I didn’t get a chance to post the moe moe biribiri shot of the ED, so here you go. ^^
By the way, can I have some of the milk?
So, for the rest of our backlog… We have 1 episodes in edit, 4 in TLC, and 3 in TL. Which ones? Well, that’s part of the surprise. :3
720p: ^^
480p: ^^
thanks for the release ๐
moe~ moe~ biribiri~
Thanks. It be cool to find out the secret list… but… I guess we’ll just have to wait.
gj ๐
wow lots of release, keep it up and you will have caught up with the series =D
p,s biribiri = ubersmexy moe moe kyun~ x97409108751809051589160 :3
Man, all these releases taunting me……I’m doing my best to resist, and haven’t watched since episode 10, since I don’t wanna watch episode 11 and onwards until I get a version of episode 11 and 12 that have the sound problem fixed. I sure hope that batch comes soon…..
To Love ru OVA 05 please
You sure it’s not your compy?
11 and 12 have known audio issues.
That’s the one you’re worried about…? o.0
*slaps knee*
thx again, that red-haired guy is too cool
any news about Vampire Bund?
Kristen, for goodness sake, get the batch with the fixed eps 11 & 12 out already….
What he said. I don’t get why everything else is treated with a higher priority, and apparently every other show is more important. Fixed versions of episode 11 and 12 should be alot more important.
Fixed versions of episode 11 and 12 are presumably low priority because watchable versions are out. Obviously you all think differently, but I’d rather a group concentrate on catching up on things instead of spending time re-releasing something that has a working copy already out. It would be understandable if they didn’t play at all, but that isn’t the case. Listening to something with less-than-perfect audio won’t kill you, you know.
I wonder if the same people complaining about low audio quality are the same people who want SD XD
No it’s not. Not in my case anyway. I don’t usually go for SD.