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To Aru Kagaku no Railgun – 06 And a bunch of v2s!

We lost our Path. But he came back. So, we re-edited episodes 5 and 6, made a bunch of changes in 2 that seemed to slip, and made minor corrections everywhere else. It’s easier for us just to release a batch of the first 6 episodes instead of making 10 patches, so, here you go.

Lyrics have been updated in episode 6 (and on) to the official lyrics for ED and semi-official lyrics for OP. By semi-official I mean we’re not changing “Look in the prism, this planet, to search a way,” to “Looking! The Blitz loop this planet to search way”, but we changed everything else.

If you want just 06… Set all the other files to “Do not Download.”

Oh, and a note from fnn:

The author of this manga clearly never took a class in quantum mechanics or even read the Wikipedia article on it. Gravitons, being the mediator of the gravitation force, travel at a constant velocity – that is, the speed of light. Furthermore, by Einstein’s general relativity, these things aren’t “accelerated”, instead, they are acceleration because acceleration can be directly interchanged with a gravitational field. This, once again, goes to show that the To Aru series is not sci-fi, it’s just fi. So as a final note to the author of this series (because he/she is probably going to learn English and read this -_-), do some research or stay the @#$% away from our physics and math

720p: Uiharu’s flower fell off in episode 5. T_T

v2: lol bitch got deflowered

480p: *Pats Uiharu*

44 comments to To Aru Kagaku no Railgun – 06 And a bunch of v2s!

  • It IS sci-fi, because its science FICTION. If it were true it would be science FACT. Science is so rigid that if a story used already known scientific facts, it would be a really lame no-surprise story.

    Besides, we don’t know if gravitons even exist. Let alone know their mass and velocity.

  • Keiran

    On that note about science. Do we really care? Are the lasers in Star Wars Scientifically accurate? Why is that a Sci-Fi then? This is an anime about a technologically advanced city and powers stemming from breaking reality. Sad to say we need to rip on good anime because it’s not scientifically accurate especially when it never said it was supposed to be scientific at all. Petty insults for no reason is not constructive to a good argument. Sorry fnn but your physics and math are already destroyed by most anime and films.

    Thanks for the batch!

  • Megas

    Its not really fair to ask them to research information for this show. Being a physics major myself, there were nights where I wanted to burn everything & play on my atari. As much as I would love for gravitons to exist in the real world, anime can take them to the point to where we go WTF everytime we see little floating objects with no optimum momentum except for whatever special event that seemingly “caused” it to float.

    So an idiot flicking a ball bearing just for it to move in a linear pattern @ 0.1 m/s really isn’t that special in the anime world LOL

  • Lem

    Lol @ criticizing physics in an anime. Epic.

  • Path

    I swear FNN’s rants are the best part of the scripts for this show. In other news, Uiharu was deflowerd–the poor girl never stood a chance.

  • Schmidty

    In actuality, if gravitons do exist, they defy both the special and general theories of relativity, because gravity is the one thing in the universe that travels faster than the speed of light. Change a mass in one part of the galaxy, and the gravitational effects are felt everywhere in the galaxy at the exact moment of the change. This confused Einstein (and in reality, still puzzles theoretical physicists today), and lead to the idea of “space-time” being a distorted by gravity (which makes gravity merely an illusion caused by the distortion of space-time by large masses).

    On a completely unrelated note, thanks for the batch!

  • akrequiem

    I’m sure the author is trying to prove that an object with mass going at the speed of light; relative to us is casually moving along is not rather has not dissipated to the immense frictional forces. Though the argument can be stated that since it was relative to us the steel ball was only traveling at a comprehensible speed, it was not breaking any laws of physics.

    “I travel faster than the speed of light” ~ AK

  • Woohoo!

    I can understand you not changing that particularly Engrish-tastic line. (Official or otherwise, I’m by no means convinced it’s what’s actually sung.)

    A world with ESP, and you pick on accelerated gravitons?

    This author isn’t even close to as bad as some. The big “twist” in the first arc of this series’ (imho inferior) predecessor, To Aru Majutsu no Index—I won’t spoil it (for those who, like me, only saw it now this came out), but… it was a case in point, and done rather well I thought.

  • @schmidty

    WRONG! That’s an assumption made in classical physics. Einstein stated that If the sun disappeared right now, the Earth will only stray from its orbit 8 minutes later because the gravitational effects are transmitted to the Earth at the speed of light.

