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Zettai Karen Children – 20


Chihiro never was too good in math. After all, the episode after Sekirei 01 is episode 03, the episode after ZKC 12 is 14, and the first episode of School Rumble is 25, not 01. So, we obviously thought that 18+1=20.

Heh. Let me explain what this is. We have presently 4 people working on the ZKC translation project. The guy who was working on episode 20 was the fastest. So, we timed it, TLCed it, and it ended up being ready for release before 19. I am NOT a believer of holding back a new release for any reason, so chronological order is not a solid reason. Since this is slice of life, it shouldn’t matter, I don’t think.

By that way, loli rape.

h.264: Now when will they show that kaoru h-scene…

XviD: Lalala

37 comments to Zettai Karen Children – 20

  • mindpower

    nice.. cant wait for 19 😀 ty!

  • lol, i love your math guys 😉

    thanks for the release;
    and keep up the good work at your “unique” pace!

  • WonderingWaters

    I appreciate the fast release but I’ll wait for the previous episode. I’m very patient person and I dont mind the wait. I’m not really the type to skip episodes even if there fillers

  • deadpassive

    your website isn’t working, I can’t download any of the anime.
    it was working fine a couple of days ago but now it doesn’t.
    please fix it. when I click on the file I want to download it doesn’t work.

  • mindpower

    deadpassive .. direct download is down … only torrents are up… if you want to download use torrents… !

  • lokycl

    hahaha =)

    I was looking on Direct Download that you have ep1 then jump to ep12.

    is there any chance that you are gonna sub and release the otheres 10 eps (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11) ??
    Or a need to look for this in another place ??


    P.S. : sorry about my english 😛

  • King of the Mole People

    No offense, Chihiro, but I really hope there will be a v2 of this release. Speed is fine and great when releasing an Ep, but there are enough typos and cryptic translations in that one that IMHO a reworked version woud be much appreciated.
    Even though I wrote that… thanks a lot for spending all your time and effort with bringing those shows to us.
    Without your work I’d never have thought about buying this series or Sekirei when they are available on DVD.
    And fire your marketing division if they tell you otherwise. A three year old can see this.

  • qwerty

    is the animesuki website down?? receives error while loading

    The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading

    The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

  • At lokycl the missing eps are at

  • also the torrent worked fine for me

  • NeoDarklight

    When is AVI going to be up?

  • lokycl

    thx soccerrules =)

  • DmonHiro

    Does someone have a working torrent for ZKC 15 H264 please?

  • hyourinnmaru

    thanks, it was great quality is getting better and better after each release!

  • Ditto

    Keep up the good work, just make sure to get that math homework done. ^_-

  • kaoru

    gg just released ZTC 19. Are you absolutely beautiful enough to release 20 after them and not lose? 😛

  • WonderingWaters

    Yea I saw that to. If gg picks up on this then it would be kinda sweet. Maybe they can catch up to 23 because I think thats the latest raw out now

  • Nojiko

    Kristen… ZKC isn’t a slice of life… >.>” Failed.

  • soccerrules

    the gg subs on ep 19 kinda dissed ur subs. u might want to watch it.

  • Max_Otaku

    Ya that was pretty friggin childish but thats typical behavior from gg, it will be a complete surprise when they don’t act like 5 year olds.

  • Gant

    Makes me not want to watch GG subs anymore. Bunch of kids. Chihiro, keep up the good work and don’t let some kids show you up.

  • g

    1) You guys are fucking morons for releasing 20 before 19. It’s not like you’re current on the show anyway, so doing this was idiotic.

    2) GG are fucking arrogant pricks for taking shots at a group in their subs (yeah thanks GG, way to not translate those two lines!)

    Conclusion: you *both* fail hard and need to learn to fansub.

  • playerttt

    How long is eps 19 out ?

  • Tor

    Goddamn I downloaded this and this is pretty bad. lol. You Chihiro guys need to get better at subbing.

  • hyourinnmaru

    stop complaining be thankful

  • Gant

    Keep up the good work Chihiro!

