As agreed upon at our meeting, we have adapted a new policy for encoding. We will only encode the the resolutions below starting next season.
10-bit 720p
Movies on Blu-ray
TV on Blu-ray
10-bit 1080p
Movies on Blu-ray
TV on Blu-ray when we feel it is worth it
10-bit 480p
TV Sequel series which had a 480p version in the past.
Traditional Magical Girl shows when Kristen encodes.
Next season, we are planning to do Another season of Amagami SS and another show by JC Staff about lolis with guns.
yay 10-bit
my 2 cents: 10-bit 480p does not make too much sense, because the ones using this version most likely want to use it on stone-age machines and/or mobile devices. especially those mobile devices won’t play 10-bit and the stone-age pcs may or may not do it.
kudos for doing both HD resolutions in 10-bit though.
MKV doesn’t play on 95% of mobile devices anyway. Using 10-bit 480p therefore doesn’t make a difference.
@biribiri – People need to learn to update their hardware. Do you see fansubbers supporting 486 with Wav files? Yeah…
@Kristin – I love the color changing font. 🙂
Under the 10-bit 480p, TV Sequel series…
When I first was reading this, for some reason I read it as “squeal series”, thinking that you are getting into some weird stuff now. It took about three reads before I could read it straight.
But I am now thinking that it might be good ether way; do you not squeal with excitement when the cute girls pop onto the screen?
10-bit is the wave of the future apparently, time for people to get on board the train or be left at the station.
10-bit 480p does seem pretty pointless. might as well not do 480p at all.
oh well, i don’t care either way.
thanks 🙂 anything that lowers file-size without hurting quality is awesome
480P is legacy support, making it 10bit is silly. Just don’t do it.
Wait no I don’t care at all. I want Mashiroiro, damn it…
> 480p
> 10bit
why? might as well stick to 8bit. There is no difference between a 10bit 480p and 8bit 480p. The reason why people use 480p is that they can’t play 720p.
Also, it is not just a matter of fucking “update your codec” BS. Not everyone lives in America where you can easily change your laptops with just a snap of the finger. Playing 10bit requires high CPU usage, and “updating your codec pack/using CCCP/etc” won’t ease the strain on the CPU.
My 6 year old 1.8GHz Core Duo laptop can play 10bit 720p. I don’t really call buying a computer in the last 6 years “a snap of the finger” (You forgot an “s” there by the way. Don’t think you can snap with 1 finger.)
well i sugest leaving 480p at 8bit for low spec computer
upgrade hardware? you say it so easily how about giving me the money first ? =_=
K-ON!! in 10-bit 1080p?
you dumb ass’s. your getting this for free and yet your going to bitch about your problem’s like if this group cares all that much.
Um… most people don’t realize that we’re essentially stopping support of outdated technology. 480p will be done for DVDs (Native resolution), continuation of earlier series (consistency), and for Movies (Since movies are generally larger, this presents a smaller alternative to download). Not for ease of playback.
>>Um… most people don’t realize that we’re essentially stopping support of outdated technology.
I know Xvid is out of date (damn that thing should fall to the wayside and die), but 8-bit h.264 is definitely not outdated technology…it’s the current technology.
10-bit 480p? An old machine (even like the first core duos) should have pretty much little problem playing that back unless you’re stuck on like an ancient Pentium 3, 4 or Athlon XP.
The outdated technology Kristen is mentioning is 480p. New TV series that aren’t sequels of something we already did will just be 10-bit 720p.
*Shame on you spoiling the surprise*
is this going to affect your joints with Doki? Because I like the way how Doki releases (1080p 10bit BR only, 720p and 480p in 8bit). They have the perfect release format.
Would the upcoming Amagami SS+ in the winter season fall under the category of being up the shiny rays? =]
well it cant be helpd if thats the new release format but i wanna ask ,
whyd you guys stop cutting OP and ED?
10-bit might be the future, but it’s still rather pointless, the quality increase and file size decrease is rather negligible for the loss in compatibility.
10-bit 1080p for BD releases, sure.
480-720p should still be 8-bit for those of us who care more about watching the shows and having a decent file size and being able to play it on just about any computer or media player than about archiving.
I realize certain groups are going 10-bit for just about everything to encourage/force adoption, or maybe to just appear cutting-edge, but the majority of people who watch fansubs just want the stuff to work without having to tweak settings and add on yet more software.
If those groups don’t care, fine, if they get enough donations and support from the hardcore 10-bit adopters, great, but the majority of people will just go elsewhere for their subs.
“but the majority of people will just go elsewhere for their subs”
Or just DL the latest version of a reasonable player… seems easier. CCCP for example? You’re way exaggerating this. It’s not loss of compatibility, it’s taking over as the normal standard. Like it or not, but you’ll be better off if you adopt.
Ah, there’re no 480p unless it’s movies, DVDs, or TV Sequel series which had a 480p version in the past 🙁
@A. Crush
Ehm… don’t want to argue much, but, I can play 720p 10-bit (not even to mention 480p) well w only Intel M Celeron 1.8 GHz.
posting your laptop models doesn’t help really much. you do realize that even if two laptops have the same model, they have vastly different settings. you might as well tell what your free space, RAM, applications running in the background, etc. I did every instructions on that haruhichan blog, still having the audio-video sync bullshit. It’s more irritating than seeing artifacts.
