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Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 1st Released!

Yay for lolis blowing up stuff now and making friends later.

For staff credits, we don’t do them, but I was told to do this:

BestCouple: KusionxRaze

So, there you go.

1080p: Star

720p: light

480p: BREAKER!!!!!!!

35 comments to Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 1st Released!

  • Macross

    news of 2nd movie of Nanoha has been confirm….YEAH!!!!!

  • Index

    loli couple always RIGHT!

    yuri makes it win ๐Ÿ˜€

  • HERLoct_HENT

    Yeah… Loli + Yuri + Nipple is always WIN!! Can’t wait for Movie Second for Nanoha x Vita and Fate x Signum…

    Thanks Chihiro ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Kusion

    Aishiteru anata no koto
    Hajimete no kimochi yo Oh~
    Aishiteru zutto zutto
    Kawaranai kimochi

  • Tow3r

    I see i need to download this again ๐Ÿ™

    thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Tow3r

    question is this with Doki ? they were suppose to do HQ of this .

    thanks again

  • Index

    eerrr…no. it’s their independent release ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Boku

    Chihiro deserves a huge trophy for this.

  • biribiri

    whats with that insane filesize???? 9 gig for full hd? you got to be kidding…..

  • Pzc

    @biribiri: it is 2h 10m long though.

  • Tow3r

    it has a lot action , and it’s 2h long and still 9g for 1080 is small . i still will get only 720 ๐Ÿ™‚


    Man oh man soo many versions of this to compare with. CGi, THORA, Doki, and now Chihiro!!!

    Stop bitching about file sizes. It’s a movie in full HD. Complain when 22-24 min 1080p episodes are greater then 1GB for public release. That isn’t here….

  • squall0833

    OMG it’s HUGE

    but yeah the biggest one I’ve ever downloaded was 1080p blu-rip FF7 complete movie, 12GB OMG

    yeah it’s small enough for a 2 hours long 1080p, THANKS CHIHIRO

    I guess I need to get a new terabyte hard drive

  • moefag

    My question is, who did the TL? Was it one of yours, or did you just edit the CR like half of the other versions?

    If someone like Moshi did the TL then I’m gonna say this is probably the best version so far.

    Gonna wait to DL until I find out if it’s worth it, otherwise it’s just another CR rip to me.

  • Ocmer_

    Always fun to see ppl bitching ’bout file size.
    For this I have downloaded the full 42,8GB BDISO.

    I know Chihiro used there own subs but wondering if
    they added the official subs as a secondary track.
    Not that I want the official subs cuz they kinda.. well :p

  • Kristen

    We did our own TL. Who is kept quiet.

  • moefag

    thanks, thats enough for me to at least check it out

    thanks for the work

  • Havoc10K

    Arigatou !
    wuz waiting for dis ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Holo

    “My question is, who did the TL? Was it one of yours, or did you just edit the CR like half of the other versions?”


    Wow, CR did nanoha? News to me.

  • moefag

    err, meant official subs, not CR. move along.

  • N.R.

    Not to be rude, but for once I wish fansub groups would wait for a couple of years. People, this was officially released in Japan WITH English subtitles and only a week ago to boot. Why rip it and upload it? Support the movie and buy it instead!

  • GDLC

    When Nanoha is introducing herself in the movie she says that she is a third grader, but your subs say she is a fourth grader, just to let you know. 3:30-3:34 mins.
    Just FYI.

  • GDLC

    @N.R. Not everyone has the income to be able to buy the products, specially when they have not been released in your country.

  • biribiri

    look at it this way: a 2h10min movie is about 5 times a 25min episode. a BD episode is usually about 800mb to 1.2 gig. this one is about 9 times this large. thats why i wondered about filesize.
    but of course, all that magic action stuff wouldn’t compress well. we all remember the vampire 720p release with over a gigabyte…

  • Goku


    that’s how big 1080p anime with action scenes are usually. those are just 1 hour movies. size completely depends on the action scenes since Chihiro does use crf mode.

