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Sekirei – 11


This is Kristen when she wakes up at 3 AM to start the XviD so we can release now and not 3 hours from now.

One more episode to go. Again, this episode was going smoothly, but it had encoding issues. Is this the third week in a row? This time, the show ran for 24 minutes, but stopped when there were 7 minutes left in the video. So, again, XviD first. Also, there’s a new ED at the end.

One more thing. Our server is exploding, so we’re going to have a bit of down time for a few days. It’ll be back soon.

Also, troops, it’s time to rally! Chihiro’s test in SaiMoe is coming rapidly!
To learn how to vote, go to: SaiMoe Voting Info Thread

To see the present voting thread on 2ch, look for it in the post: Vote Here under “Current voting thread”

Go to the present voting thread (It’ll be in Japanese) on 9/14 some time during JST and post your support for Chihiro by posting your voting code, and then <>
I will post the voting thread and stuff on here before the time to vote runs out, but try to vote using ASuki.

XviD: Your votes can make it happen!

h.264: Vote for eyepatch moe!

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