  • Zettai Karen Otaku

    If gg thinks they are so great why aren’t they providing us with trolling-free ZKC subs? Let’s see what they are doing …

    – Geass season 2. According to anidb Eclipse does it too and better.
    – Macross Frontier. Accoding to anidb Lunar does it too and almost as good.
    – Antique Bakery. According to anidb Y-F does it too and better. (Beginning to see a pattern?)
    – Kara no Kyokai. Shinsen.
    – And last but not least: as Fabulous they’re “subbing” Xam’d the most over”subbed” show at the moment.

    In other words: if they dropped off the earth nobody would care except their mothers. Maybe.

    That’s the difference to Chihiro.

    Oh, and gg: There is a difference in meaning between turning somebody “into the police” and “in to the police”. Since you’re so l33t you should know that.

  • Takarada

    There is nothing wrong with releasing ep20 before ep19, the stories are unrelated.

    The quality of chihiro subs is excellent, if anyone thinks they can do better please do so.

    gg are fucking immature scumbags, I downloaded that crap
    The behavior of so many anime fans is just so /btard, really pathetic

  • kaoru

    “- Geass season 2. According to anidb Eclipse does it too and better.
    – Macross Frontier. Accoding to anidb Lunar does it too and almost as good.
    – Antique Bakery. According to anidb Y-F does it too and better. (Beginning to see a pattern?)
    – Kara no Kyokai. Shinsen.
    – And last but not least: as Fabulous they’re “subbing” Xam’d the most over”subbed” show at the moment.”

    lol @ ranking fansubs based on anidb ratings and not downloading the shows yourself. Two can play that game.

    -Geass season 2. According to anidb gg does it way better than Chihiro, must be why Chihiro dropped it.
    -Macross F. According to anidb gg does it way better than Chihiro.
    -To LOVE-Ru. According to anidb, both Ayako and AniYoshi did better than Chihiro.
    -Vampire Knight. According to anidb everyone does it better than Chihiro.
    -World Destruction. According to anidb everyone does it better than Chihiro.
    -D.Gray-man. According to anidb, no one gives a shit Chihiro even released the ep. (or if you want to count the 1 vote, not mine btw, then Chihiro does it worse than every group that is doing D.Gray-man.. and you have no idea how bad that actually sounds)

    ..well I’m getting pretty tired of this game really. “Zettai Karen Otaku” you need to learn to play the internet better.

  • ElderKain

    I’m looking foward to ep 19, because ep19from GG is too HQ for my computer to handle, so I needs an Xvid version >.<

  • DmonHiro

    gg failed HARD. 50% WAS guess work. They fucked up the Red’s defence. Theyr GGR2 is also CRAP, with 25% guess work.

  • lokycl

    After read all this stuff,

    WTF!! i don`t understand the “why?”

    Why complain?
    -if you are geting a free product, you don`t have the right to demand cuality, speed.
    -if you prefer the work of someone else, just get for that one. thats a bussines law “suply and demand”

    For me Chiiro it`s a speed fansub, and i`m glad for the way they work, every week i get one episode of one of the series i`m watching right now. I don`t care about cuality , if i care about that i just wait and buy the DVD version.

    If you don`t like what this people it`s giving to you then go to other place.


    P.D. : sorry about my english =P

  • NeoDarklight

    What’s up with 19? Are you guys just not doing it or are you just postponing it? It would be appreciated if you were clearer on that.

  • kaoru

    lokycl: “Why complain?”

    Because I’m not an encoder and I could do a better job with the video than what Chihiro’s done for the entirety of ZTC and the majority of the recent TLR (WS mostly) releases.

  • Kristen

    Kaoru, if you can do it better, then join Chihiro and fix the problem. Otherwise, you’re just trolling.

  • Seimoru

    Be glad chihiro does this show. If it is about ratings: it’s true deculture is higher in rating on anidb, but it seems their translater left and their releasespeed went down to snails pace (if at al).
    I rather watch a good show with some subs, than with no subs at al.

    And since chihiro are the only ones with ep 15+, be grateful for their work. (Same counts a bit for some other shows, like To Love Ru, it might be AniYoshi has a better rating, but according to their own site they dropped it, gl waiting for their releases.)

  • NeoDarklight

    Can someone please make a DD for this?

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