I’ve been asked too many times if we’re planning to sub To Aru Windex 2 and now the Raingun OVA, so I’m writing this post to say what should be obvious.
We haven’t even started thinking about the Fall yet because there are still fall shows being announced. For now, we want to concentrate on the summer season coming up, and finishing up the last 5 episodes of the spring season.
We’ll probably make an announcement on what we’re planning for the fall somewhere between August 21st and the 29th.
So please stop asking.
vote Kristen for President!
pretty sure eclipse will do it, but they’re unusally late this week. anyone know what happned to them?
If you’re referring to eclipse’s FMA:B release their TL for that moved to Japan or something, and is currently lost. lol.
nice product you got there kristen, windex
i’ll be happy if you sub the railgun mini ova’s from the dvds tbh, the rest cant wait since who knows when they’ll actually turn up.
Will you guys be subbing the extra episodes of Sora no Woto that come with the DVD and Blu-Ray release?
Tried watching the first season of To Aru Majutsu no Index as it came out and just couldn’t get into it. Something about spending 3/4 of an episode standing in the same spot of the street yelling backstory at each other was just boring to me.
man i love to aru majutsu no windex the story of meeting windex was just so amazing and all the events caused by windex were great too. didnt know there was a second season coming but thats good news
foozlesprite, Windex S1 doesn’t get good until 1/2 way in. The first arc (1-6) was by far the worst.
^ Except the fight with Accelerator is stupidly DBZ-esque.
“I’m going to stand here for 15 minutes charging up my SPIRIT BOMB even though you’re unconscious and I could easily kill you with something much less flashy!!! Wait, what’s that? You managed to defeat me in that 15 minutes? No fair!”
I agree with both Kristen AND Soichiro, Windex was way better in the second half, and the Accelerator was a retarded spoiled brat.
Product endorsement? maybe? thanks for th update!
AHH!! Adblock plus, you have failed me!
Put some Windex on it!
Personally, any episode with Touma & Biribiri in it were the best. And while Accelerator seemed kinda goofy when he was fighting Touma, I liked him in the eps with Last Order.
Can’t wait for S2!
As a side note, I just started watching To Love-Ru and I swear every time Peke talks, my mind registers Kuroko. ๐
im thinking windex 2 will, at the earliest, air next spring the series was only announced 2 weeks ago
Windex? Yummy!
In the original post the windex name is funny, but GOD is it getting annoying with everyone calling it that.
Too bad hikikomori.
It will prolly almost never be refered to as “Index” on this site ever again.
Just like “Railgun” or “Hime Chen! Blah Blah Miracle Something Blah Hentai Blah Lilpri”
It was “Raingun”
Is there coming a season 2 (like another pile of 24 episodes) or is it just some OVA’s?
Its going to be a TV series.
Lol on the eclipse thing. Well they did release Kaichou wa Maid Sama. Btw, did u guys release a Working 12 v2? Cause i saw it on TT a few days bak, but never here.
Eclipse won’t do Index 2 probably since their TL that did Index 1 left for some real life issues didn’t he? Also the reason why White Album 2nd Part/Season and Railgun didn’t get subbed.
Well I thought/heard? it was something like that… So apparently they had more than 1 TL before. I don’t remember where I read it though. If I’m wrong, someone correct me.
Also, the TL that does Brotherhood, which USED to do Kaichou, moved to Japan like Shurakai said. Kaichou is currently (for a while now) subbed by someone at StaticSsubs now because he was so busy for anyone else that needs to know. That’s why it was released before FMA:B.
They announced an OVA I believe… Wait the title says it’s an OVA.
Or do you mean Index 2? In that case, I believe it was a new season.
I’m going to do something that will probably bring down the wrath of Kristen upon my head, but because I’m honestly curious, I’ll do it anyway.
Will Chihiro be doing Sora no Woto, episode “7.5” (as I’ve been seeing raws named on TT)? As a big fan of the work you did on the tv series, I’d very much like to wait to watch the ep until you guys sub it, but if that’s not in the cards… well. Certainly I can understand that real life and the desire to do something else can easily get in the way of revisiting an “old” show, and lord knows I’m just a leecher, not someone who can (or should) demand or even request that you put your time and effort into something for my entertainment.
But if you’re going to do it, I’d be a happy duck indeed.
Kristen there will be 2 OVA one bundled with te last dvd and the second with the next publication of the manga, its an OAD.