We are never going to release Working 13 because you idiots can’t understand a simple request like, “Don’t ask about Working 13, especially in a post that’s about a completely different show such as Hayate no Gotoku.”
(For those of you who aren’t so keen on sarcasm, we are going to release Working, eventually. We just wish people would not be idiots. That’s all. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. We won’t drop a series unless we specifically say it’s dropped.)
Edit: To the suggestion to disable comments, it’s not a bad suggestion, but I’d hate to do that. It pisses me off when a place will ban something for everyone just because a few people act stupid, so I don’t want to do that and be a hypocrite.
P.S. K-On 13 is done, we’re just waiting for Kristen, who mysteriously disappeared, to return so she can release it. We don’t actually know when Working 13 will be done because the QCer seems to have also mysteriously disappeared.
When on earth are you getting mad over dumb comments? So what if they ask when its coming out, its not like you have to answer them or read their entire post!
Take your time guys. Unlike them idiots out there, the rest of us are more than willing to wait, no matter how long.
so, when working ‘ll be out ?
Yup, the first show ive seen from Chihiro was ZKC, even though you take your time to sub it, the wait is worth it. I’ve been following the group ever since.
Thanks a lot Chihiro for your hard work on the animes you sub.
I just ignore them lol
Are people that like to ban people for being stupid sadist?
haha yes.. scold the idiots :X
for a moment i thought you guys ganna drop working!! after reading 2 sentence but it isn’t.
anyway keep up the good work.. recently u guys have posted alot of ray ray stuff which is nice ๐
>>> We just wish people would not be idiots
Keep dreaming ^_^
I like how many people try to show in this thread they are not mentioned idiots.
Yourself included.
Of course, in saying that, makes myself included as well. And somebody is obvscum, because the poisoned wine is definitely in front of me.
i’m in no rush^^ I know you will get to it when you can, busy chihiro subs.
could care less about working……. just release the dam thing>> end of story…… now you can concentrate on rl issues instead of having these idiots give you a hard time.. which obviously is getting to you XD
Actually, people posting encouragements it’s kinda important. Normally the people who can wait do not post before a release, a silent majority if you want. That makes impatient idiots and trolls appear to be more numerous than they are.
For every idiot that comments, there are several fans who wait patiently for the release of their favourite Fansub-group, even when other groups have released long ago.
So please just continue as you have. Your effort is really appreciated.
@ Soichiro
Thanks for the instructions to compile MPlayer, works like a charm. Finally, no need to dread ordered chapters anymore.
@FiftyNine: Chihiro isn’t saying they don’t want people commenting, they are saying they don’t want people complaining about X release not being out. Most people here are giving words of encouragement to Chihiro, what are you talking about?
There are other good groups that are not so slow, childish and stuck-up.
I`m downloading my subs with them.
Thanks for the realy good work!
Thanks for the update guys, I’m a fan of your work and Working!! turned out to be one of my favourite shows of the season, looking forward to it when it’s done.
I have been following you guys for a little bit because you’ve had quality releases, etc. I do want to say one thing. Just shut the fuck up. The more you bellyache about people being idiots, the more they’re going to whine and complain because they know they’re getting on your nerves.
However as far as the release goes, I think it’s been 100% fine. It’s not that slow at all.
(Friendly advice from an ex-website designer)
Okay, so I rarely post, if at all, just to put a light on the following comment:
I thought you were serious so I was very sad! XD
But I’m definitely, DEFINITELY the guillable type…so I’m very happy that you are making it.
And thank you for doing so!
If I’m suffering withdrawal from new releases, what I generally do is check often to see if it’s released and if it is not, I shut up (not that I was talking in the first place) and deal with it. Sure, I’m a bit anxious, but it’s not that big of a deal. I’m sure a lot of people are in the same mindset. And for others, whining about it not being released, or harassing the subbers, kind of reflects the fact that they either (a) don’t have a life, (b) have a bad time dealing with boredom, or (c) are kind of douches. Atleast in that aspect of their personality.
Ace Lise/Rietz image, by the way! She’s my favorite video game character from my favorite game of all time! <3
XD I just read Anima’s post. @_@