I’m back, and ready for business. Here’s the deal. As with last year, August has been a hectic month. One translator had a PC die, and 2 are busy with back to school real life. A fourth disappeared, no idea where to.
As such, our projects have been thrown a loop. Here’s each status.
Amagami SS – Translator says he’ll return on Monday.
K-On!! – Need a translator. Both of my backup plans have collapsed.
lilpri – Problem fixed, working on it.
Sekirei – Never had a problem
Shiki – Need a TLC, or delayed until Amagami SS is caught up.
Apply as a TL or TLC in #Chihiro-recruits. By the way, if you can read Chinese, we can test you too, but it is not preferred.
720p: *Cracks the whip*
480p: ^^
Thanks for the release!
Oh yes ,ahhhhhhhhhhhh thanks 🙂
720p and 480p links are the same = 480p
720p should be http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=152755
my god i want shiki, can’t wait anymore, if you are not going to release it just tell me so that i will check an other fansub group
I’m guessing the 720p link is incorrect as it says its 420p once u start downloading and the links are the same for 420 and 720p…
Anyhow, big thanks (:
thx 🙂
please i would like to know what are the setting that you use to get small files with such big quality using the h264 i’m really interested because i got a lot of DVDs to encode and i don’t want to waste time trying different bitrate and other x264 parameter, here is my e-mail: [Removed so you don’t get spam, email sent]
>”K-On!! – Need a translator. Both of my backup plans have collapsed.”
I really hope that you are able to find a translator since your subs of K-On!! are my preference for archiving. Good luck! ♥
Please put up direct dl links (hotfile, megaupload, fileserve, etc) on animetake. Thank you – been looking forward to this episode
for some odd reason I decided to only follow you guys on this one, probably because of the carp pun you made out of it XD
Thanks for your hard work.
Welcome back, Kristen! Thank you guys for the release~
”K-On!! – Need a translator. Both of my backup plans have collapsed.”
I’m wishing you the best of luck too, Kristen! The last couple episodes (especially 20) were pretty emotionally touching and it’d be nice to see the high quality subbing at Chihiro Subs take on the challenge.
Looking forward to it!
after watching this episode i’m going to watch some classic german porn, holeeeeey
Welcome back Kristen. Kuu-chan was crying whilst u were away. I guess she must be happy again now 😀
@Shinisaki: That’s nothing new. Kuu-chan’s *always* crying.
crack that whip
ty for the release… waited for this one
also wb and i hope yoru vacation was relaxing…
Uh Ya Boys . Thanks for release.
Hi there,
the DDL link to animetake does not work. If you could please fix it, that would be great.
thanks for translating this awesome series.
как же давно я ждал такого
@atakeuser…sorry about that. I left out a ” on wordpress. fixed now. my bad.