OMG, Tomo, if you touch me there I’ll… Oh! Oh!
In other news, Misao likes curry.
I have nothing to talk about. >.< Someone come up with a topic.
“# GreenDrag Says:
April 30th, 2009 at 12:57 pm edit
cake, maybe?
GOTIT! List all cakes you know of…(bonus points if recipe included)”
You heard the man! This thread is now about delicious cake! Post delicious cakes!
720p: Stop! It’s sexy time
480p: Delicious cake!
Thanks for the release
the HD must be awesome but my computer cannot run it so well
so SD is my choice!!!
thank you!!!
What do you reccon i use instead of VLC?
(I’m on a MAC >.>)
Man, this series is so bad that it’s so funny that I can’t stop watching it. Thanks for the release!
those ordered chapters don’t work on mplayer, do they? and… melonpans don’t have melons? ><
MPC is very limited software, unlike VLC it only works on windows platforms while VLC is available for MAC and probably every single Linux distribution out there. Ofcourse there are other alternatives, but claiming MPC as supperrior software is very close minded.
atleast for me some program to be called superrior it has to atleast work on multiple platforms.
But as for non windows computers I recommend Xine or Mplayer both seem to do their job well, ordered chapters dont work yet (might work with newest editions, but I tend to wait untill distributor updates their software databases) But they should play the episodes quite well.
@ Mac-dandies:
Watch videos on Windows with superior DirectShow-based software, i.e. CCCP (+ your favorite player from among MPC, WMP, BSPlayer, or ZoomPlayer) or K-Lite. You can play proper games, too, as a bonus, thanks to DirectX. Or run proper software, thanks to a powerful application programming interface that has been around for nearly two decades.
Do your geeky work on *BSD or, with reservations, on Linux. You can tweak everything, recompile the kernel, or just build a customized server system from scratch. That’s the power of free open *nix for you.
Throw the Mac out of the window. Why should anyone pay that much for such a load of crap? Because s/he is smug? Smug people get what they deserve: Crap OS times X. If you have too much money on your hands, by the way, I’m accepting donations.
hmmm if there is a problem with VLC playing then prob something is wrong with yout PC .
No problems here on both Linux and Windows . VLC should be playing or else ur libraries are screwed up 🙁
Why you guys have 1week lag? Dont understand me wrong, I very thanksful cause you translate it but… ep3 translated out when ep4 showed, ep4 translated out when ep5 showed….
“Throw the Mac out of the window. Why should anyone pay that much for such a load of crap? Because s/he is smug? Smug people get what they deserve: Crap OS times X. If you have too much money on your hands, by the way, I’m accepting donations.
Mac is for ppl who want to get their job done with as little work as bossible. The OS is stable and provides alot of build in features and the fact that its made as commercial system unlike free-linux it means youll get support for it too. MAC as a computer cant really come close to PC in any way so in that way your correct. But as a personal PC for those who dont care about tweaking or problem solving and value looks over power Mac does have a good ring to it.
Many professionals already prefer MAC as it already has quite nice library of great software fitting for video editting, office work, music making, image editting etc etc. The software support isnt because of some “powerful application programming interface” its more because of the fact that windows still owns like 90% marketshare among operating systems if no more. If Mac or linux would own 90% of the market share the support for windows would be completely differend.
I am not really taking any sides in this tough, all the 3 do have their pro:s and cons. Just hoping for more competition in near future 🙂
help i want to watch but cant it freezes please help i use Cole2k Media – Codec Pack but sometimes there no subs at all!
I use FFDshow, it is a lot less messy than CCCP.
On a side note of the included screen capture, if she gets that excited by a gentle touch, wouldn’t she burn him to cinders if they ever get serious? O_o;
@Viper7: the way you put it I really can’t disagree 🙂 But anyway, PC RULEZ! 😀
@mangamuscle: CCCP _is_ ffdshow, and a lot of other things. For H.264 and in the absence of CoreAVC CCCP uses ffdshow by default.
I would really like to ask why you guys have turned to ordered chapters. Though I agree that it is a good idea and saves encoding time, it is pretty inconvenient to end users like me who must organize and ensure that the opening and endings are together with the files. Each time a single episode is taken out, so must the OP and ED files. Converting videos are also such a problem now…
For KMplayer, when using the Halli splitter, some other files get messed up when played. Using MPC is very inconvenient as well because it doesn’t have that pgup pgdn function where you can jump from one file to the next.
In the end, will you guys be continuing with the ordered chapters?
> Using MPC is very inconvenient as well because it doesn’t have
> that pgup pgdn function where you can jump from one file to the next.
You mean you can’t even set MPC’s keyboard bindings?!
Run MPC > View (menu item) > Options (menu item) > Keys (tree element) > [set to your liking]
You can get to “Options” dialog by pressing “O” on your keyboard, as well.
I bet it must be really, really painful to hear complaints about ordered chapters from someone who can’t even configure Windows software with a clean, intuitive GUI. My condolences, Chihiro.
@ Azumar
You misunderstand. I meant that KMplayer has a function where by it will load all similar files within the same folder automatically. So assuming, within a mix of files, when playing Code_Geass_01, pressing the next button will automatically jump to the next file Code_Geass_02 without setting a specific playlist. I don’t suppose MPC has this function?
Run MPC. Press [Ctrl]+[Q] from your keyboard (or choose from the menu File > Quick Open File…). Navigate to the directory that contains your files. Press [Ctrl]+[A] so that all files in the directory displayed in “Open” dialog box are selected. Press “Open” button or hit [Enter]/[Return]. All files in the directory you have been looking into are automatically put into the playlist. Now press whatever keys you have assigned for moving in your playlist and MPC will move to next/previous file.
I just read the cake mess…. What about the design on cakes?!?!??
Rainbows should be top choice because certain people *cough* love gray and white things *cough* better than rainbows….. they are obviously delusional.
Btw had problems playing this file on Xine, but Mplayer worked (except still no OC)like a charm. I wonder what caused this Xine hicup. hmm
Asura Cryin 04 in XviD is up for DDL at my site.
thx for the release and lol to al the cake makers
Nice episode, just wondering how long it will take you guys to release epi 5 :)… nice job
Thanks for all the fine releases! you folks are awesome!
Unfortunately I have all sorts of problems with vlc on my ubuntu system. I have tried all the other available players and I haven’t found one yet that plays as fast and works with subtitles as well as vlc. It definitely seems to be choking on the encode.
Anyway, I wish I had a better solution since I love the MKV / H.263 format.
Thanks to all the posters for their recipes too!
@ Lindred
Nope, melonpan is generally not melon flavored. The name is derived from the crosshatching on the top of the bread which (according to whomever named it) makes the bread look sorta’ like a melon. I don’t really see the resemblance very much myself, but whatever.
Hello,thanks werry much for realising this,tho i have a problem with this epsode.
All other episodes are working perfectly exept this one,the problem is in subtitle i cant get it to work…
Is there a section to download only .sub?
Please answer!