I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Also, we are trying to find official lyrics scans for the OP/ED of this show, as well as the OP/ED of Usagi Drop. If you can help us find these, please tell us in the comments.
demize edit: Remember, we made some changes last episode! If you’re confused about some wording, go read 04’s release post.
Doki karaoke no good?
Swapping our guess at the translation for their guess doesn’t accomplish much. Hence why we are looking for the official scans.
demize: This isn’t Doki karaoke, either. This is our own work!
But I dun’ watch hentai.
So, where is it going?
Well, I don’t exactly have the scans but I know where are the official lyrics.
KamiDolls OP/ED: http://www.kasi-time.com/subcat-anime-4090-1.html
Usagi Drop ED: http://www.kasi-time.com/item-55098.html
It’s impossible to get the OP for Usagi Drop because the single has yet to be released
Last time I checked you could get into the staff channel, and give us the links directly. lol
Usagi Drop: http://gendou.com/amusic/?filter=usagi+drop
Kamisama Dolls: http://gendou.com/amusic/?filter=kamisama+dolls
Is the gender of this Utao lookalike confirmed as being male? Apart from apparently being identical twins and thus have to be female, he(?) wears girls’ clothes.
Soundtrack scans
He has the voice of young boy.
He also has a boyish face.
¿Entonces no dice “my name is god” en el ending?