BWD had something else for a pic, but I lost it. >.> Fixed
In other news, our second project this season isn’t happening. So enjoy the season!
720p: OMG!
480p: Lolis!
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Madoka 02 Released!25 comments to Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Madoka 02 Released!Leave a Reply |
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More out of curiosity, what was the “secret” second project? Hidan no Aira?
*Hidan no Aria** I just realized that Aria starts in April…still…what was the second project?
I suspect that it is Houkago no Pleaides.
Are you saying that Madoka Magica is deep? While I agree, it seems you misplaced Evangelion. Blue Whale deep, tops.
second project isnt happening? darn it. tell what it was? xD
Thanks for this project! xDD
lol at the pic, and thanks for the late vid 😉
Well, thanks for the release!! ^_^ Pic is pretty epic. Puts life into scale lol
noticeable error at the start, isn’t she suppose to be saying her name “Tomoe Mami” instead of Tomoenomi??
anyways, good job overall, best subs and quality for this show, thanks a bunch!
thanks for the quality release as always!
I want to give this show a try, so many thanks for the release 🙂
LMAO for the pic xD
Wait, is the image supposed to say those series are deep, or that they are at the rock bottom? Hard to tell 🙂
Shits deep.
Are you saying that you would rather studying whale bottoms and nasty deep water fish?
I think you got the lines of madoka and her mom in the bathroom somewhat wrong… You shure that her teacher is not only 3 weeks / months working in her profession? Else it makes not much sense what they are talking about…
Still great sub!
erk, wrong episonde, sry…
That is DEEP, man.
Lol…You are still keeping the title “mahou shoujo”? Its official that its “Puella Magi”.
@Sylpheed – Considering the only Anime I can think of that they reference with it’s real name is Amagami. Probably gonna keep the mahou shoujo title. At least in the blog posts.
The real title doesn’t have “lyrical” either, if you haven’t realized.
Chihiro picks up nearly anything that has loli’s in it, someone should whip the QC though.
at any rate, nice encode, thanks 🙂
This show blows my mind in more ways than one. Plus I must find that choir music that plays during the transformations… all attempts have come up dry
>someone should whip the QC though.
The QC’s job is just to make sure the editor doesn’t suck, so if it’s that bad then someone should whip the editor and the QC. Just saying.
If anyone curious: the german text on the wall is from Goethe’s Faust:
Geisterchor (unsichtbar).
Weh! Weh!
Du hast sie zerstört,
Die schöne Welt,
Mit mächtiger Faust;
Sie stürzt, sie zerfällt!
Ein Halbgott hat sie zerschlagen!
Wir tragen
Die Trümmern ins Nichts hinüber,
Und klagen
Über die verlorne Schöne.
Der Erdensöhne,
Baue sie wieder,
In deinem Busen baue sie auf!
Neuen Lebenslauf
Mit hellem Sinne,
Und neue Lieder
Tönen darauf!
Chorus of Spirits [invisible].
Woe! Woe!
Thou hast destroyed
The beautiful world,
With powerful fist;
‘Tis smashed, downward hurled!
A demigod dashed it to bits!
We’re trailing
The ruins on to the Void,
And wailing
Over the beauty lost and gone!
Mighty one
Midst the sons of earth,
Build it again,
Build it aloft in thy breast!
And life’s new quest
With clearer sense,
And songs of cheer
Anew shalt hear!