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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun BD Vol.7!

Only the OVA left to do.

Batch with also patches for Vol.1-4 will be released after the OVA. ^^





Torrent 480P | Torrent 720P | Torrent 1080P

11 comments to Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun BD Vol.7!

  • mangamuscle

    Thanks for your dedication! πŸ™‚

  • Trevor Selar

    Thank you very much for your dedication, waitinG for the OVA,
    So, speak spanish but i see you version in english πŸ™‚

  • kz

    Thank you Chihiro for doing this Anime.

  • Shad

    Thank you so much for finish this! I love you so much! :3

  • zach

    thank you thank you!! can’t wait for the ova omg

    i cant even wait for the last remaining chapters of the manga to be scanlated in english. sometimes, i just wish i knew japanese haha (I MUST LEARN hnggg)

  • Jules

    Thank yuuuuu! i love you chihiro-subs team!

  • Xellon

    One of my all time fav love/comedy animes. Will yall be making a batch? If so, is there a need to re-download?

    There will be a batch with v2s, you won’t have to re-download as we will release patches.

  • junh1024


    Since Chihiro is the only group that has released any volumes of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun beyond V5, I am requesting a favour from Chihiro.

    Can you please rip & release in FLAC any soundtrack CDs from Vol. 5 of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and beyond?

    There are some BGM songs in episodes that isn’t on on the previous soundtrack CD (I think from V3?) and the unreleased songs may be on a CD from Vol. 5 or beyond. I am unable to confirm whether this is true or false, as information on V5+ discs is scant.

    thank you,


    I had a look, and none of the volumes seem to contain a soundtrack. Only some seiyuu talk, a duet between two seiyuu and a live event dvd.

  • Nuggets

    Please finish this series. I’d rather have this done than some ongoing TV releases -.-
    Sorry for the rant, but I’d like to watch this^^

    Soon ^^

  • Nico

    The second volume comes with a full soundtrack minus OP & ED.

    Ah, we only bought vol.5, 6 & 7. Sorry.

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