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Dance in the Loli Bund 07 Released!

Making the word “Vampire” go into spam automatically was the best decision of my life.

For episode 8, Nazo needs hugs. For episode 9+, Southrop needs hugs. For our other shows, Working is going to be out late tonight or early tomorrow, loli idolmaster I’m hoping for Sunday, and K-On depends on when DmonHiro recovers from being struck by lightning. He has a rough life. First mauled by dogs, then struck by lightning… Probably going to be eaten by a giant octopus next.

Torrent: Loli became un-loli. ;_;

DDL: Loli Bund is no longer available at Animetake due to a DMCA, but Boku still delivers for the (im)patient Chihiro fans! | HF | MU

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