    @N.R.: you clearly don’t get what a fansub group is?

    “People, this was officially released in Japan WITH English subtitles and only a week ago to boot.”
    That is the same with most DVD/Blu-ray releases and most groups do sub them quite fast.

  • Laevantine

    Well that was enjoyable. Although the explosions were a little overboard…then again what was I expecting?…

    Here is the screen cap of the last part of the credits brightened up a bit. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • N.R.

    @GDLC: money talks. When the 1st and 2nd seasons of Nanoha were released in the US they sold very little, even though they retailed for more than half their price in Japan. As a result the 3rd season was not even translated. That’s because people like you can’t afford to pay 50$ for a whole season of something they love. Now, I know 60$ (the price of this Blu-ray in Japan) is a little expensive, but you should support the company if you appreciate its product and pay the extra 10-30$.

    @biribiri: most anime are definitely not released with English subtitles in Japan. Fansub groups do us a great favor by translating anime directly from Japan, sometimes years before they arrive legally in the US. As most anime fans around the world don’t speak fluent Japanese they have no other choice but to download fansubs, unless they are willing to wait years for the (not always available) localization of their series. Fansubing groups are not there to destroy the native (or global) anime market, and usually kindly remove their versions when asked by the official distributors. I love Chihiro’s work, and most of their series never cross over to the US, but in this case I would appreciate if they at least write something along the lines of: “This was officially released with English subtitles, If you support it you can buy it right now”.

  • tow3r

    I agree , people in US can buy almost everything related to anime . here i cannot and i am fucking furious about this shit . I wish there was an international EU company that would do good licensing . Like fusion of companies [EU] . Many series after 1 season or so they go bad cause the sell was not good enough .Too add some companies make retarded translation compared to FS translations .

    anyway keep in mind to buy the thing you like and in future you will get bigger and more fan service ๐Ÿ™‚

    and if Chihiro done no translation and just ripped the BD then i do cancel on the slow download ๐Ÿ™

    I don’t wanna sound like an asshole or something ,I’m just bein honest

  • windfalcon

    I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. BUT! I’ve run into a snag.. I can;t play it. WMP will play the video, but not the sound ;-; Anybody have any suggestions for this?

  • Galamoth

    I’ve never seen anything about Nanoha, what’s so good about it?

  • dark-kyon

    simply nanoha is hot!

  • GDLC

    @N.R.: Hate to break it to ya pal but i do in fact own both nanoha seasons and bought the blu-ray version of the movie for myself as well as the dvd, so your point is mute, i was talking about other people that dont have the income to spare, for something like this.

  • Havoc10K

    I’m thankful for the release, but is Chihiro planning on v2 ? i can tell you that there are at least 5 errors, 4 too many words and there is a slight stutter midway, now personally I love this release, it’s great, but some bits of subs needs fixing.

    Thank you again for the release ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you Chihiro.

  • N.R.

    tow3r: Thank you for understanding what I mean. BTW I haven’t downloaded Chihiro’s version (I bought the original), but from what I understood they used their own version of subtitles. So as far as I know they didn’t just rip the Blu-ray.

    @GDLC: I wish more people would be like you and buy what they like. Sadly a lot of people who have the money to buy anime still download it illegally, because they can get it the minute it is out. I download series too, but usually those are series that will be translated only in two or three years’ time. In this case we have a movie with English subtitles. Those who can should buy it now, but if you just give it to them for free the day it is out they just won’t. I’m sure the fans who genuinely can’t afford to buy this movie can wait at least for a couple of months on this, considering they are getting this for free. In any case I feel sorry for writing all this in Chihiro’s comment page, because I love Chihiro’s work and didn’t intend to make it sound like they are doing something wrong. I know that even if Chihiro didn’t release this many other groups would have anyway. I just wanted to state my honest opinion because Chihiro is a well supported group with dedicated fans (aka us).

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