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Amagami SS 01-02 Regalia Ray Released!

OK, complicated BD. Here’s how it works.

October – Episodes 1-2 of the first arc released, no NCOP/ED.
November on – Episodes 3-4 and NCOP/ED released of the current arc, and episodes 1-2 of the next arc, no NCOP/ED for the next one.

So I’ll be making a “v0”, which is a credited version. It is only meant as a placeholder until the NCOP/ED comes out the following month. Only exception could be Ai’s arc, if they use OP1d instead of having OP2a for her entire arc.

By the way, these episodes are COMPLETELY UNCENSORED*. Not gonna do a 1080p version because the blu-ray is an aliased piece of crap. But at least it’s a bit sharper than the TV version.

Torrent: H-I-N-A!

* – As there was nothing to censor to begin with, this means its the same level of censoring as the TV version.

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