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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 01-03 Released

I’ll let someone else explain stuff.

Someone else – Shit happened, but here it is. Enjoy!

Someone else else – This release needs CCCP + xy-vsfilter*, because we went crazy on the kfx. ^^
A special thanks to Doki who provided us a .ts for episode 1, and of course to our staff whose lives were turned into hell by a certain someone (aka me). ^^

* If you know how to set up your system, you may find CCCP to be a lacking or insufficient solution. However, as long as xy-VSFilter is included in the filter chain, it will work. Both the KFX and from now on also all the Typesetting in all shows will depend on it. Of course, we won’t support every setup possible here, so if you have problems, refer to the “if you know how to set up your system” part.



10 comments to Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 01-03 Released

  • grew

    something new, yup shit happened

  • mascthemoney

    soooo…. u guys back?
    hope u are.

  • well

    well shit, you guys are back

  • Daniel

    That ED is really killing me, what are your setup for MPC, I’m using CCCP with xy-vsfilters?

    Are you sure you’re really using xy-VSFilter, and not just regular VSFilter? Because not only will regular VSFilter break Typesetting from now on, it also is ridiculously slow in rendering when compared to xy-VSFilter. Just double-click on the tray icon and switch to the Version tab, it should tell you if you are using xy-VSFilter. If you are not, please refer to Playback Help, part 3.

  • dreamer2908

    You need Core 2 Duo 2×2.6 GHz or faster CPU and CCCP with xy-vsfilter.
    Slower CPU won’t be able to play that ED normally.

  • Lenmaer

    It only uses 10% of CPU resources with an old core i5 760 (Not OCed)

  • Eri-tan

    I just need an AMD Athlon X2 64 4800+ to play this fine w default installation of cccp+xy-vsfilters.

  • dreamer2908

    Core i5-760 which is 4×2.8GHz (3.33 GHz turbo) is far faster than my core 2 duo T6600 which is 2×2.2GHz. Old CPU is old >_>
    (Actually after OCing to 2.4GHz it can play that ED with about 60%.)
    (>mfw it doesn’t want to use all cpu resources.)

  • sigma

    can anyone post a link to site for VSFilter.dll dl please. not sure if there was supposed to be one in the playback help section on this site but didnt see one. so would be much appreciated.

    There’s a link to the xy-VSFilter project in the description. Also, look again under Playback Help, because there also is a link to xy-VSFilter project. We won’t link to the dll directly because that is going to be obsolete sometime and always updating the links is too much work for too little gain.

  • sigma

    ahh thx and i figured it out subs working just fine now thx and keep up the great work

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