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Fair warning.

Here is the post: TLR is getting a second season in the fall

Here is the answer: We will announce whether we plan to do it or not sometime in late August. The answer will most likely be no, though.

Here is the warning: If you talk about TLR season 2 in any thread except this one, you will be banned from the site.

40 comments to Fair warning.

  • LordOmnit

    Haven’t yet finished season one, but I heard that it had something called an ending.
    What could they be doing in a second one other than aping the manga wherever possible?

  • I used to be a fan of this series, but the manga’s end completely ruined it for me. If u guys decided not to do it I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe you guys should just save your resources and do something else that would probably get views. Like High School of the Dead.

  • LordOmnit

    > Like High School of the Dead.
    I am behind this one hundred percent.

    You people are aware that TLR2 ISN’T EVEN THIS SEASON, right? -_-

  • SK

    I don’t get what the big deal is though. We all know there are idiots on the internet and people who are either young, immature, or both. So what if people are bitching? Just ignore them. It’s the internet.

  • Chris

    But what about the dfc’s? What about yami, mikan and nana!!!

    Wont Someone think of the boobies?!?!

    But seriously, the story’s quite shitty unless there gonna pull a brotherhood and get all cannon on us. I love chihiro and I’ll support you no matter what.

    …but uncensored OVAs…youd do them right…..?

  • dc1293

    I’ve enjoyed the work you guys put in subbing anime, so if you guys choose not sub the second season, that’s cool. Though I hope you do sub it. But I’m cool with whatever decision you make.

  • Juraigamer

    To the tards:

    Ovas don’t have deadlines for subbing.

    Anyway keep up the good work chihiro staff, and if for some reason the next season is lacking in loli at least this second season will have some.

  • Van

    I really enjoyed the work you guys did on TLR season 1(not to mention everything else), in fact its the series that I discovered Chihiro through and got the link to your sight a permanent place on my bookmark toolbar ^^
    Don’t let the tards pressure you into it, cos it won’t be nearly as fun if you pick it up for that reason. Anyways, keep up all the great work you guys do and I’m looking forward to future projects!

  • Modhesh

    Well, from the ending of S1, I got irritated and became to hate TLR a little. But if there’s a twist on s2, i might forgive it and give it a try. Well, it bothered me for a whole night after watching it’s ending. ~ sorry for offtopicness

    well, I won’t force you to sub this. since it’s not on my “must watch” list. sorry again for off topicness but i would prefer you go with sekirei than this. πŸ™‚

  • ZaXXy

    w/e is fine… it’s your time after all lol

  • kyouka!

    manga had a shitty ending anyway

  • vadole

    And what about the Zettai Karen Children OVAs? Will you be doing them?

    We don’t know. If we did know, Kristen would probably blurt it out with a giant post on the front page with lots of pictures of lolis like she always does, although, I really wish she wouldn’t do that.

  • Jimb0

    lol i knew this post was coming

  • pinoyknight

    same. anything goes anyways i mean if you guys choose do do it or not there are always others (hopefully) so dont waste your time lol
    so wats summer anime will you guys be subbing? πŸ˜€

  • LordOmnit

    Oh yeah, I just wish that a group I’m already familiar with and regularly visit would pick it up.

  • spacessj

    TLR2… I think it’s gonna be a pure waste of airtime. Now HOTD, like mentioned above, would be nice, but I’t doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of Chihiro’s fine translations. A Haruhi-film sub would be nice (if someone ever finds a decent copy/ the time to do it), but I’m happy as long as K-on!! gets quality subs ^^

  • whatsthis

    I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the first season.

