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K-On!! 20 Released!

I never quite got why people cried after performances, to be honest. I mean, I had to force out tears at the last performance of my high school musical so that I didn’t look out of place in the crowd.

What’s so sad about it? You work hard to build up to get somewhere, and then you make the goal. And it’s not like it’s ever the end. You want to be in a musical again? Great, there’s a community theater somewhere I’m sure would be glad to have you. You want to play in a rock band with fun people again? Great! What’s stopping you?

Oh, and we’re going to get on the BDs on this once we can catch up on a mountain of other work we have like lilpri 21-22, Sekirei 08-09, and K-On 21-22.

By the way, thanks to trewdys for his TL.

1080p: 6 to go!

720p: Maybe I’ll cry at the end?

480p: Hell no. >.>

DDLs: Ui needs her own spin-off.

37 comments to K-On!! 20 Released!

  • zaockle

    you are a gigantic nigger if you didn’t cry at the end of episode 20.

  • Nojiko

    ty for the release… waited for this one…

  • Tow3r

    Haha i was just watching maid episode 🙂

    and boom i said i will check the site and boom ^_^

  • RoadSign

    Speaking of BDs, do guys plan to get start with Sora no Woto? You know, since you guys ask CoalGirls to stop doing theirs with your subs i thought you’ve already got started…anon-chan were doing a great job with it…

    I have them mass encoding.

  • zaockle

    first off, you bad at reading. sora no woto is being done by Tenshi for coalgirls.
    second off, Tenshi’s version is horrible because she uses CRFwhatever and it creates 2 gb episodes that look retarded and don’t need to be like that. honestly, the tv version of this show was good enough

  • Grid

    Yes! Finally! Thank you Chihiro. It’s always worth the wait for your subs.

  • ichigo_daisuki

    Here comes the moment K-ON!! fans have all been waiting for!
    It’s worth the wait to download ^_^

  • PeaceFULLY

    Can I have the DDL? >< Torrent is quite slow for me. LOL

  • Jeff

    Props for being like the only sub group that actually karaoke’s insert songs in anime shows =P

  • Sup

    >>What’s so sad about it?
    That’s what I thought as well, I couldn’t figure out why people all over forums everywhere were crying when they saw this episode. Seriously, why?
    Oh well, I just labeled them retards and that’s the end of it~

  • O_o

    wasint it cuz someone died who wrote the songs for this ep or something?

  • p33n

    If you cried your a fag..
    There’s nothing sad about this at all!

  • de.monkeyz

    OR some people cry and some don’t, and we COULD be all adults about that and not insult each other ><;

  • Psyme


    Yeah, the writer for “Gohan wa Okazu” died of a heart attack about 5 weeks ago.

  • Mr Lucipher

    Just wondering if there’s anyway to get the ordered chapters to work on the KMPlayer because wmc is horrible and I’ll have nothing to do with it.

  • rhizzu

    delay releasing episode 20? the other fansub has their episode 21. but i didn’t like their torrent. to much file size to download. they only have 720p not like this 480p. my hard drive is full. to much anime and movie ^_^ anyway. thumbs up to [Chihiro] K-On!! – 20 release! [480p]

  • Master Shadow

    @Kristen if you’re talking about fans, I don’t get that either. There’s no reason for a fan to cry unless the performance was intended to be sad and tear jerking, not just because it finished.

    If your talking about the performers, like in this episode, I don’t think it was because the performance ended but because that was going to be their last performance together. Their senior year is nearly over and HTT will pretty much be disbanded. It’s understandable that a bunch of high school girls would get emotional about it.

  • rhizzu

    @Mr Lucipher:
    try to install k-lite codec and use MPC (Media Player Classic).
    K-lite Codec is the best player for all Video & Audio.
    can jump to selected chapter. and support all subs script, even .txt format of ASS script.
    better to try it..
    perfect codect for all media files.

  • paul

    at 14:29 when it says “she’s my sister,” shouldnt it be “it’s big sis” or something because it looked like she was talking to her parents

  • de.monkeyz

    @paul – She was just telling someone that Yui is her sister. Yui/Ui’s parents will never make an appearance, or will anyone else’s parents who are always conveniently out.

  • Mr Lucipher

    Like I said, MPC is horrible and I despise using it (Okay I said WMP – windows Media Player but I know what I meant)
    I like using the KMPlayer but the ordered chapters don’t work with it so i have to play the opening/ending seperately to listen to them with the episodes which isn’t really a big deal but effort is effort.

