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Winter 2016 Plans

Winter 2016

And here are our Winter 2016 picks! In case you didn’t guess already,
it’s Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (PV here) and Musaigen no Phantom World (PV here).
We’ll also finish Jitsu wa Watashi (there isn’t much left to do) and continue One-Punch Man.

As of our BD shows, nothing is dropped, we’ll do the BDs for our shows, some faster, some slower.
Also some of you noticed by now, we followed Doki’s example by not releasing corrected TV batches anymore, instead all corrections will be applied on the BD releases.
About Grisaia, it will have a nice little extra in its episodes, let’s say it’s something very unique, that you won’t find in any other release out there and will be appreciated by many.

In addition, we’ll also do the Locodol OVA and the Strike the Blood OVAs.

Now guys, we also need your support, now more than ever before!
To help us pay for the server and bots (about $20 per month, the other/remaining $60 per month is paid by us), but we are also still looking for more people to join us!

Happy Holidays and Happy New-Year to all of you anime lovers!

P.S.: Note that we’re interested in subbing the new Macross anime that airs in Spring, Macross Delta, and therefore are recruiting experienced people for that show. A joint with one or more groups is also a possibility.

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