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K-On! – 14 Status

I don’t want other threads getting flooded with “Any updates on K-On?” “Are you doing it?”, etc, as it already has, so I’m going to make a post.

We are doing it, you can find updates in here, etc, etc.

Progression to batch is as follows:

Episode 14: Mux

Disc 6:
11: Mux
12: QC, Mux
Special 6: QC, Mux

Disc 7:
13: Shift hardsubs, Encode h.264, Shift Times, QC, Mux
Special 7: TL, Encode, Time, Typeset, QC, Mux

Misc: Re-encode 1, Re-encode 2, fix sub errors in 2 episodes.

46 comments to K-On! – 14 Status

  • Roland

    and what about ZKC second batch? =|

    Delayed it another week because you just asked. And I literally was just pressing the button to make the torrent.

  • Good God, really?! The very first comment commits the very same act of annoyance that this thread was created to avoid.

  • Andy

    Roland, are you happy now? O.o
    Well, I’m not. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
    These guys do their best to give us very good quality anime, they even place a post to tell us how far they stand so those useless questions like “Any updates on K-On” aren’t needed. Yet you complain.

    Chihiro, keep up the good work guys! I really love your work!

  • misayoto

    lol! that’s something! and was just pressing the button to make the torrent! lol Patience is a virtue, just wait without asking too much. XD

    Anyway, I just wanted to say Thank you Chihiro for all the works you have done. I really like your releases! XD

  • Goodwine

    I remember something said like “comments asking about an anime not mentioned in the post will make us delay releases even more”
    FU roland

    btw Mio FTW

  • Anttown

    erhm I think the guy got the message now so there is no more need to pick on him :/

    Thanx for all youยดve done for us Chihiro!

  • asdasd

    pity 99% of the k-on loving world have already watched ep 14 now innit.

  • Nani? There is a season 2? Adds to PTW list.

  • animatix

    K-On! 14? What’s this? Season 2? /omg!

  • Phoenix911

    aye I am confused as well whats K-ON 14.
    I have not heard of any second season ??

  • LordOmnit

    K-On! 14 is a special episode packed in the last DVD/Blu-ray. Or something like that.
    Also I think that all these first comment ZKC questions are trolls doing it to delay it, it is entirely too convenient that they show up all the time.
    That and/or because it’s only ever really addressed in the comments all the idiots out there don’t realize that there has been information given here and there about release plans but they don’t actually just do a simple search for “ZKC” or “Zettai” in the comments on any given post.

  • Hanzo

    strange that they always make a post exactly one week apart to delay it aswell….

    Take your tiem with zetai i still have to get throught eh first batch u made ages ago(to many other good shows to get through atm) im sure those of us who really want it can wait.

    Glad your doing this ova though coz im getting sick of coalguys annoying comments about shows he subs (that guy needs to take a break from anime if all he can do is bitch about it).

  • Nicky

    K-ON! episode 14 is like OVA but there is really a 2nd season for K-ON!. However, the date is not confirmed yet. Refer this

  • Gar

    Thanks. I will wait for a batch ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Petrarch

    coalguys inb4 chihiro. just sayin’

  • Slightly Evil but not Really

    So, what if one were to ask about every upcoming release that has not yet been posted in a thread not pertaining to them? Would those all be delayed, every single one? If so, how’re all those releases coming along and when will they be out?

  • Andrew

    coalguys already has K-on! 14 on there websites. those guys are quicker then Chihiro, but I’m going to wait until Chihiro are done. I like you guys better then CoalGuys.

    Coalguys will always be faster than us. They always check up what we do, and do it before us.

  • Yeah, i will wait for Chihiro too!!! But can you do the Xvid version too? Coz i had been a fan of chihiro from the first season of K-ON! ep!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m doing all versions I will still support after releasing the batch. That is 1080p, 720p, 480p, and XviD.

  • oldfag

    Iโ€™m doing all versions I will still support after releasing the batch. That is 1080p, 720p, 480p, and XviD.

    Yay for diversity. Though I fail to see the need for 480p since you’re doing XviDs anyway… And while we’re at it, try to keep XviDs standalone-compatible. That is, no GMC, no Qpel, no packed GOPs, no more than 2 consecutive B-frames and preferably CBR audio. Overall bitrate should be <1.5Mbit, but that's pretty much a given for SD resolution.
    Something along the lines of and so on.

  • Thankful

    Glad to see you are finishing up K-ON! Thanks Chihiro!

  • Kristen

    Excuse me?

    oldfag, have you see our K-On? It’s going to be encoded like that. Who the hell do you think you are telling me how to encode?

  • thongyboy

    Woot!! I’ll definately wait the chihiro release. I’ve been a chihiro fan since i found the site always a good quality subs and I personally think if it’s a chihiro it’s the wait d@mn worth it. I would like to say keep up the good work.

