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Sasameki Koto – 10

Power2All, you have 3 days to get rid of that stupid indirect linking on Anirena, or we are gone.

Torrent: Rage

45 comments to Sasameki Koto – 10

  • Modhesh

    and thanks for this.

  • MaD-EyE-MoOdY

    Thx for this peeps, keep up the good work…. ^^

  • CleeD

    Why is there an indirect linking to anirena? Its CHIHIRO who made the subs, not ANIRENA? are they trying to benefit from the work of others?

  • Read the fucking topic on the forum.
    I have no interest in gaining anything from Chihiro, not anymore that is.
    The reason why it’s there, is because I provide the hosting of the torrents and tracking, and since with hotlinking I don’t get any revenue for advertisement (and thus income for the server costs), I have to do it like this.

    Give me a other solution to generate revenue to atleast pay for my server instead, if you do, I’ll HAPPILY remove it.

  • Another note.
    Read it and hope you’ll understand it better.

    Oh, someone already came with the funny idea of “donations”.
    It’s been there for 2 years and nothing has been donated EVER…
    So yah…. don’t even start with that -_-.

  • “Why is there an indirect linking to anirena? Its CHIHIRO who made the subs, not ANIRENA? are they trying to benefit from the work of others?”

    … So your saying I should shutdown AniRena and Chihiro wouldn’t have problems ?
    Cause your saying that Chihiro should be the only one given any credit for hosting something ?
    So what I’m hosting with AniRena is insignificant to you all ?
    Then I won’t even bother paying attention to Chihiro at all I guess… Brainless people here.

  • empororllid

    wtf is anirena

  • b1-66-er


    I would take a wild guess and say that Anirena is the tracker/host of all the torrents that Chihiro puts out.

  • empororllid

    ah… interesting

  • Says enough…
    Why should I even care about Chihiro after reading nobody actually knew that I was hosting all this time for Chihiro…
    Thanks alot for all the support all these time (heh.. right..)…

  • Dakon

    They are not only the tracker of chihiro, nearly every subgroupe is making use of AniRena but they never get any credit for it. I don’t mind the indirect link cause they have the right to do so!

  • Niphty

    Power2All, I wouldn’t mind it if you would correct the ‘Your’ into ‘You’re’ in the first line there.

    I don’t disagree with why you’re doing it, personally. It’s completely understandable. The annoyance is minor, but not everyone feels that way. No other solutions, other than requiring the groups who post donate some of their donations to help server costs. That way you’re not looking for donations from people who didn’t even know you existed =D

  • Hynkel

    Oh, after this doesn’t bring enought cash to Power2all, are we going to see something similar to the old warez style “Click to Vote” only with ads?

  • facepalm

    Some people here make me shed tears for humanity.

  • Every major torrent client has mainline DHT support now, and nearly all of them has magnet: btih support (as seen on Jishaku, and even on TPB now).

    In short, torrents don’t need trackers anymore.

    While I’m sure we all appreciate what costs and efforts are involved in running such a centralised resource for the good of the community, perhaps it might be better in the long run to reduce Power2All’s costs by reducing or eliminating the reliance on Anirena or trackers in general.

    Converting to DHT–enabled magnet: btih links instead could work well. Just a suggestion.

  • First of all, to Power2All —

    Chihiro has mentioned Anirena MANY times. Just because the people who post comments here don’t know what they are talking about — most don’t bother to read the majority of posts beyond finding the link to click — doesn’t mean you need to be an ass, nor misdirect your animosity to Chihiro. I understand you have costs that aren’t being met, but give me a break on your pompous reactionary aggression towards anyone and everyone who replies to your action in a negative way.

    In regard to this situation in general, I didn’t really care about the new policy at all. I was fine with it. However, after having seen Power2All’s attitude toward people, I have to agree with Myoukochou. It’s time to cut out the middle man.

    There was a certain fansub group with a staff who’s basic attitude towards the people they were serving was exactly the same as what I’ve seen from Power2All, and because of their arrogant attitude and their inflexibility they lost many people and had enemies who would steal their content and post it on Youtube and other such sites. In the end, Power2All may think that this is his only way to not lose money on the server costs, but his attitude is just going to push more people away and cause those losses to increase.

  • Violence

    Wouldn’t it be easier just to use Baka Updates? I mean, that’s were a lot of people go to look for releases anyways, and I’m pretty sure there are other ways to get trackers if you want them.

    Plus, AniRena doesn’t work when cookies are turned off, as it just keeps redirecting to the same page, and I don’t trust 95% of places that requires I turn on cookies, since those can be used for tracking.

