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K-On! – 06

Apparently, I’m abusing the Mio pics. So, I was planning to do a non-mio pic, and then a Mio in the dusk showed up and I couldn’t resist. Sorry.

And yes, insert song. I’m too lazy to redo the pic from the lossless to have no subs. :p

h.264: Nanoha is a loli.

XviD: Fate is a loli too.

62 comments to K-On! – 06

  • I don’t normally post on fansub groups, but I just wanted to say don’t worry about harsh criticism or bashing from others. It isn’t constructive in any way. Just keep doing what you’re doing. As long as you work your hardest your fans will always appreciate your work!

  • Anon


  • Bjørn

    @ KuroiNeko

    Thx for the answer! 🙂 Now I understand

  • Jajajjajajaj

    Chihiro won’t be fabulous until they show me some rainbows instead of this damn white and gray shit.

    I was walking around then I got some gum. IT HAD THE NERVE TO CALL ITSELF “Fabulous Fruiti” THE NERVE!

    Anyways… Rainbows are needed until then your front page is well… I’ll leave that to you… It’s definitely not fabulous.

    Just Sayin~

  • Jajajjajajaj

    Forgot to add… the gum just had a orange box… that is unfabulous..

  • shadow

    Hey Kristen
    I thought you would have added a little note to the very end of this ep when she was mumbling about her panties AND volunteered to marry her.

    P.S. love the ordered chapters

  • someotherguy

    CoalGuys rants again….

    I think I should try Chihiro’s too..

  • Zig

    @Bjorn and jajajajajajja w/e – I’m probably wrong but i think the kanji which they use for the name Tsumugi means kiss. Anyone approve/correct?

  • Nitro

    who cares if it says doki doki insted of beats, hmmm
    talk about rage.

  • Setsuna

    Today, i visit coalguys website and found out that coalguys are not really happy with Kristen. Coalguys also mentioned that not many ppls want to watch WS, but that is for now. Who said no one want to watch WS, not for long, many ppls will watch WS soon enough. I rather said Chihiro-sub got few wrong translation sometimes, but Coalguys seem to make me feel so stupid as i found out that there are few word translation wrong as well. As we know, we are not 100% that we can make the translation better, but we did out best. But Coalguys keep watching Kristen for so long. What the point for that. Every fansubs have their own way. So as long as the word is similar with it, then it is fine. What the point for keep shouting and complaining to others people like that.

    Coalguys, You know what, you should do more correctly and seriously with your fansubs. If you can do it, you won’t shout out like that. I know, Coalguys will be the first fansubs that release the series first, but, you sure you doing a correct way.

    Anyway, Chihiro-subs, YOU can do it for sure. If you keep thinking what they said, you might lose. So let no bother by them. Because what we face is reality. By the way, when the Hatsukoi Limited Episode 4 release?

  • Alex

    Aww, Mio + Mugi for the win! 😀
    Thanks for the release Chihiro! <3

  • riot

    Fate more loli then Nanoha!
    Nanoha is a bad devil D<

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