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Shiki 01 Released!

OK, 5 shows this season.

This show is a few firsts for us. It is our first BS-Fuji show, it is our first horror show, and it is the first time in a year and a half that we’re doing 5 shows.

And no, I am not going to apologize for yelling in the Amagami 01 post, because it still applies that you have no right to tell us what to do with our free time.

Kuzu edit: Kristen is tsundere.

720p: Herp

480p: derp

DDLs: and derp

46 comments to Shiki 01 Released!

  • ingrid00

    Wow, really? Shiki?! Fantastic!! Now I can get 720p & 480p with lower size with High Quality…..
    Thanks for subbing this one, pretty much interesting show it is.

  • aniluv

    Came abit late, but i supposed u guys have too much time or interest in the shows this season? Or is there some other underlying reasons?

  • CyberMirage

    The initial “lack of time” issue went away.

    Also, the only groups that were doing this when we decided to pick it back up were Funi rips. Fubuki released after we made our decision. ¬_¬

  • Ren

    Maybe I heard wrong but wasn’t there a “Fuck you, no we are not doing it” post a while back?

    It was more of a “Fuck you, stop whining and telling us to what to do.” Some of the staff gets irritated with stupidity.

  • Anon

    > implying Fuji and BS-Fuji are the same station
    Should be more like “first noitaminA” show 😛
    Thanks for releasing!

  • yay


  • Rhino

    I already downloaded Fubuki brb deleting that one for this one


  • Modhesh

    Sure thing!!!!

  • Locks


  • Shadow

    Agrees with Kuzu!! Kristen is SO tsundere! =)

  • GoblinTown

    Thanks for subbing this 🙂

  • Mertal

    Yeach.. Ill pass.

    Id be more happy if you did Occult Academy, at least there is humor in that show.

    Hope this takes a back seat if you guys get pressed for time with the other shows.

    Oh, and take this as only my opinion, not trying to ell you guys what to do.

  • GoblinTown

    Hmmm. Using the KMPlayer and never have issues playing anything, but am crashing at 48 seconds in when the 1st red letter of the title pops up and the ding sound happens. Anyone else?

    Any ideas?

    Tried both 720 and 480 file thinking I might have gotten a bad download, but both crash at the exact same spot.
    Blazewardog edit: When I made the chapter file I accidentally skipped a frame with the start/end times. KMplayer probably doesn’t like this. Expect a fix Soon(tm)

  • Goodwine

    is the episode supposed to end repeating a same portion of the video after the ending?

    Borked chapter file. v2 probably in the next couple days.

  • Tis quite a thriller, always cliff hanger at the end.
    But Tomatsu’s role ended so fast D=

  • alb

    i noticed that the opening isn’t in the torrent of the 480p.

    There is no OP file. the nature of the OP makes it illogical to do OCs with it.

  • Rogue

    Eh… I got curious about the whole “not apologize for yelling” part up in the description and decided to go read what happened.
    All I can say is what a waste of 5 minutes. Should have expected it to be bitchy people whining like the little swine they are.

    Thanks for the subs :].

  • Hey guys, here’s the thing about the episode titles. Remaining Blood is actually wrong.
    First Blood 第遺血話 Dai ichi wa
    Kanji title is written as “anemia” and pronounced as “episode 1
    Same thing for episode 2: written as “corrupt” and pronounced as “episode 2”

  • Akularael

    I just realized how much Chihiro influences my anime watching. Because you guys did it I downloaded Amagami and this both of wish I had thought about but decided not to bother with, I also tried Ookami san because Kristen recommended it in a post, and I had completely forgotten about Sekirei until you guy released an ep and I had actually planned to watch that.

    Scary how big of an influence you have now that I think about it…..

  • a random fan

    Yeaaa, stick it to the man, Chihiro!

  • CyberMirage

    I don’t think I trust you to TL things anymore. At the very least I don’t think you should be translating signs. That is NOT the kanji for anemia. 貧血 is the kanji you seem to be looking for. The two kanji that are actually in the episode title do not mean anything together. The first kanji has no meaning on its own in japanese, but is used to denote thing that are left behind, thus “remaining.” The second kanji is the kanji for blood, thus “blood”

    You are also incorrect in your translation of Episode 2’s title, 第腐堕話. The two kanji used do NOT mean corruption. They have NO meaning together. the first kanji means “to rot” while the second kanji means “to decay.”

    We are also VERY AWARE of the fact that it is pronounced as “episode 1.” The cross fade of “Episode 1” and “Remaining Blood” is about as close as we can get to expressing that in English.

