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Shinmai Maou no Testament – 10

shinmai10-premux.mkv_snapshot_15.57_[2015.03.17_20.01.45](click on the image 4 more fun)

In this episode we see the real power of Maria.

We’re still looking for new recruits that might help us release faster and have fun with us. And cute girls as well πŸ˜‰

Torrent | Usenet

P.S. For team #MioBestGirl.

8 comments to Shinmai Maou no Testament – 10

  • Black Rainbow

    We are looking for cute girls? Or for people that will have fun with cute girls?

  • Zerq

    Thank you! Let’s hope for BDs to arrive soon.

  • Rokudaime

    I know you just mean to say that she’s cute, and that looking at her is thus “fun” as in being entertaining, because she’s charming to look at, but for the record, refering to an image of a girl crying as “fun” sounds a bit off, and could definitely be interpreted the wrong way, and give people a bad impression of you, you know. πŸ˜›

    • The_Pretender

      Nope, the intent was different all together. In the first image she holds back to hit him, while on the second she is in his arms. 4(for) more fun part could be interpreted as the better part, while first shows how it all began or kind of.

      • Rokudaime

        Ok, so I was wrong about your intent. Still doesn’t change the fact that it could be (wrongly) interpreted in a way that could give people a bad impression of you though, unfortunately.

  • Maria

    #MariaBestGirl ftw!

  • ChaosUndivided

    all this speak of intent reminds me…

    timestamp 16:07

    maria: do you intent to die…

    should be intend..

    toujou might have the intent to die, but he does not intend to die

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