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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou – 05

[FE] monsume - 05 [3DA37731].mkv_snapshot_06.47_[2015.08.20_10.51.38]

(Click on the picture)

This episode is for healthy people, if you know what I mean. Well, in any case expect episode 06 soonish and 07 is up to the schedule!

Do you love monster girls? | Which one of them?

This release has two subtitle tracks:
– normal enm (default)
– with little localizing eng (secondary)

P.S. To switch the subtitle tracks in mpc click the “s” button on your keyboard.
P.S.2 Seems like I forgot to mux in the dialogue font in the rush to deliver it faster. Patch: here

15 comments to Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou – 05

  • Geese1

    Thanks for the new release!

  • sandoe41

    Thanks for the patch, enjoying your releases this season.

  • Yosumarainesu

    Thanks! Enjoying your release.

  • ars

    i needed a bit of lesbian slime in my life.

  • Yosumarainesu

    Don’t you mean, BISEXUAL slime?
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • LstFce2

    Hey I hate to be that guy but can some one help me with the patch? I tried it on both OSX (10.10) and Win 7. On OSX it says process completed but the file name hasn’t changed to v2. I also tried multipatch. On win7 I get a checksum error something about the source file being invalid I believe. I tried it with xdeltaUI too. So I figured maybe the file is corrupt. I download it again and checked the CRC. I tried again and get the same results. All files are in the same folder. When I used multipatch and xdeltaUI i put .xdelta filename extension to the xdelta3 file. Any help would be appreciated.

    • You tried to just run the .bat file on windows? Also make sure the original v1 file is named properly: [Chihiro]_Monster_Musume_no_Iru_Nichijou_-_05_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][DB82EEE8].mkv
      And a checksum error might also mean your original file is corrupt.
      That’s the name of the v2 file: [Chihiro]_Monster_Musume_no_Iru_Nichijou_-_05v2_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][A3E38E34].mkv
      So check the hash numbers at the end of your file, depending on what you have you might already have the v2.

      • LstFce2

        Yes I ran both the patch.bat and the patch_alternative.bat. As wells as on OSX i ran both command scripts, although i had to type “chmod u+x ” into the terminal and drag the script to the terminal window to get it to run (I don’t have a lot of experience with terminal so I dunno if there would be a different command I should use).

        Like I stated earlier I also tried using 2 other programs that worked for me before, Multipatch (OSX) and xdeltaUI (win). They are just programs that patch for you with the xdelta file.

        Thats what I thought at first, that the name was wrong or it was corrupt so I checked the file name and tried re downloading it. I also checked the hash numbers, i used AnimeChecker which checks the hash numbers (CRC32 #’s).

        See thats what Im starting to think that its v2 but it just never changed the file name.

        Even if we cant figure this out I appreciate the reply, ill just have to watch the v1 or get HS copy, I feel like a retard though, I’ve patched anime before but some reason I just cant get it to work.

        Also this is off topic but whats up with the web shorts? Is that not happening anymore or are you going to release it in a BD batch (If you do BD)?

        • Well, I tested again that patch last night against our v1 torrent, it worked on both ubuntu and windows.
          Can’t test on OSX, though… So I’ve no idea what’s going wrong.
          But if you’ve irc you could get that v2 file from our bot or PM me there, I could give you a temp http download link. I won’t give a public link for various security reasons.
          As for the BDs and the specials, only The_Pretender could give you an eta. But yes, we’ll do those.

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