  • Anonymous

    >one thing in the universe that travels faster

    I hope you never find out about Quantum Mechanics, it might give you a heart stroke.

    p.s. for future refernces:

  • Dokuro-chan

    Yeah, Schmidty, since when does gravity travel faster than the speed of light? This isn’t 1687; no one actually believes in action-at-a-distance here.

    Although, I don’t think you do, either. I think you just aren’t communicating what you are trying to say very well. I think you are trying to talk about curved space or folded dimensions or something, the idea being that if reality is on the equivalent of a curved plane of n dimensions, gravity may travel the shortest path rather than along the plane that everything else seems to exist on.
    Of course, I’m not a theoretical physicist, so I have no idea if that is actually possible in the slightest.

    The extent of my personal knowledge leaves me with the inclination to believe that gravity travels at the speed of light, just like everything else, along the same dimensions as everything else, not some extra gravity dimension.
    Actually, wait, shoot, I remember reading a book about stuff related to this once that talked all about lower planes of existence and special levels along which only gravity traveled… Which sounds exactly like what I just said doesn’t happen… So yeah, I don’t really know what I am talking about anymore, but I am at least sure that gravity doesn’t effect objects any distance away instantly.

  • Mike

    Generaly Relativity is just a theory. Furthurmore it’s a theory that we know doesn’t explain all of the phenomenon in the universe. Quantum mecahnics is the same. Both of them are no different then the theory of the Aether which was debunked at the begining of last century.

    Anyone who claims that “this isn’t supported by so therefore isn’t scientific” clearly doesn’t know what science is about or, for that matter, what the word “theory” even means.

    Finally, we havn’t even discovered gravitons yet. Whose to say that if they exist that they can’t undergo some form of acceleration like phenomina.

  • MaD-EyE-MoOdY

    i’ve been through physics !!! ~.~

  • Insanedude63

    So I only understand about half of what the other comments are talking about. But I congratulate myself on that beings that I only have a high school education.

  • Siegfried

    LOL, a simple comment thread turning into a physics debate. But if you’re interested in the stuff, just wait until CERN in Swizterland has properly started working, they’re trying to find a theory that merges Einsteins relativity theory with the quantum mechanic theories with that huge machine : )

  • Modhesh

    How I enjoy reading the comments here. Now I want to learn more about physics. xD

  • Modhesh

    oh anyway, thanks for the batch. xD

  • Schmidty

    From “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking, page 35

    “General Relativity combines the time dimension with the three dimensions of space to form what is called spacetime. The theory incorporates the effect of gravity by saying that the distribution of matter and energy in the universe warps and distorts spacetime, so that it is not flat. Objects in spacetime try to move in a straight line [because of inertia] but because spacetime is curved, their paths appear bent.”

    Thus, if mass were to “disappear” (without being converted to energy) as I stated, the effects would be felt simultaneously in the entire universe (this cannot happen [i.e. it is a hypothetical situation] because of the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy, or E= MC^2; the destruction of a mass would create enough energy to distort spacetime as much as the original mass did). The LHC created by CERN will attempt to prove the existence of ‘branes’ or multidimensional superstrings, which (ideally) will patch the breach between general relativity (which governs macro-physics) and quantum mechanics (which governs micro-physics).

    I originally wanted to keep the post short, so I didn’t elaborate my statement.

  • Lake

    All this scientific discussion and you all missed the flower falling off? A deflowered loli and you are worried about where the earth will be if the sun went bye-bye?

  • Densebrains

    うふふふ 。。。

    Can’t wait to see the next episode and the episode after that.

    幻想御手 Fantasy Comes to Hand


    Thank you.

  • damn I missed reading that pdf about all those nutrinos(or whatever you call them) and stuff in the OP of Haruhi S2

    and yes I read it…. well maybe 90% of it.

  • Kanji


    You just pulled everything past the quoted statement out of thin air. The gravitational warping of space-time travels quickly, maybe even the speed of light, but since Einstein we have known that gravity is not instantaneous as Newton thought.

    I don’t thing the LHC was created to prove the existence of anything. That is bad science. You try to disprove in science. Either way the LHC is used to peer into the working of the small at very high energies. This shows us fundamental particles, attempts to destroy our current understanding of physics, and to measure, what we currently believe to be, fundamental particles more accurately.

  • Densebrains

    Wow… Episode 7 能力とちから is Amazing!

    Just waiting for Episode 8 幻想御手, Fantasy Comes to Hand, now. ^o^

  • amuro

    um so 1-5 are all version 2s? or just 2 and 5?