I’m using a 3-year old Acer Aspire 5735. My processor is Intel(R) Core2 Duo 2.20 GHz. RAM: 3 GB. using 32-bit Windows Vista. I might as well mention that I already disabled all visual effects for maximum performance.
PS: Don’t bitch if this somehow becomes a “computer buying guide”, because comparing computer models will be bound to happen in a 10bit thread, anyway. You might as well help lost souls.
You’re the one that was complaining about 10bit 480p being too CPU intensive. I simply told you what processor I had, what speed it was, and what it would play. Seeing as your laptop is newer than mine, has a faster processor, and more ram, but still can’t play what mine will play I would lean towards the 10bit video not having anything to do with you not being able to play it right.
Acer 3683, Intel M Celeron 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Intel Onboard VGA 128 MB, HDD 80 GB, no anti virus, using CCCP for the codec pack, and OS Windows XP SP3 with 2010 DirectX update.
Try to check your temperature to make sure your notebook isn’t overheated, because that happens a lot in notebook.
My laptop overheats real fast and my battery can drain for 5 minutes when unplugged, but I don’t have money yet to buy a new battery and I have yet to buy an external hard drive since I have only 900 MB free space (I retain Funi and NIS America-licensed chinese cartoons in my laptop since it’s not available on BakaBT). That’s something I can’t do something about real quick.
If you got a job you could buy a newer computer super cheap. Hell in High school I used to sell gum and candy to everyone. By the end of the first quarter I had enough snacks in my locker to make 2-300$, and that’s about all you need to get a 10-bit capable computer.
Can’t find a Job? Make ONE!
10bit 480p is fine as long as it helps keep the file size down.
I have a plenty powerful enough computer, but I still prefer to use as little storage space as possible. I want to cram as many episodes as possible on a storage device.
IMO, HD anime usually looks no better than SD that’s upscaled. I’d rather have a smaller file and simply enlarge the player window (upscale) to make it bigger.
Its to much effort to do, plus it is pretty stupid to do for TV releases where you don’t know when the OP/ED will change.
Yay lets all use the buggy new crap because it’s a higher number! Just like collecting achivements in games “Yay 10 headshots, oh look theres another one for 25, I need that!”… Only worse.
Or one could do the sane thing and take a step back from the new experimental drug that might result in cancer… Or something.
Does anyone even have hard disk restrictions nowdays? Sure they’ve gone up like 2x in prices cuz of that thing, but REALLY now, its not like that small diffirence in size is going to allow anyone that cant already archive to archive, it’s just not that big of a diffirance.
Not that I care, I’ll run it and throw it away all the same.
10 bit is the wave of the future??????????Only for anime fansubbers. Until there is some hardware support I don’t see mainstream uses adopting 10 bit.
@Meh: look, you idiot, the lower file size is NOT the reason people are using 10bit. The higher video quality that results for higher color accuracy is the actual reason for using 10bit. It’s all about the banding. Can you get that thought your skull, or do I have to draw you a picture?
@Anononono: True, but the mainstream is EXTREMELY slow at adopting the newer and better tech. The Scene still makes 700MB XviD DVD rips, for crying out loud. 700MB releases… in 2011… for 90 minutes or more.
People are going to believe what they want to believe. Trying to reason with them will not accomplish much other than an angry discussion. A non-response will be the best course of action, without a discussion they will have to find another outlet to vent their opinions.
@A. Crush: A rare voice of reason around fansubbing sites. I agree 100%.
Doki’s current format is perfect. Hi10P is about (albeit very slightly) improving quality, so there’s no reason to use it on anything but the highest resolutions. The most trafficed forums are still for 8-bit, by a long shot, and everyone who goes all 10-bit will lose a lot of support, although they might think they’re not because the 10-bit enthusiasts are the most vocal and whiney on fansub sites.
FFS they are cartoons and I’m happy watching a blurry 60 meg version as long as I can read the subs. Who cares if it looks a bit shitty and sounds a bit shitty, it is a CARTOON. Not real life, it doesn’t need to look perfect. For me, all I care about is that it plays and I can read it without having to install this that and the other to make it work. I’m yet to install CCCP on ANY PC and have it work without issue and I have tried a few times so now I use K-Lite and it works well. I haven’t downloaded any 10 bit shows and I’m not planning on doing so until there is no option. By then K-Lite will have a working version that supports 10bit. Any talk about quality is all a fap.
Oh Nup, you started out so well (though maybe abit strong), then you said you couldn’t run CCCP and I instantly lost all hope in you. But yeah, don’t use stuff that aint supported and or is buggy on something that doesn’t need quality, thats silly.
Atleast in the LQ versions… ATLEAST, and no xvid is just silly, why is anyone watching that.
What I don’t get is all these groups abandoning 8-bit but still doing XviD encodes. To me, it makes more sense to lose the older more out of date encoding method when adopting a new one. The computer spec argument seems completely moot when you take into account that people who want a decade old codec are deemed more of a priority than those who rely on gpu acceleration on low powered machines (like many htpc’s or dedicated devices running media center software) that are otherwise completely capable of rendering full resolution high definition video.
I wish more groups would have gone with the more logical progression of the 2 format releases of h.264 8bit / h.264 10bit, rather than the current trend of Xvid / h.264 10bit.
The thing about Xvid is a lot of DVD players will play them, not as many play MKV and I don’t know ANY that will play 10 bit.
thanks for you hard work but can’t you still just do 8 bit 480p because my computer is shit (pentium 4) and yes i know i can’t afford a new computer so that why i get the 480p but xvid if possible