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ef – a tale of melodies – 10 Status


OK, this episode is strange. For the most part, the entire episode is shown in some shade of brown, going from white to black.

Songs will be translated, not KFxd.

Encode (Losslessh.264 – XviD)

ETA: When our encoder comes home.

Update: 11:14 AM: All done. Release at ~ 4 PM, or whenever our encoder comes home.

64 comments to ef – a tale of melodies – 10 Status

  • ascendancy

    @ObrokenO: If they suck what are you doing here then?
    You don’t have to watch anything from chihiro. They just do it cause there are people who want to. And they don’t do the karaoke cause they thought maybe the fans didn’t want it.
    And bringing coal guys in. You think a cumming penis karaoke is funny? I don’t think it is for this series. An ecchi anime ok, but this. They just fuck with the godlyness of this series. And their subs are not nearly as good chihiro’s for this series. They encodes are sefinately decent enough. Ok there is of course improvement with more filtering and adjusting. But what a hell of work is that for a little more blackness. And do it better if you dont like it.

  • ObrokenO


    Here’s another sad sheep that doesn’t understand lawlz “I love this shit” didn’t I say they did a good job of the ef series in my last post??? “DIDN’T I??? YES I DID. I said I couldn’t give a rats ass about the opening but I figure they should at least go all the way 100% with this show seeing how all the others are really ridiculous (actually I don’t remember where I said this, but I like making shit up so I can look like a pussy ass nigger bitch). This is first release since Vampire Knight I’ve seen them do a good job. “STOP fuckin scanning through my comments and read the whole thing. “To quote the comment about coalguys” I actually found it funny because I was born with something called “sense of humor” even though I know ef isn’t supposed to be a comedy, ef is srs bzns, and plus I have a godly connection so It’s not like I wasted 1 hour downloading it. Only took me 2 min. Plus I do better “believe me” I won’t quote what group I provide distro and editing for though it’s probably Dark-Rebirth or AoShen or another shitty group because honestly I find that even more pointless then me responding to these people and you.

  • Soichiro

    If you find it so pointless responding to us, why do you do it?

  • ObrokenO

    I just happen to like arguments and controversy. Nothing more or nothing less. Why do you defend yourself so adamantly? Why do my words and opinions even matter to you?? Because I speak with some hurtful truths in my statements? If you would have never responded to me this could have bin avoided. I seem to think I am a god.

  • Kristen

    “You people pretty much ruin every show with your messed up encodes “kyo no Go no Ni” fuckin had to give up on that show because It messed up in the middle and torward the end “Can’t even bother to crop the damn thing” Still no v2 for the 2 fucked up episodes 5 and 6.”


    We did crop it at the end as well. However, that black bar was there because I thought it was supposed to be there (I encoded 9 and 10) instead of cropping out part of the picture. I only learned about it a few days ago.

    With 5 and 6, who is saying that we aren’t making v2’s of them?

  • ObrokenO


    Well at least the leader is more nice and level headed so I’ll apologize for some of my previous comments “even though someone edited some my words” I remember a couple of weeks ago posting that those 2 Kyo no Go no Ni episodes where a bit buggy. I couldn’t even finish watching it towards the end. Happy to hear your providing a v2 because I would really like to catch up on the series and your doing a good job with ef series. Even though that show makes me seriously think like “what the hell is meaning behind this anime lol” . Every character has some major issues but the storyline has me hooked

  • Kristen

    We’ve have v2’s on our plate since episode 9 aired, but that ended up having some h.264 issues.

    We are intending to make v2’s of the following:
    Kyou no Go no Ni 05
    Kyou no Go no Ni 06
    Penguin Musume Heart 21

    We are not intending to make v2’s of the following:
    Kyou no Go no Ni 01-04, 07, 08 ( Some people claim issues with TL or editing)
    Kyou no Go no Ni 09-10 (Cropping issues)
    Skip Beat 05 (Encoding issues)

  • ObrokenO

    Well I’ll be waiting patiently for those episodes. Sadly this series has 0 pantsu compared to the OVA. It’s almost exactly the same in alot of ways except they actually look like elementary school kids now.

  • Xdroyer

    Uhmm, just one question what timezoon are you Realising from?

  • Kristen


    Also, ObrokenO, I don’t know how patient you’ll have to be. Lossless for Kyou no Go no Ni 05 has 3 hours 45 minutes on it, then ~2 for an h.264, then UL time (God knows how long). I’m just going to v2 the h.264, since the XviD was fine. Then I want to encode the Yozakura Quartet 06 lossless, followed by Kyou no Go no Ni 06 (Another 4+2+UL). So, maybe done tomorrow?

  • jc

    its to hard to watch this anime again after 10

  • Xdroyer

    OMG EST?! 😛
    thats -6h from where I live <.<

  • Cyber1

    “EST”? I suppose it’s rather US than Australia time zone, so it’s GMT/UTC-5, right? Then “11:14 AM” above is supposed to mean “2008-12-11 16:14 UTC”.. Guys, you should either use time zone everyone knows of (like tokyotosho does) or use dates only… Why add more confusion to our lives?

  • Cyber1

    ..oh, and will you finally fix that “Published by Kristen on Dec 9th, __2007__ in ef – a tale of melodies with 64 Comments” on the top of this/each page? Thanks.

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