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Princess Lover! – 09

So, Princess Lover has somehow passed Gendai Mahou in terms of episodes released. Actually, PL is, at least for us, technically “caught up.” We are presently working on the only episode we CAN work on, since the station we use for raws (Tokyo MX) doesn’t air until Wednesday.

So, what is in store for us now?

Princess Lover – Hoping to have episode 10 out by the end of the week. After that, we’re hoping for releases of 11 and 12 on the Tuesday after the MX airing. XviDs should be worked on around now.

Gendai Mahou – Also hoping to have episode 10 out by the end of the week. Episode 11 will hopefully be released by the day episode 12 airs, and we’ll then hopefully have episode 12 out by the 1st of October. XviDs should be starting for 7+8 starting like tomorrow or Thursday.

Hayate – Not sure what pace this will occur at. Hoping it’ll all be done by the 7th of October at the latest.

ZKC Batch 14-26 – Almost all episodes are done. This is the longest batch due to the lack of a TLC/QC from 15-22. Further ones should be coming at rapid pace. However, this will not be released until 14 is TLCed/QCed as well.

DVDs/BDs – Released at whatever pace the encoder wants.

Next season – Asura Cryin’ 1 will be delayed approximately a week due to our translator’s exams. However, 1 and 2 should be released before 3 airs, and hence we’ll be right back on pace. Sasameki Koto airs on the 7th, and will be subbed at a regular pace. We will most likely be adding a 3rd show, which’ll probably be our first release of the new season.

h.264: Sorry. This became a mile long news post. >.<

XviD: *_*

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