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A call for timers!

Normally, I don’t dedicate posts entirely for recruitment, but I will.

Our situation for timers is getting worse. We need some timer applicants soon, or I am going to go insane trying to time too many shows in a week. It is possible that we may be having 5 shows released within 3 days this season, so I would like at least one more really active timer.

Please apply to Kristen on #[email protected]. Please only apply if you know how to scene time, though.

11 comments to A call for timers!

  • Epoc

    I wonder if i should learn to time ~~

  • Ltay

    I was originally planning to be a timer for one of the many fan subbing groups I’m always supporting, like this one, but I never got the chance to learn to time after i got all the programs and stuff as I was always busy and stuff. Maybe I’ll apply in the future… Good Luck untill then.

  • Suzuku

    It’s actually rather simple, there is a decent tutorial on youtubeI’ll give you the Address for the forums that I linked off of.
    I only happened to have found it by chance after seeing this post, and watched it.

  • koda

    Hey Kristen, come join #kokizzzle on Rizon. Tks.

  • Zanpacto

    I shall dediate you to DEATH … realy !


  • mm, I’m learning to time right now…once I feel safe that I can do a decent job in timing (probably on saturday), I’ll register on irc

  • soldevice

    Thanks, Suzuku. I saw the tutorials and it looks pretty straight forward. I’ve been practicing and I think I can do it. =]

  • eskimobill

    ima learn how to time just cuz of this post and my cuzin said i coudnt do it shame on her though cuz i pick things up very easily and if some one helps i could master it ina short amount of time lol and im off

  • eskimobill

    well i did the last 2 eps of the first session of code geass the first ep took me about 4 hours and the 2nd ep took me about an hour and a half but i think i would need to learn more japanese cuz some parts just got way to confusing and i cheated for example the beginning of the ep i was fine till liek line 13 but then the narrator just keeps talking and i didn’t know when to stop and start the lines o well maybe some time down the rode when i have learned enough jap i will come back to this

  • Ricardo

    Well the truth is that you all share with us a lot of fun and joy. To me, to my cousins and specially to many other people. I have timed audio, and I have a lot of experience with video files, sizing them rendering them and converting videos from one format to any other.
    Certainly timing audio at first is confusing and some times hard, Specially when the tieme laps differ from the video, but after some times you get used to it. I think that timing subtitles must be something similar. Even if you get lost, if you can grasp some of the words in the original lenguage you can fit in the translation.
    Something else, downloading raw is usually faster, I have a broad band of 8mb so if I can be of help count me in.

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