  • Shadow

    ::faceplants into Haruna’s skirt::

    I don’t mind either way. I waited until OVA 6 came out to watch them all (now realize that was pointless). I think the first season could have been cut in half and avoided all the boring fillers. The OVAs were fun though. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the kinky twins, though. πŸ˜‰

    Just delete posts and ban repeat offenders. I really feel for the popular fansub groups as they tend to attract ppl like that. Just think of it as a sign that you are a success. πŸ™‚

  • Lomenar

    Cool to see a season 2, even if the manga did have a craptastic end. Maybe if the anime does well they will do a part 2 of the manga and make it come to an end that doesn’t resound with suck? Wishful thinking I know, but I can hope πŸ™‚

  • Psyme

    Yeah, I think it’s the lamer douches who feel the need to spam every thread about off-topic sub releases who ruin it for the rest of us. This is my thanks to those assholes: t(^_^t)

    Otherwise, it’s cool to hear there’s a season 2. I dunno, after the ending the manga got, my interest in watching the anime dropped off considerably.

  • eehreum

    i love how everyone hated this manga, but every kid is willing to embrace another “omg my father is the ultimate being in the universe and im going to get as strong by training to up my super saiyan level.” who here isn’t tired of bleach? i for one will be keeping my mouth shut and also hoping that this gets done with tremendous amounts of quality that’s typical of chihiro!

  • Fuzzubucket


    Not only are they douches, I believe they are trolls who understand that sort of behavior pisses Chihiro off and are doing it only to be assholes. They don’t really care about the stuff they are “asking” about, they are just doing it to piss off the staff and get stuff delayed.

  • Phillangees

    I liked the first series, but if ya’all don’t want to do it, don’t do it. ‘Nuff said.

  • ToLoveRu was fun but forgettable. I would not re-watch the series. I’ll take the OVA’s as they come and get my chuckles out of them in time. A 2nd season filled with pure fan-service would not thrill me. Now if you want to make noise about slow releases take your complaints to C1 and ask them about Love Get CHU. But you’d better be willing to help them finish the series πŸ˜‰

  • Chibi209

    ……pants just dropped…Jumps…Yells(Hell Yeah Season2!)…Falls on face…Walks away with a bloody nose and a big smile πŸ™‚

  • Chibi209

    Manga’s Ending was a put down though, wanted more.

  • IKKI

    working episode 13 plz

  • azwald

    and I thought you would sub it…

  • Psyme


    Shut up.

  • Mr. Bushido

    /msg Mafiazone kill IKKI

  • @IKKI
    If you want speed-subs go somewhere else. It’s Quality and Respect for the real lives of the people who give of their valuable time to fan-sub Anime. That’s Chihiro!

  • faggot


  • muri

    the manga’s announced ending surprised me, i was thinking “how’s this gonna end well in a single chapter” .. followed by an “oh” within the next 5 minutes :|, i thought it was anime concluded already tho

  • Xin

    “Here is the warning: If you talk about TLR season 2 in any thread except this one, you will be banned from the site.” – Kristen

    Chihiro, won’t that comment encourages people who hates you guys to do it anyways? I mean, they know that you guys are one of BEST fansubs group out there(well, at the very least that’s what I think).

    I for one sure hope you guys will do TLR, because quality is all you guys aim for, and the waiting is nothing if it’s done by you. I’d still root for you guys even if you guys decided not to do it.

  • Havoc10K

    it was to be expected that there would be an S2, there was no ending, and l’m looking forward to it.

  • Ezikialrage

    If you guys do not sub it I understand, fansubbers sub what they like. That said I would love it if you guys did sub it since you all do a good job subbing. I just hope the new To Love Ru is a actual season and not a OVA.. OVAs are teases like those little Snickers Fun size candy bars they hand out on Halloween, good but you still want a full size Snickers.

  • Mercutilis

    Hey hope you do, I downloaded the whole series after i found it, I had a friend who helped in dubbing so I know how long and invovled it can be so I’m very paitent, but also grateful for the time you guys put into this. If not still best of luck to you guys, and keep up the great work.

    Understanding Fan


  • agtsdtet

    yes waiting for a second season for forever

  • Haxton Fale

    It’s August, and quite late August, but still no news about TLR… Anything new?

  • btang

    will you guys being doing season 2 of TLR because you guys did an awesome job on season 1. keep up the good job. thanks.

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