  • Rokudaime

    Ok, I know I’m not in a position to say anything, and I love your subs, but there are errors in two of the lines in the OP karaoke that have been bugging me since episode 1 of this series, so I can’t keep it in anymore, I have to say something. The vocalist in the song sings really slow, so it’s really easy to hear what she’s saying, word by word, and so when what she sings, and what is on screen doesn’t match, well, I notice it really well every time (I watch the OP every time, because I like it). The following lines are the ones I noticed, with what the karaoke says on the left, and what the vocalist actually sings, on the right:
    1.”miageta sora” – “miageta sora wa”. 2.”shiroi nouto” – “shiroi nouto ni”.

    The first one, “miageta sora”, is especially noticeable, because it appears again later in the OP, and there you have it shown correctly as “miageta sora wa”. I realize this is nit-picking, and I’m not really complaining, since it’s not like I can’t live with super small errors like this, so please don’t bite my head off for pointing them out, it’s just that I felt I should say something, after seeing them 10 times in a row.
    Thanks for the release!

  • JJ

    @rokudaime I think things like that are usually fixed when the batch comes out. thats usually the case.

  • @Manhatten

    You have no clue what has been going on behind the scenes, please get your assumptions straight before judging someone for posting on a blog that he just noticed that there was ruckus about the new thing I introduced.
    Don’t you think it’s weird I have to read this information HERE instead of being contacted personally ??

  • I didn’t start the flame war!

  • @Ketsurui —

    It was always burning since the world’s been turning?

  • koga88

    Hm, or you could use NyaaTorrents, which seems to be popular now for quite a lot of the various subbing groups. Just saying.

  • Kibbles

    so where does all the chihiro donations go? i thought that went to release servers, or is that not this.

    IRC bots, DDL and FTP servers, Bluray discs, and other miscellaneous things.

  • namaiki


    Baka-Updates links to the tracker (Anirena in this case) for the .torrent files.

  • oldfag

    Sorry for off-topic.

    Power2All, you won’t have money at all when (not “if”) TokyoTosho switches to magnets instead of/in addition to .torrent’s. I’d recommend you require visitor to click an ad, sending him after this a timestamped cookie that allows direct downloading from anirena within next 24 hours.
    Don’t get me wrong: I try to avoid AniRena as much as possible, but I’m not interested in its disappearance (thanks to your “no DHT allowed” policy death of anirena will kill 99.99% of its torrents), neither I’m interested in problems your own financial crisis brings to other fansubbers, Chihiro included.
    If, by chance, Chihiro and AniRena decide to divorce, there’s always NyaaTorrents and Torrage for .torrent hosting, OpenBitTorrent (aka TPB) with PublicBitTorrent for tracking, Jishaku Tosho, TPB and even this blog itself for magnet links.

  • Modhesh

    it turned out quite big after all.

  • LordDragon

    come down off your high horse Power2All. Go get a real job or something and stop trying to make cash off of someone else’s hard work. thanks

  • Alcyone

    i pity the narutards typical leecher’s attitude and mentality… lol
    nice low intelligence fan mentality you got there Chihiro =D


  • Azzy

    I find it strange that there are no dissenting views in the forum thread that P2A linked to. Not one. That just doesn’t strike me are a realistic turn of events. After all… THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!

  • In all this dorama, I slip into the darkness and avoid TLCing ep 11…


  • LockedOut

    I second the proposal for either magnet links or an alternative tracker. While I understand and support what Power2All is attempting to do, I can’t actually download the torrent from his site. Unless anirena changes its implementation, I’m simply locked out of getting torrents from the site, and DDL is… if you’ll pardon my French… complete and total ass.

  • @azzy

    Well yah, what do you expect of torrent ninjas…

    You again… Don’t you ever get tired of hearing yourself ?
    Since when is DHT the shit ?
    For instance, most of the linux Torrent Clients don’t understand Magnet links, and since most of the people using AniRena arn’t using uTorrent all the time, it is quite pointless what your saying.

    And you think thats easy why… ?
    Do you even read the URL I pasted on this blog at all ?
    Who are you fooling, sofar yourself only ^^
    And making cash of someone else is kinda pointless, Chihiro isn’t getting 1200mil hits per month on their backend tracker…..

  • oldfag

    Meh. I don’t like the idea of hijacking poor Sasameki Koto’s thread for personal reasons, but I just can’t let it slip.
    1) Power2All, 2009-02-02: “DHT is shit system” (proofpic). In reality, it’s the opposite: any centralized P2P system is shit system, but that’s not the point of discussion.
    2) BTIH magnet links are supported by uTorrent, Azureus/Vuze, BitComet, Transmission, Deluge to name a few. BTW, these named make at least 90% combined of all clients used (source). That again, isn’t the point of discussion. Informed readers should already have an idea whose last message is “pointless” and whose is indeed pointless by now anyway.
    So far I’ve suggested you make less annoying system with anonymous cookie that’s supposed to be a compromise between your empty pockets (you get ad revenue from each browser visit daily) and fansubbers/leechers’ annoyance levels. If you judge an idea by its author’s personality rather than by idea itself, you’re doing it wrong. This – compromise – is the point.
    It’s understandable that neither you nor Chihiro will like it, but that’s “lesser evil” out of all possible “evils” AFAICT.
    I believe we both value our time, so I’ll refrain from further posting here unless something really important is brought up. That doesn’t mean I’m not interested in outcome of all this, it’s just an inappropriate place for this kind of discussion.

