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K-On!! 22-24 Rufous-ray Released!

Yeah, I was considering Azusa, but I’m too excited.

1080p: Torrent

720p: Torrent


41 comments to K-On!! 22-24 Rufous-ray Released!

  • Jerry

    It was a great game! Go niners!

  • Elvin21

    49ers won on the final seconds of the playoff match… Oh, Thanks for the release!

  • gre

    25-26 comes in a batch or by itself then batch later?

  • Love you guys, I was definitively right to wait after you!

  • GO NINERS! I’ve stayed with them since I was a kid. Great to see them doing well once again.

    Oh yeah. Whoo! More K-ON!! Thanks!

  • DmonHiro

    What are you people talking about? What’s a Niner? What does SF stand for?

  • MogMoogle1

    Someone doesn’t watch sports. =P

  • FuriousMrBen

    Some people aren’t American =D

  • Kristen

    SF = San Francisco, home of the 49ers, a football team.

  • Wyrm

    lol i didnt get it either (had to google it)

    anyways thanks for release! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nutbar

    Insert songs absent again.

    Chihiro must have decided not to sub any of the insert songs for the K-On!! BDs

  • gre

    does it really matter if insert songs are not subbed?

  • I had to look at the comments to get what SF was. Didn’t feel like googling something I probably don’t care about, and I was right about that.

  • Rokudaime

    My interest in sports (in general, not just with football) is minus 1000. -_- Couldn’t care less.

  • Kel

    Is there a reason that the insert songs are not subtitled? In an anime about a band, I’d think that’s one of the more important things to subtitle. So yes, it matters a lot.

    Is there any hope for a v2 for each episode that does not have the insert songs subtitled? As it stands right now, your TV release of this series is superior to this release merely because the TV release has the insert songs properly subtitled.

  • Kel

    I extracted the subtitle file and it appears that the dialogue for the insert songs are there, but it’s not appearing because there was no timing code applied. It seems that it would be very easy for a softsub version of the insert song dialogue to be done with a v2. Did you not time these because it was a placeholder for hardsubbed karaoke?

    I’m not asking you to re-encode the entire episode in order to have hardsubbed karaoke of the song dialogue, but do think you should fix this by fixing the softsubs. That way, we’d at least see the song dialogue. This is an easy fix (could be done in a patch, even) and I hope you reconsider. For people waiting for your K-ON!! release for so long, it seems really strange to release it with this kind of mistake.

  • Jay-kun

    Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Drummin

    That was a ridiculous game yesterday. 4 lead changes in the last 3.5 minutes? This is the NFL that isn’t suppose to happen. But what started out as a game I didn’t really care about turned into a game where I could not leave my TV for the last 10 minutes of the game.

  • Kristen

    I’m gonna talk to the encoder about the songs. But I haven’t seen him for a few days.

  • Progeusz

    does it really matter if insert songs are not subbed? <- Of course. The Japanese put them there for a reason. Songs add to the mood of scenes. They understand what is sung, we don't, we should – primary principle of translating is delivering viewers who can't understand original language the same (or, as close as possible) experience while watching.
    Oh, it's good that they're somewhere in the script, patch would be nice.

    SF? Don't care what it is, I'm not American. Azu-nyan would be better.

  • Kel

    Thanks Kristen. I hope the insert songs can be added. And I really do appreciate all the hard work and effort on this project. I know you guys do a lot of work for these releases and I don’t want to be seen as needlessly complaining. I hope this series can finish on a good note with the songs included. Thanks.

  • Koffee

    If you’re going to do a v2 and add the insert song subs, can you also fix the very small grammatical error at 11:03ish? I think it should say “Is there such a thing?”

    And a selfish request to break Jun’s sentence at the 8:54ish mark. I think it sounds better if you break the second half of her statement and add it around the 8:56-7ish mark…but yeah, that just my selfishness. Sorry if I’m asking for something inconvenient. Its alright if you don’t, it’ll just take me a while to fiddle and edit the subs on my own.

  • gre

    well i never read the insert songs subs. i just enjoy the song without knowing what its saying. which is why i ask does it even matter.

  • LordDragon

    go go patriots! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • ThumperZ1

    The girls all signed a “plaque” not plack.’

  • chrstphr

    1. Megaupload is down, it’s founders have been arrested in New Zealand.
    2. I’m getting a bad crc on ep12 from fileserve (dl several times) – could you check please?

    thanks for the eps…regards…

  • Bob

    You’ll be releasing a Bluray batch right? The others’ 720p encodes are garbage

  • Jerry

    Nooooooooo Niners!

  • :)

    Will you guys be doing a full batch for this?

  • tdb

    Will episodes 25-26 ever be coming as BD rips? And a full batch of 1-27?

  • frez

    Will episodes 25-26 ever be coming as BD rips? And a full batch of 1-27? …or you guys wanted to release it together with k-on movie??.. by the way thank for the release….

  • Random Guy

    episode 25-26 and batch where?

  • sanguis

    I miss the days when chihiro was much more active… :O

  • Zacky

    It has been almost 1 and a half years…. Only waiting for the BD release of ep 25-26. Please release it sooon!! *anticipating*

  • Brandon

    I’m waiting for seeds for 19-21 batch and 22-24 batch been in my torrent list for about 5 months now and it’s only at 1.9% and 0.0% respectively. I actually downloaded THORA’s K-ON! first but they’ve had season 2 just sitting there incomplete for like 2 years or more so I came to Chihiro but it seems I was too late and everybody has already stopped seeding.

    It’s being completely reworked right now.

  • Brandon

    yeesss! can’t wait for the eps I’m gonna watch the crap outta them. Thanks… Kristen I guess since you’re the head slavemaster thanks for cracking those whips :-).

  • BeaRabbit

    sorry. its already 2 year since this post.
    i want to know are you guys still work number 25 – 26 and batch or this series is dropped.
    sorry if i have mistake

    Yes, we are still doing it.

  • Dear admin, nearly all of the K-ON!! 1080p torrent is dead !
    Please T_T re-seed.

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