Had an interesting conversation today about this show. If you had to choose one, would you take a censored HD version off a good station or an uncensored SD version off a bad one?
720p: Yami-chan!
480p: Sex hair!
TLR 2 – 04 Released!Had an interesting conversation today about this show. If you had to choose one, would you take a censored HD version off a good station or an uncensored SD version off a bad one? 720p: Yami-chan! 480p: Sex hair! 48 comments to TLR 2 – 04 Released!Leave a Reply |
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I would choose the HD version even if its censored, then watch the Blu-ray releases when they come out. Its better than trying to watch crap quality uncensored.
censored HD version
I’d rather quality than no “Heaven’s Beam”.
of course the uncensored version
and thanKs for the release
Uncensored hands down. To-Love-Ru was never ment to be censored. Everyone knows that. Thanks for the release.
SD uncensored of course
I’d take the uncensored SD version any day of the week. As pointed out, there will always be BD releases for the videophiles, but those light beams are absolutely obnoxious (and frankly, the while it’s a decent property, censoring the naughty bits removes one of the major incentives to watch).
Yami-chan is the best!
Personally, I’d just wait for the BD release. That way you get both HD and uncensored. You just have to be a bit patient. Stuck watching the TV version though, that would be a tough choice. It would probably depend on how bad the SD version really was. I’d probably end up watching the uncensored SD version unless the quality was really bad.
I think the HD version, I had a bad time once ( similar situation) with the SD version quality being too poor that it didn’t matter if it was censored or not.
Hmm, for TLR I have to go with SD now and archive the BD rips later. Especially since the SD for TLR is of fairly high quality.
Still looking for ep1 SD though. Any news on that? ๐
SD uncensored for me. I like HD, but too many bars of light ruins HD releases. I’d rather watch lower quality uncensored now, then download the HD uncensored when it comes out. And the quality really isn’t too much of a concern as long as no XVID is used and file size is ~230MB.
Uncensored. Boobs > Pixels. Just try and prove me wrong.
Maybe if it was a more um.. what’s the word I’m thinking of? Intelligent(?) series I’d choose Pixels, but this is TLR; Ecchi is 70% of the show.
SD uncensored, those beams of light are extremely annoying.
uncensored of course ๐
I’d gladly sacrifice some quality to get rid of the heavenly beams. SD uncensored hands down. I can wait for Blu-ray for the quality in my archives
Uncensored. Enough said.
I would totally take the uncensored SD version.
Lol Ya Those Beams Are Xtremely Annoying. SD All The Way Till BD
I want SD uncensored…
if possible, HD format just for BD release… XD
Holy boobs!
It’s a hard choice. If by ‘SD’ you mean 480p(with good quality) I think I would rather watch it uncensored, but if the sd was crap(xvid or low quality 480p/360p) I would rather watch the HD censored version…
Btw those light beams really piss me off… maybe it’s god, telling me not to fap xD
If they aired at the same time, I’d probably see the uncensored, but honestly, whichever one comes out first. Boobs are nice, but there isn’t much reason to wait just for that. Unless of course we’re talking censorship like Qwaser had……
If you’re watching a show that’s all about Tits and Ass, then obviously the latter, Kristen.
Uncensored definitely. I find that censoring really ruins the experience. Besides, the SD that you release is decent enough quality. If there was no uncensored I’d probably reluctantly accept the censored one and rewatch the BD as soon as that started getting subbed.
Uncensored any day of the week..
Especially for some shows as the censoring makes them almost unwatchable (TLR is apparently one of them).
u mean SD for MTLR 2?
of course i will choose SD uncensored! ๐
since i hate very much light beam or something like that…
well….the SD ver of MTLR 2 isn’t so bad, i think ๐
Uncensored, and not to see cartoon boobage (well, a little) but more so that the glory-beams make it really hard to watch. They take up over half the screen sometimes. Anyway, there are 720p remixes of the uncensored stream out there, but not as crisp for sure. They could easily stay 720p or maybe take them down a little without having to go all the way to SD and loose the detail info.
Exhibit A: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a79/AodhFFXI/TLR-C.jpg
Exhibit B: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a79/AodhFFXI/TLR-U.jpg
Uncensored. If I really like the show I’ll then redownload everything in HD after the Bluray gets released.
I’m OK with just watching it at 480p, but I don’t like the crap censoring they use for most shows. The only series so far where I’d be happy with 720p censored is Hyakka Ryouran, because the censorship fits very well with the feel of the show.
I’d watch the censored HD version, then wait and download the uncensored HD version when it’s released.
Uncensored SD, no question.
Uncensored SD
Yami-chan KAWAII!!!! ~_<
Either way, the fapping’s good.
My first choice would be to wait for a high-quality uncensored version.
If there aren’t going to be any other versions available, then I’d take the uncensored version.
SD uncensored ! ๐
all the glorious of HD only comes with BD ๐
uncensored. that way, you wouldn’t be pissed. imo, rewatching the whole thing where you already know what’s going to happen just for the less light beams are just a waste of time. take blu-rays for archive. it’s good. ๐
TLR isn’t meant to be watched censored. Either uncensored or wait for DVD/BD/US-Release
I’m not a fan of extra stuff, so its the not censored version all the way, so it doesn’t sore.
censored or not, BLINDING RAYS OF LIGHT !
there is your answer.
Uncensored Version!!
The s…….. can still continue downloading the HD version
Yami chawwwwwnnnnnnnnn is beautiful and kawai, sorry, thanks for episode!
uncensored SD
@ those talking about BD – you expect Chihiro or Doki to release these BD’s at a reasonable speed?
Wow, is it just me or is that dress an Eve reference?
People saying they’d take censored are tards
I would say that I would first watch the HD censored, then the SD uncensored, then the BD uncensored. At every step, I get to further appreciate the show ๐ (plus I get an excuse for watching the anime three times)
I’m gonna say the 480p uncensored version simply because my crappy computer refuses to play anything better. Otherwise, I would take the HD, then watch the blu-ray later.