“I’m working with TV TOKYO to bring you the best anime titles immediately after broadcast! Starting January 8th, we’ll have the newest eps of Naruto Shippuden, Shugo Chara, Skip Beat!, and many other titles on CR with english subs for ppl everywhere possible (with some exceptions like Japan)”
– Crunchyroll
In other words, Skip Beat is licensed. Back in Chihiro v1, we did sub Geass, I know. However, our staff as compared to then is completely different, our subs are completely different, and we have a different outlook on things.
On the other hand, there is no indication as of yet whether Crunchyroll will be subbing the episodes that air until January 8th. As such, unless the situation changes, we will sub until episode 13, and then drop the show.
Also, no complaints of “Oh, their TL sucks! Oh, their timing sucks! Oh, you suck for dropping it!”, etc. We exist to provide subs to shows, not to out-do anyone.
Please don’t drop Skip Beat! Some people can’t watch it can’t watch it on crunchyroll because of their region (like europe, australia, south east asia,)
Please don’t drop Skip Beat! A lot of us can’t watch it in CrunchyRoll since its not available! It’s totally unfair!! ><
think about other people who can’t pay to watch and it is really expensive if you think about it.. if you become patient to much people will give out spoilers and i bet some fansubbers have already quit this series.. its unfair…
crap.. i go to crunchyroll to browse anime..
watch it and if i really liked it i would download the fansubs to get better quality.. at first i was “oh well, at least i get to watch it..” or so i thought..
then crunchyroll’s skip beat is not available at my country, then news i read saying people would stop subbing it because its already in crunchyroll?! aww.. c’mon. what am i supposed to do now?
(well the thought of me learning Japanese and downloading raws did cross my mind.. but then again.. ehh?!)
the region thing is really shitted up.
anyway horriblesubs are uploading em up the the internet..so find them there guys =/
they are having sorta war with crunchyroll fanboys which is really full of lols
miniova has ep 14 released with a few different subers but there all mkv files, is still better then crunchyroll
[…] streamed in crunchyroll. here is the statement of the fansub group that used to sub skip beat: http://www.chihiro-subs.com/2008/11/20/s… ANSWER: i guess its got to do with it being like pirating stuff i dont recall what anime it was […]
You know, all you guys are doing is complaining. If Chihiro or any fansub group decides to drop a sub, then thank them for the work they -have- done, and leave it at that – it isn’t like they’re professionals who have a commitment to meet. Instead, they’re just people doing something on their own time and of their own accord. They owe nothing to anyone out there, regardless of how “happy” it’ll make people.
Thanks for the hard work, Chihiro, and I, personally, hope that you and all other fansubbers continue to put forth excellent quality.
ooooooooh, that sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!