  • Flare

    lol, Good work fnn! You just made me realise how many physicists we have amongst us. I even saw the M theory being mentioned.

  • Guxx

    The author of this rant clearly never took a class in creative writing, or even read the Wikipedia article defining the SciFi genre. 😛

  • Anonymous

    >Quantum mecahnics is the same. Both of them are no different then the theory of the Aether which was debunked at the begining of last century.

    Good God! Why are you so stupid? Bell’s theorem has been EXPERIMENTALLY tested and proven! EXPERIMENTALLY! If “The Universe in a Nutshell” is the only book on “physics” that you ever finished, don’t act like you actually know something. Popular science has little value.

  • Mio

    lol at the physics comment

  • Havoc10K

    best to leave it the way it is, l mean, screw quantum phisics, humans are too dumb to properly benefit from that yet.

    ~Officially banned from BBT for no reason.

  • Xeferah

    Well, leave the physics for now, why not discuss the lyrics. I mean, no one wants to comment on

    “Looking! The Blitz loop this planet to search way” ??

    My English isn’t perfect, but because I know that I would someone else check my Official Lyrics (if I would write them). What kinda Engrish is this ….

  • anonymous

    There are a few instances in various songs both Japanese and American where the “official” lyrics seem to have been written by a low-paid record company employee listening to the song rather than the actual songwriter’s lyrics.

  • tins

    if they dont bother learning english to make english lyrics why learn physics for a sci-fi anymore :3

  • tins

    if they dont bother learning english to make english lyrics why learn physics for a sci-fi anime :3

  • Airu-kun

    btw… is thi suposed to be a quantum mechanics class? >.> god… guys … get a life… .< <

  • happyGuy



  • Strikez

    Dude… guys.. it’s an anime… I go to Ga Tech and am a senior in civil engineering… my dad was a physics major… Like… 90% of the movies out there BS on physics and you’re making fun of the one that is actually trying? Do me a favor and go watch the sci-fi channel when they have one of their “original” movies on. Those things break so many laws of physics in less than 5 minutes of airing that it’s ridiculous but they still classify as “sci-fi”. Anyway, like i said… it’s an anime. If you don’t like it, don’t watch…

  • Kristen

    Georgia… Tech…


  • Kalessin

    The “science” in sci-fi is almost always more fiction than science. It’s usually only the truly hard science fiction (as in hard vs soft, not hard vs easy) which tends to follow science much. And honestly, that has a tendency to get quite dull. There are some cases (such as Babylon 5 or Starship Operators) where the writers manage to stay fairly faithful to many aspects of physics and still have things be cool, but if you stick too closely to reality with such things, they have a tendency to get quite boring. If anything, it’s impressive that To Aru Kagaku no Railgun even mentions gravitons. They’re at least _trying_ to have real science rather than total fiction, even if they don’t exactly succeed.

  • Spind

    hahaha Anime physics thats a good one! xDDDD

    ty for the bunch of v2s and the ep6!

  • r3ani

    Real physics? In MY anime? 😮

    Thanks for the v2+06 batch! ^_^

  • Spind

    if ya want real physics (i think xD) go watch Mythbusters! xDDDD

  • Path

    This one went off on a tanget in a rather spectacular manner. For the record, we do realize that this is a work of fiction (you don’t say <_<), but being forced to TL, TLC, or edit something that’s very obviously wrong is somewhat vexing. At least we’re not back to scalars and vectors… yet.

    On the lyrics:

    The blitz loop this planet can search way
    Only my RAILGUN can shoot it!
    Are these the official lyrics

    you’re kidding
    ….can we keep OUR lyrics?
    they’re better
    I was about to say <_<
    I knew it was nonsense
    But, wow

    Suffice to say we had a moment of collective /facepalm.

    As for the batch itself, this’ll give you a rough idea:

    01 – updated the Jugdement designation; updated TS; minor tweaks
    02 – fixed a typo (“read” to “red”); changed two lines; minor tweaks
    03 – minor tweaks
    04 – minor tweaks
    05 – somewhat overhauled script due to a certain editor being AWOL

    “Minor tweaks” effectively means that a word or two were changed, and a number of lines were split. That’s about as comprehensive a list as you’re likely to get at present.

  • Nick

    What’s up with this physics fiasco over gravitations everyone knows,
    it’s MAGIC.
    I mean little girls making lightning from there hands and teleporting people around.

    I do believe accurate scientific theorem is least of their problem, but that people are taking
    this so seriously thats just SCARY.

    Happy Day Now.

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