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Donation Button Removed

Thanks to all of your generosity, we have reached our goal within days for the 3rd straight month. As such, we are kind of completely funded until the end of February? As such, we’re at a saturation of money right now, so we’re going to remove the donation button until the need for funding arises again. This could happen if we decide to get a better server to be better suited for the rape, if we get a second server to provide just DDL so as to split the load, or if we continue to use this server for 3 or more months.

Thank you for all of your help and support, and we will continue to try to get you fast releases! We have a full fall already planned (5 shows with 2 more possible depending on the TLs’ preferences.)

Oh, and I’m going to announce this here. We are not doing Vampire Knight. It airs within hours of EF, and our preferences are at EF. We will be speeding EF, but we will be particular as to who does which job with it, so it will probably be higher quality.

19 comments to Donation Button Removed

  • mX

    Well this is really good of you ppl!!
    You could also let the donation button be and profit from other ppl… But you didnt!

    Well ppl this proves that Kristen isnt “bad” she doesnt “steal” money from ppl.
    She’s honest and is admitting that they have enough money ( for the moment)

    Never thought a someone would do some like this

    Its rare to see so fair and honest ppl!!

    keep up the good work ^^

  • L

    Well this proves the honesty of Chihiro!

  • teutates

    That is a real honost of you.

    To bad that you won’t sub vampire knight guilty really liked you subs for that serie’s

    A to bad ๐Ÿ˜›

    Good luck with subbing the other serie’s dont forget to sleep now and then ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Nobody

    I’m really in what shows you guys are gonna sub…

  • xxVizardxx

    Are u guys gonna put the subs on the opening and endings of the

  • Bruno

    Lol… Genorocity :p

  • NeoDarklight

    Didn’t you guys say that you were gonna try to get two more episodes of ZKC up by today? You should at least mention SOMETHING about it.

  • Kristen

    ZKC is having issues because the TL has disappeared for a few days. We’re trying to release an episode soon so we can continue to make process.

  • EcchiMan

    aww just when i was about to donate ๐Ÿ˜›

  • koga88

    might seem a bit out of the loop but what anime does EF stand for? haha

  • ascend

    ef is ef- a tale of melodies. The second ef series, from which chihiro got it’s name.

    Can’t wait for you to sub it. But i do expect quality =D

  • inachan

    ohhhh, nooooooooo!! I’m so sad you won’t do Vampire knight!! I was looking forward to your releases of this!!! So saaad, I really preferred your subbing over the others groups!!!!
    But thank you for all your work!! It’s really appreciated!

  • Curtis

    February is more than a few months…

  • Shinkay

    wasnt it called Ef -A Tale of Memories- ? ef a tale of melody’s is another anime :p if im right.
    btw whats the 2nd season of ef a tale of memories called? looking forward for it hehe

  • Shinkay

    Chihiro kicks other fansubs asses xD. you all are the best ๐Ÿ˜›

  • zerjo

    no, ef a tale of melodies is the sequel to the first one. I hope you guys don’t mess up the encode and do a decent job actually at it…

    guess I’ll try your zkc

  • reese

    Read a previous post : Monochrome Factor’s too gay (aside from being major suckage), probably why others dropped it, don’t go near that shit. There are plenty of other good unsubbed/under-subbed anime to consider (of course October brings us fresh meats)…

  • Bishca

    I am I the only one who sees the inherent irony in being honest in removing the donations button when the funds were provided, while at the same time using the money to fund illegal fansubbing?

    Not that I really care about legalities or anything like that, it just seems vaguely hypocritical to swindle the industry, while stopping short at draining the pockets dry of those who feel obligated to give something back

    … just a thought

  • Bishca, it is a well known fact that fansubs are illegal, and I am sure Chihiro knows that.

    However, I would hardly call it “swindling the industry”. There is absoutely nothing to purchase in the US for most of these series, and for some of them, there never will be. There is a high demand for a non-existant product, and Chihiro delievers.

    If the anime companies really really cared, Cease and Desist Letters would be sent out, and I am sure, like many other groups that recieve them, Chihiro would stop distributing that series.

    However, this isn’t happening. Chihiro is providing a service, and we are using that service. It is costing the members of Chihiro money to provide that service, and we are helping them out. We are helping pay for the server, not for the time they spend TL’ing the show.

    I support fansubs, because just like the existance of Napster before iTunes, its only a matter of time before some company takes advantage of this demand and profits.

    One of a few things is gonna happen to fansubs.

    1 ) Things will continue as they are, with japanese companies generally not doing anything, and american anime companies sending Cease and deisist letters when they obtain the license.

    2 ) Japanese companies will use their copyright powers to end public distribution of fansubs, forcing fansubbers to be treated like warez distributors.

    3 ) #2, and somehow Japanese companies turn providing subtitled anime as it airs in Japan into a buisness, and it either succeds, or the people who would have spent their money on such a service continue to use fansubs.

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