Little preview into our spring show, K-ON!
Guess I’ll use this post to explain how it’ll be released. We will do 4:3 episodes when they come out. And then 3 weeks later, we will re-encode it to 16:9. What resolution we are doing it in, I’m still undecided. Vote in here to let me know what you prefer. Poll hijacked~ ^.^
Then, if I am willing to put in the extra time, we’ll do the DVD versions.
I’m still undecided whether I’d do XviD for both releases, XviD for WS only, or no XviD at all, replaced with mp4.
Going to be a fun show! May run two seasons due to the time slot it’s in, but I don’t know. Either way, I look forward to it, and I hope you’ll support us!
Also, just to confirm. Our shows for next season are K-ON!, Queen’s Blade, and Asura Cryin`. We also will do DC IF 2, To Love Ru OVA 1, and maybe an additional OVA release.
h.264: K-ON!
XviD: *Excitement*
[…] 2009 Watchlist~! « Pandora Hearts!…Spring Anime 2009 « //H A R A – H E T A…K-ON! Preview 01 Released! at Chihiro…Spring Anime 2009 « Blossom Media Center…My Anime WatchList this Spring « ELTWorld ~ […]