all right, now your gay power level is over 9000
Heh, didn’t expect a trio singing. Great way to get in to the mood of the season.
When you’re not translating animes about little girls you are singing songs generarlly sung by girls. That’s how a man lives.
Ok that was creapy. But I have to give kusion credit for being very high level creapy. That had to take allot of effort to grind levels!
Nice clip nearly the same as 君よ 希望の星になれ ;p for your next clip can you try 08 ゆっくり揉んでね☆ぱいタッチ!this could be awesome gl
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all right, now your gay power level is over 9000
Heh, didn’t expect a trio singing. Great way to get in to the mood of the season.
When you’re not translating animes about little girls you are singing songs generarlly sung by girls. That’s how a man lives.
Ok that was creapy. But I have to give kusion credit for being very high level creapy. That had to take allot of effort to grind levels!
Nice clip nearly the same as 君よ 希望の星になれ ;p
for your next clip can you try 08 ゆっくり揉んでね☆ぱいタッチ!this could be awesome