    TL;DR: compromise is required, but I’m not going to discuss it here any further.

  • Niphty

    HEY! There will be NO translation of 12 until you assholkes stop… being assholes and start holding hands, dancing around a fucking campfire, and singing damned happy melodies together, GOT IT?!
    Now take your piss-fest to a PM somewhere else.

  • @oldfag:
    “In reality, it’s the opposite: any centralized P2P system is shit system, but that’s not the point of discussion.” <– And how do you mean that ? As long as a server is maintained properly, it should suffice.
    How will you "monitor" a decentralized network ? You can't.. point made…
    AniRena does not only allow people to P2P, it also monitors what is happening, showing stats to the fansub groups, which you cant do with decentralized way.
    I think this has been pointed out everywhere that DHT is only good when it comes to sharing, but it won't give proper stats regarding if someone downloaded it or not (Kristen wished also to see how many people downloaded it, and you cant with DHT, end of point).

    BitTornado and the official BitTorrent client doesn't use magnet links as far as I know, and TorrentFlux is one of the clients using BitTornado and BitTorrent (although it also has support for Transmission, still Transmission had a lot of crash issues heh).
    Applications supporting magnet links include Vuze, BearShare, DC++, Deluge, gtk-gnutella, Kazaa, LimeWire, FrostWire, MP3 Rocket, Morpheus, Qbittorrent (as of v1.5.0), BitComet (as of v1.17), BitSpirit, Shareaza, MLdonkey, aMule, KCeasy, TrustyFiles, μTorrent, and Transmission (as of v1.80).

  • Maybe a small behind the scenes what actually AniRena is keeping up with:

    Sofar Uptime: 64 days
    Accepted TCP Connections: 1,596,067,852
    Accepted UDP Connections: 15,168,000

  • BinoX

    I’m not getting into this debate about who’s right or wrong.. because I don’t care to be honest with you.

    The one thing I will say, is that doing some simple math with the above figures that meabs that AniRena is getting just over 291 new connections every second average over those 64 days.

    But hey, if you’re not making money/breaking even or whatever you want to do, you could always just pack up and stop doing it altogether. I’m not saying it’s what you should do, I’m just saying that it’s an option.

  • There is no reason why you should need to monitor what is happening on a decentralized network, therefore your argument is moot.

    The stats you track provide any company who sues you access to those using your service and allowing them the ability to sue anyone you tracked. Forgive me if I find that a poor excuse for your unwillingness to use DHT. I can understand that the information must be valuable to you when you are courting new advertisers, but that’s about all it’s useful for.

  • @Manhattan: Your looking it just from one side… You forgot the whole part I said about “Kristen wished also to see how many people downloaded it” so your making still no sense.

  • Another news point.
    A bittorrent tracker has won a court case regarding hosting torrents.
    So I doubt there will be any more harder sueings regarding torrent trackers, when this has been judged.
    See OINK info on

  • Kurausuki

    Eh, I personally don’t mind the ads. Ads are a necessary part to maintain free content on the web, end of story. To be honest, what I’ve seen after clicking the link is a minor annoyance at best, but it has a purpose.

    I think both sides of the argument are getting overly enraged over something that isn’t a that big an issue.

    I knew Anirena hosted the torrents, but never did anything about it one way or the other. I figured my job ended with me continuing to seed something at the minimum as much as I downloaded it. I’ve got a few things left on here that are seeded 14-15x the downloaded amount and still going from Chihoro… Especially in-progress shows.

    If the indirect linking an annoyance? Yes. Minor, but it is an extra click I have to make. However, it won’t stop me from downloading the torrent in the end and watching the shows. If ads are needed to keep the episodes coming, then ads I will accept seeing.

  • Yah, the point of some people is that they think I added advertisement to gain money not used for server costs.
    In these times I can understand that, But I can already assure people, Im at 71$ now, and I wont get paid till 100$.
    When I actually receive the money, I forward it straight to my provider.
    For the moment, I use a lent server box for the database server, but that one should be replaced by a better box as well.
    Nothing is free, but I’ve hosted all this time with my own pocket money AniRena, and never received any donations to support me.
    You can understand this is annoying and irritating at the same time ^^.

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