  • Psyme


    Actually, the Hirasawas made a small appearance in a recent chapter of the manga. The gag was funny because they poked fun at the fact that they never met in the past 3 years.

    It might not be Yui’s parents in this episode, but who’s to say they will never make an appearance in a later episode?

  • de.monkeyz

    @Psyme – Good point. But with 5 more episodes to air, it’s not all too likely. Would make an odd/fun last episode though

  • SoulAce

    Although I did not cry, I could understand why viewers would get emotional. I can also understand why HTT group cries.
    Any fan of a show feels some emotion after their favortie anime ends, “Wow, I can’t believe its finally over.” “I wish it would continue forever.”
    Having spent hours watching a show, for most people, creates some emotional attachment to the show. So when it ends, it feels as if a dear friend left without any assurance they’ll see him again. Sadness, happiness, emptiness, melancholy, and loneliness, remembering the feelings and memories they shared together.
    So the fans were reminded that the show will come to a close very soon, so it’s no wonder they’d feel sad.
    As for the characters- They realize how much fun they had while they were all together. How much they went through and how precious it was. Practicing together, laughing together, and crying together. It will never be the same after everyone leaves for college. Realistically, they’ll split up and be busy. Real life will hit them and while they might not consciously realize this, they feel it. Inevitably, they’ll have to graduate high school, which provided them the grounds for developing such rich friendships.
    It’s not about playing instruments. Even if they join another band, in their local community, it won’t be the same as HTT. The way each character interacts with each other and their chemistry is what makes the memories so special.
    “All good things come to an end” is a very harsh truth and the girls feel it the most in this episode. That’s why they’re crying.
    At least, that’s my view of it. I could be wrong of course, and blabbering on about absolutely ridiculous things, but I thought I’d try to shed some light on the subject. If you disagree with my opinion, that’s perfectly fine with me.

  • Wasdan

    @ Master Shadow says :
    If your talking about the performers, like in this episode, I don’t think it was because the performance ended but because that was going to be their last performance together. Their senior year is nearly over and HTT will pretty much be disbanded. It’s understandable that a bunch of high school girls would get emotional about it.
    Totally agree with you…

  • PhantomAR

    Kids… tears don’t flow only because of sadness. 🙂 i did shred tear or two at the end.

    Wasdan, you did not say anything in your comment, meng. You just repeated the men you are referring to, but in somewhat way of yours.

  • Solcier

    At long last I finally heard that “U&I” song. Ever since I read about that song in the manga I have been waiting to hear it. Thank you to all the crew of Chihiro!!

  • thewizardninja

    I cried because they cried, I’m empathetic, so what?

  • rhizzu

    @Mr Lucipher

    you just install the k-lite codec? you didn’t set it up?

    i think you didn’t like it because of its UI?
    window media player and media classic is different.
    because media player classic (MPC) is not ussing to much memory.

    MPC is the most easy to understand simple player. even your .ass are not mux with the video, but the same name. it will auto play. most of screencaps, are made of MPC. but if you don’t realy like it and understand how to use. its up to you.

    but for me this is the best player.

  • rhizzu

    @Mr Lucipher

    yah its WMC that day, but now MPC updated by k-lite kodec.

    and try this control to jump on the other chapter. like prologue, opening, episode, ending, preview.

    [page down] for next chapter and [page up] for preview.
    also use the navigate>jump to> select your chapter. is that what you want?

    but if you don’t like to jump chapter. try to dimux the mkv and remove the chapter so that you can easily next the episodes.

    if you really hate using k-lite mpc.
    try the real media player, VLC, and GOM Media Player.

  • darkcloud

    what day k-on!! episode 21 releasing?

  • Jim

    It’s a release of tension and stress that has built up in the weeks or even months leading to the performance. Some people react differently to this release and the situation itself is also a big factor. A lot of people aren’t going to start tearing up after a school play or a concert that occurs during your second year of high school or college. What does make a lot of people tear up is the sense of finality that comes with the last performance or the end of something you’ve enjoyed. That’s what is going on in this episode – they’re not crying about the end of the concert so much as the knowledge that their time together is coming to an end and they’ll soon have to part ways.

  • ronelm2000

    I don’t want K-ON!! to end…but it has to go sooner or later Y_Y

    And oh thanks for your translations of the Insert Songs…they’re awesome!

    1, 2, 3, 4, Rice!

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