  • oldfag

    Erm, Kristen, who do you think you are to assume that everyone else is not qualified to speak about encoding “by default” (note the difference you seem to have missed with “telling one how to”)?
    I wasn’t going to offend anyone, it’s just an advice – so take it easy. I must admit that I didn’t watch your K-On XviDs (did watch some of your H.264s instead), but I recall some Chihiro’s XviD experiments (among others) in the past, and since K-On is quite popular show, it’d be a waste to experiment on it IMO. I’m glad that you aren’t going to make it less usable than you should. Mind telling me what do you need 480p H.264 for?

    P.S. ZKC batch torrent where? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Nazo

    @oldfag, it’s for the original TV releases, which was 720p (pretty sure this will be replaced by the BD), 480p and xvid. She’s going to encode 14 just to complete all the batches. It’s pretty much a “well… I might as well doing it for completeness”. That’s it.

  • Fuck, you’re all faggots.

  • LMAO

    how do they check up on what ur doing AND do it faster? do they read ur minds? or are u guys just that slow. fucking lol.

  • Densebrains

    I have seen a part of it . It looks fantastic.

  • Kanade

    It’s called having a RL.
    We don’t spend all day in front of our computers. Every one finishes what they need to do in RL, then spare some time to do some fan subbing. It’s a hobby, not a job.

  • Aero

    I’m a little confused for some reason. Exactly what format is ep. 14 going to be released in.

  • Rokudaime

    Sigh…how you guys (Chihiro) manage to keep up with all these morons is beyond me. Demanding, asking stupid questions, asking questions that have allready been answered, asking questions that they have just been told not to ask, and even throwing insults your way sometimes (which is seriously WTF!?). I can’t do anything but admire how you endure it all, and keep churning out awesome releases. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Think I would get pretty fed up with this stuff if I was fansubbing. Oh, and I love your work, keep it up, and take your time! I have way too much stuff to do, so I have all the time in the world. Cheers! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Kunangapi


    I thought that I would like to give suggestion about batching files to XivD types and so on. But after re-read the post and comments, I cancel my suggestion because that’s what you guys doing right now. So, I think it’s better if I drop by here and say THANK YOU for your great efforts on subbing K-ON.

    So, keep it up and don’t be affected with those condemning-critters! Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Melchizadek

    I just want to say thank you for all your work on this and everything you do. I’m always glad when I see that Chihiro is working on a show that I want to see.

    Also, if I were you I probably would have turned off comments completely by now. You are a lot more patient than I am.

  • oldfag

    Thanks, Nazo. I guess Kristen’s too busy with Power2All new money extorting methods or whatever, so her silence is understandable. I thought I’ve missed a good reason to split swarms (total number of seeders is finite) between 4 batches instead of 3 (or, better yet, 2), but actually it looks like I haven’t.

    Kusion‘s ass smart as always, hence still fails at trolling. Try harder next time.

    The rest I didn’t bother remembering names of: dealing with viewers’ reactions is a part of fansubber’s work. Don’t try fansubbing, it won’t be fun for you.

    And good luck with releasing ep.14, Chihiro.

  • […] The batches will come in a few days when we finish re-QCing 12 and 13, do the last 2 specials, and fix a few things we did not like in our Blu-Rays so far. For more details, see this post. […]

  • jenny

    will you release the rest of the episodes this month?

  • deadman

    By any chance, did the BDs come with clean OP/ED sequences and if so, will you be including them in the 1080p batch when it’s released? ^^;; (asking because I don’t know whether they exist or not, and because I like it when all the file names for a series start with [Chihiro] ^_^ That way I know they are good.) <3 you guys btw, I don't think I've ever run into any blatant translation/transliteration errors, major typesetting issues or even typos in any release from this group that I have ever seen, plus most of the projects you pick don't suck to begin with XD (Thank you for not picking up the lactation show for instance ~_~)

  • deadman

    Ahh, hate to ask, but I am missing episodes 11,12, and 13.. Were they already released and I fail at finding them or are they still in the works? ^^;;
    (If this question was answered elsewhere, I would appreciate a friendly nudge in the right direction to find the answer.)

  • Alex

    Doesn’t look like it yet. Hopefully they will come soon. Dont think Ive ever seen an anime with a focus on music before so Im enjoying K-On, just a shame they didnt change into a heavier band like the teacher and Ritsu wanted at the start before they went lighter ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚

    We appreciate our work Chihiro, I hope the demand tells you how much we like your subs!

  • Giovanni

    We need an update!

  • FuwaFuwa

    Episode 11 – 13 please!!

  • kaolen

    project not dropped right?

  • sdsd

    Wow… I cannot find a 1080p BD version of episode 13 anywhere. Chihiro or otherwise. How did this episode slip through the cracks?

    At this rate I’d be better off ripping the BD myself (imported them all) and trying to apply the subs myself. :/

    I’d really love to see Chihiro finish this out though.

  • mpc

    *please* give us at least an update! more than 2 months since “in a few days” is a very long time, and without any hint whats happening, doubts about chihiro will arise which i don’t want.
    even knowing you dropped it would be better than no info at all.

  • Rabwin

    Was 11 and 12 dropped? Do you guys even pay attention to this anymore since it’s so old?

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