    Now instead of nitpicking our work incorrectly, how about you shut the hell up and GO FINISH ZKC OR SOMETHING?

  • Hey, don’t get mad at me, I’m just quoting ANN :D.

    Because ANN is a trustworthy source…

  • It’s not like I’m trolling my good buddies or anything….

  • CyberMirage

    My point still stands. Don’t nitpick our work incorrectly, check your facts, and go finish ZKC. It’s not like ANN is some definitive source for translations. I expect accurate Japanese information to come from someone who’s TLCing for us :p

  • ……uhm…you seem to have missed the point here. It was supposed to be annoying, but not supposed to get someone to blow his/hers top off. Relax, take a deep breath, it was a joke.

  • eehreum

    not taking sides but the zkc comment is pretty solid. i want a reason to watch lolis twice!

  • Kuzu

    @CyberMirage and DmonHiro:
    I like how you two are fighting 😀
    *runz and goes back to work on Sekirei*

  • Anifu

    😀 I’m SO HAPPY you guys are doing this! I searched and searched and all the other Fansubbers(What… 2?) that were doing it… Well I’m not familiar with them and I’m allergic to new things, no not really I just REALLY LOVE how you guys TL stuff and how pretty the subs look~ But now that you’re doing this, even though it means you’ll have to catch up. :< I'll be waiting with bated breath for the next release! Thanks you. :3

  • Soichiro

    I don’t normally say this about Chihiro releases (or even watch them for that matter) but the first episode was very nicely done. I don’t think I even caught any grammatical mistakes. Good job, guys.

  • magnilan

    Having some video issues. I’m experiencing some lag times at certain portions of the video. I’m using the latest MPC with a HD4870 card and 4 gigs of ram. Been having these problems on certain vids lately. Yet when I turn off the subs, the video plays flawlessly, can it be a system error on my part? I just changed to windows 7 recently.

  • Swaps4

    May have to delete the current two eps I have already by Commie to get this and once you release ep 2 :D.

  • RabbitDoubt

    Lol, looks like I’m gonna be watching Shiki twice from now on. Chihiro and Funi for wins.

  • LordOmnit

    LOL @ people pissing themselves over TL ‘mistakes.’
    Thanks for doing, it’ll be a welcome difference from the other shows this and most other seasons.

  • Sasuke264

    Thankyou, Love you guys please keep up the good work.

  • Hater

    Not subbing Shiki? Lol you faggots are nothing but whores, as soon as you saw its popularity rise you had to jump all over it too.

    Suck a million dicks.

    Popularity rise? No one else was subbing it when we picked it back up. HorribleSubs, umee, and Commie don’t count as “subbing” it because they’re all just ripping Funi’s stream. Fubuki is the only group doing a “proper” sub job, and they released after we decided to pick it back up.

  • Ren

    lol, Hater has a grudge against Chihiro because they edited his comments for being a raging fanboy.

  • Saeverud

    Less Tsun more Dere!

  • Spind

    I still haven’t downloaded Shiki yet, I’ll wait for the v2 since i use KMPlayer to watch.


  • Tow3r

    oh wishing star in the wide blue sky , make my wish come true , i wish some people on this green earth would become more mature . thank you for your time wishing star.

    thanks for the release , i think it’s kinda fail show with the 2 eps that came out , but lets just watch and see , cannot judge book on just the first chapter .

  • PatrickB

    Hmm… strange show… I don’t really like horror stories, but guess I’ll just see where this goes.
    Besides, I’m also playing this with mplayer and I didn’t notice any problems in the 720p version. All I had was one or two green frames just before the ED started.

    Anyways, thanks for the show!

  • ugzz

    this looks promising. i like the genre and think this is going to be good

    Can’t wait for ep 2. currently resisting grabbing it elsewhere cause chihiro is “where its at” ;^D

  • Selp

    It’s cool that you’ve decided to sub this show HorribleSub was doing it but their video quality isn’t very good


  • Selp

    yep video quality waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy better

  • Char

    Thanks for the subbing job, I tried looking everywhere for this, Commie’s one didn’t play for some reason, but yours work fine so I’m grateful, just wondering are you going to realese this weekly, so I know what day to come check for it?

  • K'

    I love you guys TT v TT ~~~~~ bows bows bows~~*
    Thank you soo much for the wonderful subs ^___________^

  • crimsonmai

    I’m impressed with the first ep of this show. Thanks for subbing it ^^

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