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Asura Cryin’ – 10

I like to choose blog pictures based off of breast size instead of plot.

So this ends the loli arc. But she’ll be back, I’m sure of it! However, we are now down to just 3 episodes with more and more thing rolling over. Who is that girl? How will the Asura Cryin’ be resolved? Who is “Gay”, and what is his role? I kind of feel like they can’t resolve it in 3 episodes…

HD: Would Veritias rather have boobies or lolis?

SD: Uh, that’s a hard one. :<

29 comments to Asura Cryin’ – 10

  • padpad321


    People who say “First” just to feel like they have importance are actually the least important people on the internet. To the 20-some idiots below, you’re the 20 next least important people on the internet.

  • hell yea! keep’em coming. all those good series are almost done, @!!!!!!!

  • 4th!

    Thanks for the release!

  • sammypb

    6th oh wow boobs lolis thats a hard one

  • Minazumi

    7th, rawr!

  • polariod


    me wants more lolis

  • Larceny Inc

    woot 10th lol

  • elfdrow

    3 episodes left… yeah i have the same feeling. thi series has material for a 26 ep run at least

    producers nowadays are getting more _________ (insert insult here)

    anyway as always good job 😉

  • Kalessin

    Well, Asura Cryin’ is based on a series of light novels which – according to wikipedia – currently has 11 volumes and is ongoing. Given the nature of light novels, the anime is bound to cover a certain number of them and then stop there without having resolved everything. It may end on a climactic point, but it’ll be the end of whatever novel was the last that they covered. Assuming that the series does well, presumably they’ll do another season of 13 episodes. If we’re lucky, they’ll keep going as long as there are still novels to adapt and end up giving us the whole thing.

    There are plenty of other series that have done the same thing: Shakugan no Shana, Zero no Tsukaima, and To Aru no Majutsu – just to name a few. If anything, the fact that they only did 13 episodes may mean that we’ll see a second season sooner rather than later (assuming that the ratings and/or DVD sales support it). It also means that they are less likely to catch up with the novels as they adapt them (which could cause a gap large enough that they never get around to finishing the rest of the novels).

    So, yes, it’s a pity that we’re only getting 13 episodes and that it’s unlikely to really resolve all that much. But that’s typical, and as long as the ratings are good enough and/or they sell enough DVDs, we can look forward to more later. I have no clue what the ratings are, but I pray that they’re high enough and that the DVDs sell well enough that we get another season.

  • MaD-EyE-MoOdY

    wihcked loli power screws the show up i knew it >.> lol =], thx for the release

  • foxnewsnetwork

    11 volumes of Asura and still on going…
    lol, that reminds me of what I should be, but am not, doing right now.

  • Zommari

    are the fixed ZKC batched eps coming soon? \^_^/

  • essiw

    please stop the counting trolling… what are you guys? 12 year olds?
    Also I would like to ask, what is going on with the SD’s on this show. Are there some problems that the SD’s are this late?

  • Zig

    @essiw they’re too lazy to do it lol

    20th yay

  • perimiter

    let me get this straight berial doll is a spirtual apertition right so why is he tring to sprate it from asura machina while tomoharu dosnt have to sprate it hes spirit is right next to him why is she next to him while others cant see there spirits? its so comfusing i dont get the hole secrifise thing.

  • lindred

    but it’s fun~

  • Kalessin

    The burial doll is the person “sacrificed” to the Asura Machina. They’re a flesh and blood person living on some kind of life support inside the mecha. While inside the mecha, they can project themselves outside where handlers and other “spectral apparitions” can see them. Misao can also been seen by pretty much everybody now thanks to an upgrade to Tomo’s mecha. They also have some level of control over the mecha.

    What the folks in this episode were trying to do [SPOILER] (and Tomo would love to do with Misao and Shuri would love to do with her sister) is separate the flesh and blood person from the mecha so that they can live as a normal human again. Apparently no one has found a very good way to do that yet however.

  • Kalessin

    Also, as to why anyone would “sacrifice” someone to an Asura Machina, thus far it seems that everyone who’s done it has done it because it was the only way to save the person’s life. The downside, of course, is that the person is stuck in there. However, I could believe that someone would be nasty enough to put someone in an Asura Machina simply to get the power of the Asura Machina. It just hasn’t happened yet that we’ve seen.

  • Zig

    @Kalessin wait wtf you get the story? :O seriously WTFOMFG

  • perimiter

    @Kalessin tnx for the info please tell me where dose asura cryin comes in? i got what it is but what connection dose it has with separating asura machina from the burial doll and why do every one seem to hate it a lot.

  • Kalessin

    Apparently you become an Asura Cryin’ by having both the power of an Asura Machina and a pact with a demon. However, according to the Holy/Divine Guards, Asura Machina are specifically for eradicating demons. Whether that’s what the GD thinks, I’m not sure, but the Asura Machina and demons appear to be generally considered opposing powers. By having both, it’s kind of like you’re taking both sides (Misao compared it to two-timing). So, the folks with Asura Machina definitely see it as bad. We haven’t seen much of what the demon folks think, but there’s at least a decent chance that they think that it’s bad (though maybe they don’t mind so much). Personally, I don’t get why they don’t just get along, but somehow all of this relates to the end of the world, so maybe there’s a good reason for the separation of powers.

    As to why you would do it, it seems that an Asura Cryin’ has increased power. [SPOILER] Not only do you have the power of both the Asura Machina and a demon, but it seems that having the two of them increases the power of your Asura Machina even further as the demon adds power to it. The fellow in this last episode seemed to wonder what the limit of that power was and whether there _was_ a limit to it. So, by becoming an Asura Cryin’, you have a _lot_ more power apparently.

    As to why the folks in this episode wanted that, it appears that they needed it to prepare and/or use the splitter (or maybe to just stop anyone trying to stop them – they weren’t terribly clear about it). In any case, they were looking to gain the power to remove a burial doll from an Asura Machina – in particular, they were trying to remove their teacher from the Asura Machina that they had. So, they created the splitter to do it, but it was unlikely to work (hence why they needed a luck eater to use their luck to adjust the probability of it working) and it required the sacrifice of a lot of demons so that they’d have enough power to run it. Presumably it was the sacrifice of the demons why the teacher didn’t want them to free her from the Asura Machina and why she was talking to Misao to get her and her friends to stop them. Again, exactly how the Asura Cryin’ helped with this is unclear. But they needed a lot of power to make all this go and the Asura Cryin’ has more power than a simple Asura Machina, so that relates somehow. In either case, he likely made the pact with Nia’s sister so that he could use her familiar to hunt the demons that they needed for power to start up the splitter. So, even if being an Asura Cryin’ wasn’t necessary, it was a side effect of needing to make a pact with a demon and already being a handler.

    In any case, it’s definitely not all clear, but it’s generally getting clearer with each episode. Personally, my take on it at this point is that the handlers are too anti-demon and that they’ve not given an adequate reason as to why Asura Cryin’s are bad, but presumably that will be clearer in due time. Of course, given that it’s the name of the show and that Tomo is now _living_ with Takatsuki – not to mention that he may require the power of an Asura Cryin’ at some point – I highly suspect that he’s going to become an Asura Cryin’ at some point here.

    Wow. This is getting way too long. But hopefully it makes things more clear rather than less.

  • Lemon

    Hrm… for some reason the episode does not play with the opening and ending themes.

  • cbs101

    Asura Cryin’ 2 TV Series Green-Lit for Fall, just posted on ANN

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