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Only my Raingun Can Break It Part 2

Previously on Chihiro…

Hello, Chihiro faithfuls:

I’m Kuzu, your translator for Toaru Majutsu no Railgun, Tales of Vesperia, and also four currently unannounced secret projects, among others. I would like to announce that my desktop computer’s motherboard has (likely) died this past weekend, and I am now unable to continue my work in the group thanks to all of my computers being either shit slow or have an insignificant screen real-estate and lack of media keys, two fundamental necessities for translating. Before you get there, no, I am not writing this to request funding for a new motherboard. Instead, I am hoping to contact Intel in order to obtain a replacement, thanks to my motherboard still being in warranty. I am however utterly speechless to find that today is President’s/Presidents’ Day (depending on your preference), and that Intel is closed for the day, rendering me unable to get in touch with customer support. Because of my busy weekday schedule, I will also not be at home during a time their customer support is available until Friday.


With that said, thank you for your immense support, and I need a magical online tutor for biology.

Yours irrationally,

P.S. Random shoutout to rfw, otherwise known as Tonya~n.

20 comments to Only my Raingun Can Break It Part 2

  • Exact same thing happened to me over the holidays. Hang in there, Intel is surprisingly helpful once you get in contact with them. Be sure to keep pestering them about your RMA though 😛

  • Laughmaster

    At least Intel has good warranties :3

  • Valkern

    Definitely be sure to pester them last time I had a motherboard fail it was 7 weeks for a replacement. Although in my case it was through Asus and not Intel. They kept telling me they were trying to “fix it” before sending me a RMA. How horrible eh?

  • Pentinor

    I’ve seen more fansubbers have motherboards fried then I could ever imagine…It’s like ever other week I see a post about someones computer going up =/ Hope you get it resolved without it being a pain in the a**.

  • mkay

    Congratz on your new computer !
    I fried only 2 motherboards in 15 years- 1 time> bad prozessorfailur – just killed motherboard too.
    the other > bad powersupply.
    So just don´t use these cheap powersupply ´s and always doublecheck if the CPU is adjustet perfectly 🙂

    The multicore use is only faster when system and programm also use mutlicore otherwise its useless, therefor u need windows 7 ( vista use multicore too but is no real option) and of course decoding programms with multicore support or startup the same programm X-Times. parallel encoding 🙂
    and 1 last thing a newer prcessor with a new architectur works better and faster than a processor with the same Hz number.

    Sorry for the annoying post nobody must read it 😉

  • @mkay, English is not your native language is it?

    @Kuzu, Hope the RMA goes quick enough!

  • elmaton

    So all of that enconding must had fried up your motherboard. You should consider getting a new cooling fan as well.

  • Tai

    I had school today as well. :/ My college doesn’t have as many holiday breaks, but have a long winter break (5weeks!) and summer break.

    Same happened to my motherboard a few days before Finals week last semester! It was horrible having no desktop support to “study” (*ahem* play games to counter the stress of Finals). RMA process with MSI was quick though, shipping to them and back to me only took less than 2 weeks with USPS Priority. I hope it’s the same for you!

  • Cat Herder

    What level of biology are you having trouble with? I’m third year university biol and may be able to help.

  • Kuzu

    @tormaid: Will try. Thanks for the tip.

    @Valkern: Eh, my experience with Asus is better than that.

    @mkay: I don’t have a new computer.

    @elmaton: I don’t encode.

    @Cat Herder: I’m embarrassed to say this. It’s just General/Introductory Biology that I’m having trouble with. :\

  • Spincast

    Warranty? i wish my pc could have that xD

    Hope ya get a replacement from Intel.

  • Otakus

    I feel your pain (along with everybody else that is also in a similar situation). My own laptop is on the verge of dying, though I only think it’s a cable connecting my harddrive that is acting up. If I can’t fix this, I would lose my video convertors and would have to get new ones and reconvert about 1500 episodes and re-edit all of them onto itunes.
    Well anyway, I wish u best of luck to get that new motherboard and wish ur soon-to-be-fixed computer a long life.

  • glomag

    I’m not magical but I do have a BS in molecular biology and I am currently working on my master’s in biotechnology. I’m not sure if I would be much help though. Maybe I should hang out on irc.

  • Cruxis

    /me pats Kuzu

    ’nuff said!

  • Anon

    By the way it’s Presidents’ Day because we celebrate two presidents, Washington and Lincoln.

  • doh!

    well if intel takes the customer-hatred form of customer-servic,e just shoot me an email, i own a computer repair/retail shop and i might be able to help you resolve the problem via shiney new things.
    after all, my rain gun breaks things frequently too : (

  • xibo

    Intel’s quite reliable, so you’re lucky.

  • sarabjeet

    Sorry to hear about your Mobo… Hope you get a replacement…. i Could have helped but the Intel section in my office was still working on wednesday i saw this post late… Good luck….

  • blah

    If I were to complain about every single problem I face with my computer (like you), I would have probably posted more than 10 posts per day.

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