Click the pic. It’s somnambulism. Not “Same another rhythm”. Why? Because Engrish is freaking stupid.
Updated lyrics for OP and ED now that official scans are out, including Somnambulism.
Main Entry: somnambulism
Pronunciation: säm-ˈnam-byə-ˌli-zəm
Class: act noun
First Known Use of somnambulism: 1797
1: an abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (as walking) are performed
2: actions characteristic of somnambulism
h.264: Here
XviD: Here
Ok.. This title got me a little confused at first..
Then I saw the category it was in..
thanks for the episode!
oh and are you guys planning on giving this series the dvd treatment?
Chihiro = Fabulous
interesting description and thanks for the release
“Updated lyrics for OP and ED now that official scans are out, including Somnambulism.”
please do a v2 for epi 1 and 2 with the official OP and ED.
which anime is this? never say a release of you guys for this
mX, it’s Hatsukoi Limited. Just check what category it is in.
When I saw a picture I have know thats Hatsukoi…
ooh yeah!!
chihiro: Episode 1 Xvid isnt released yet, you guys maybe forgot about it?
They couldn’t have just used ‘sleep-walking’, then? Thanks for the release, btw.
Lyrics are so weird.
Yes, it is released.
flamingmonkey, it’s much easier to pronounce somnambulism in engrish than sleep-walking.
Suiton why are you here?
Mauneydy-kun arigato gozaimasu!
Yeah, because sleep-walking sounds like ‘same another rhythm’. Oh wait…
why dont you just use sleep walking its not like every one knows the other word i can barely pronouns that also using sleep walking would be a bit smarter and would show more professionalism and it makes you look better then other teams out there so stay with sleep walking please pretty please…
No. Somnambulism is an English word, so it’s staying that way.
Grrrr. It’s not unusual that I get the theme from an anime stuck in my head for a day or so- especially when just hooked on some new series. But today is the first day I’ve had that happen when I’ve found myself randomly and spontaneously calling out “somnambulism!” Grrrrr.
Although I agree that Engrish is kinda stupid, I still think you should have left it the way it is….
I know, the Japanese butcher all languages the same way, but I’d rather believe they used Engrish then that they used words that 99% of all native English speakers don’t even know 😉