We finally get to see the last girl in the OP have a role. Yay~
Checking the official website, this seems to be the events of novel 6, in case anyone is keeping track.
Personally, I haven’t watched this myself yet, so I’m downloading too. XD More thoughts after I’ve seen it.
720p: Sword girl~
480p: Swish!
lol first hope you guys get along on the novel sooner it provides a good experience as well
oh @#$%! I totally forgot that there were novels!! Argh!!
awesome stuff as alwayz, thX a bunch =]
can’t wait for the last 2 episodes!
lol.. haven’t seen her lately.
I WAS SO TOTALLY WAITING FOR HER TO COME OUT! damn, but only for the last 3 episodes >_> I hope she comes out more in S2. alot alot more.
Well the way this show has been going, I really hope there won’t be a season two :s Throughout the series we have been getting episodes that don’t connect very well, and I have had the feeling that nothing is being solved, and that it is only a jumble of ideas that are picked out of a hat for every episode. Really, I want to like this show but it makes it so hard
Season 2 has already been announced for the fall.
Thanks for the release. Looking forward to the rest (and hopefully next season as well) from you guys =-)
At first, I thought it was just another episode. After seeing the golden statue, I’m surprised that they were able to go that far.
Can’t wait for Season 2
will wait patiently for sd or……
Hope you guys will subs season 2 as well, maybe then we’ll get real character developements and happenings.
ta for quik sd =]
You guys taking s2?
Just started the series today and I’m already up2 episode 11 ^_^
GOD DAMN SHIT!!!! This Anime ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for subing it guys ๐
what happen with eps 12.. its the last episode right??
i’m waiting for chihiro subs.. coz i’m a big fan of yours release
Please, please, please… Only two more episodes and this season is end… please, Chihiro. Let Asura finish!!!