefully thought out by a huge evil crime syndicate.
    No worries though, Satou saved the day with his explosive cellphone. Chihiro will recover, it was JUST files after all, excluding Jaka eating his own nose goblins, which influenced him to do such a pathetic act of revenge! Damn you nose goblins!

  • Sarreq Teryx

    well, seems jakass missed one (or technically 3, but should I count a v1 episode when the v2 is availble?)

    World Destruction ep1v2 x264/mkv –
    OR if you’d like one immune from jakass’s antics
    (they’re the same one, but for backup’s sake, tracked on both)

    now all I’m looking for are 2 through 6 in x264/mkv, anyone??

  • Sarreq Teryx

    o0, OK sorry, demonoid doesn’t seem to be tracking it at all, don’t know why, but it’s still listed there

  • Pwnd

    You guys deserve this and all other fansub group hate you guys anyway.

  • Kazuki \(^_^)/

    Hi. I found Chihiro’s Fansubs at and I have to tell you guys that I am pretty imprest with the quality and speed at which you guys fansub. The thing that I like the most is the fact that you guys are circulating the R1 of Ikkitousen Great Guardians. Nice, Very Nice.

    All of us in South Africa’s Tokyo Sannin Anime Group Thank you for your excellent work ^_^

  • win_13676

    Y u guys complaining about Chiro-subs. They give u guys free anime and u should appreciate them and be thankful.

  • mickwald

    Sure, batches are nice, and I’m all for batches… actually, I hate having to dl single file torrents, but still… going so far as to delete all the work of a group…that’s just plain childish.

    I only found Chihiro the other day, I s’pose you’ve got most of the files back and everything now, otherwise I would have helped 😛 but what I’ve seen is that you guys have series that I haven’t found anywhere else, and as such this is where I go… if you don’t like the group.. leave em alone, anything else is just stupid..

    well, guess that’s what I’ve got to say -.-


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